WHO: Garak and whoever shows up (Feel free to threadjack and ignore posting order, ya drunks.)
WHAT: Getting drunk, self medication, and a stunning display of healthy coping mechanisms.
WHERE: The bar.
WHEN: Early evening until.
Let's get tore up from the floor up and come back for more. )
He frowned at Jack's scolding of the Starfleet doctor and waited until the man had carried out his own drunk medic before clapping a hand on Julian's shoulder, a comforting gesture and to also keep the other man from rushing off after the two of them.
"Subtly." Dean said. "They don't teach that at the fancy space military school you went to?" He reached around and motioned to the bartender. "Scotch for the Doc."
He picked up his drink while he waited for Julian's to come and grimaced as he took a sip. "Alright," The hunter raised his voice so he could be heard over the music and across the bar when Ford and Garak had taken refuge from the humans. "When I said put on some rock, I meant rock and roll. From Earth. Or something as close to what you aliens will find acceptable." Dean paused for a moment and passed a calculating glance at Julian. "Do they still make rock and roll in the 24th?"
The bartender produced a glass of scotch, setting it down beside the bottle Dean was working his way through.
"Was that Jack Bloody Harkness?" he asked.
"Indeed it was," Garak answered Ford. He smiled somewhat smugly into his glass as he lifted it for a long swallow. Not only had the crisis been averted, he was absolved of further babysitting duty and could now enjoy his slow spiral into intoxication. If he was lucky, Owen wouldn't remember a word Bashir said about his responsibility for his presence there, so he wouldn't be blamed when he came to.
He turned to Dean and grimaced. "Yeah ... well, no. "No, they don't teach it at the Academy and I've been told once before I could use a little help in the subtlety department." He nodded his head in Garak's direction and smiled.
"But Owen did surprise me when he replied. I was expecting to be able to come in, ask the question, get no response, administer the hypo, and be done with it. That's a lot of alcohol he consumed. It's amazing he was able to hear my question at all. But Jack? I don't take offense with Jack. He seems to have a long history with Owen that I don't have. How would I know what works with him and what doesn't?"
Taking the seat Owen had vacated and had kept warm, Julian put his med kit aside. "Besides, there is one thing you never do and that is never treat and administer care to another doctor who can still speak and who can still hear you speak. Period. It's an insult to them. When I appear on the scene I get so focused on assessing the patient and determining what is best for them that I automatically ask that question if I feel for any reason they might be able to give me an answer. Humans are still quite happy to sue in the 24th century and there is a special joy in suing doctors, it seems."
Julian pushed up his sleeves and took hold of the glass of scotch. "Rock and Roll? Yes, of course! It's not popular on Bajor or Cardassia, but on earth its very popular. The joke with Chief O'Brien and myself is that between the two of us, our tastes run the gamut to include every rock song from the mid 20th century to 2373. He loves Elvis Presley. I don't."
Julian took a sip of his scotch and looked at Ford and nodded in reply to his question to Garak. Looking around the bar, he wondered if anyone might be in the mood for a game of darts.
Dean frowned at the music selections. "Elvis had his moments. Not a big fan of him myself."
He sighed a little and pulled the Gargle Blaster over that had been taken from Owen's hands. "What the hell is in this damn drink anyway? He had one and it was like his brain just decided to flat line."
He looked to Garak for his opinion on the subject of why humans shouldn't drink Gargle Blasters.
Satisfied with himself for the succinct explanation, he tossed back the rest of his second Gargle Blaster. "It's quite simple. It's a different form of alcohol than the human body is able to process. You drink ethanol. Ol' Janx Spirit is 2-methylpropan-2-ol. Or is that 2-methylbutan-2-ol?" He had to think about it. The Gargle Blasters were working their magic. "The first. The marsh gas...could be toxic. It could be a cumulative effect. What was clear is that the young man intended to die." The bartender brought him another drink.
Julian sat up straight, his eyebrows raised in astonishment and directed his question to Garak. "So, he intentionally consumed this highly toxic drink knowing exactly what was in it and that humans could not tolerate it?"
He gave Dean a slight grin before turning back around and finishing his drink. The tender placed another scotch on the bar in front of him and walked away.
"Well, to Jack, then. May all of his efforts to help Owen pay off." Julian took a big gulp of his drink and leaned back in his chair.
OOC: This post was meant to be a reply to Dean's request for some rock music. Posted out of order.
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