The soup kitchen is located in the cafeteria of the high school. You can try stopping in whenever, but there's no guarantee that you'll find meals except for at these times:
Breakfast from 8 AM - 11 AM. This will generally be a buffet-style affair, with the staples being muffins, a variety of breads, sweet and cinnamon rolls, and any sort of fruit or vegetable they can scrounge up. There may sometimes be breakfast meats, and there is always water.
Dinner is from 4 PM - 7 PM. These meals will be more varied, and also more of the sit-down sort, but you can always find (again) muffins, bread, sweet and cinnamon rolls, and in addition croissants, biscuits, lollipops and pie (they taste like mana, which is probably good but is without much description). Meat will be more common, although there will be fruits/veggies/something for non-meat eaters as well. Actual soup is probably a staple, but there will other things as well. Desserts other than the pie and lollipops are possible, but are probably in small quantities.
On Sundays, dinner will start at 5 PM for Stone Soup! This is basically where everyone brings something to contribute to the soup (or any sides) and they all bond and have a grand old time.
If you steal stuff from the kitchen, Meryl will kick your ass. (Carrying food home is okay.)
If your character would like to help out, talk to Meryl ICly and/or fill the form on the bottom out!
Head: Meryl Winterstorm
medanmyboyTimes they work: every day
Iji Kataiser
ijianomalyPosition: Cooking (but only if she has clear instructions -- she's good at cooking out of boxes, not from scratch), cleaning, supplying food (fresh meat), anything else that needs doing
Times they work: Every day
dontkickitPosition: Atoli looks for supplies a lot, so she'd always bring a little something (not meat but little canned foods/things like that) and she would love to help serve. Cleaning is also something she can do if they need some extra help in that area.
Times they work: Most weekdays from 10AM - 12PM, 5PM - 7PM
If your character is working/would like to work at the kitchen:
Character name
Position: What do they do for the kitchen? Serve food? Clean up? Wash dishes? Supply food?
Times they work: Which days to they volunteer?
last updated: november 24th