((So, I have no clue where else to post this, but I've gotten a lot of interest regarding this, so I'm posting it here. Any questions, feel free to contact me, or post here. Thank you all for responding and showing your interest! I'm super excited to be hosting this!))
I have made the call to battle, and many have raised their voices to answer the call. As such, I shall organize a tournament of fighting skill and power in non-lethal combat. The tournament will take place three weeks from now, presumably at Horizon Park unless a better location can be found. Should there be any change to this, it will be posted immediately to here and to my own personal frequency.
What is it? This is a competition for those skilled in combat. Any soul is welcome to join, so long as you agree to honor the rules of the tournament. There will be two parts to the tournament: melee, and ranged combat. Melee shall engage in melee battles, and ranged in ranged battles. Participation is encouraged, and there will be space set aside for those who wish to watch between their matches (or those who choose not to fight but still would like to watch).
What are the rules? First, this is non-lethal combat. It is sparring, and as such serious physical injury to another individual during the competition will be grounds for disqualification to be decided by the judge(s). Death of an adversary is automatic disqualification from the tournament and banishment from any further such competition.
All contestants must APPLY before midnight ((EST)) of Thursday, April 15th. To apply, respond to this with the following information: Your name, any titles you have earned, weapon of choice, where you hail from (either your home world, or from within Discedo), if you are presently chipped or not, if you intend to use any powers for those who have removed their chips, and any secondary weapons you may wish to bring.
Also, for those who no longer possess chips: You may choose to not use your powers during the competition when you apply. This may not be changed. If you opt to not use your powers, you will fight normally and be disqualified if you do use your powers. If you opt to use your powers, you will be given some sort of handicap determined by the judge(s). This handicap is to be relatively balanced to what the powers are capable of, and is removed if you are fighting another power-using combatant. This is to balance those who have the unfortunate disability of being chipped with the unfair advantage of those who are not.
When will this be? The 1st round of combat shall begin on Saturday, April 17th. Winners from each series of battles shall move on to the next round, to combat those who have won their battles. Melee warriors shall only combat other melee warriors, and ranged warriors will be tested at their skill against one another in a separate series of battles. Only the top winner of the melee competition and the ranged competition will face one another in the final competition.
All combatants are given 2 days of rest before the next round of battle. Thus, the 2nd round will be held on Tuesday, April 20th. Only those who win their battle shall move on to the next round. Combatants will be posted by 3 am the day of the competition (i.e. 3am Saturday, 3am Tuesday).
Any further information will be noted here as the need arises.
I look forward to seeing all of you fight well and with honor. May the gods favor you in your trial.
Lastly... is there any soul that is skilled in making arrows or "bullets" that discharge an ink or other marking rather than inflicting injury?
((OOC INFORMATION: Once the tournament roster is posted, you have until midnight of the final day before the next round to contact and post a log of your battle (i.e. I need the 1st round completed by 11:59pm EST MONDAY so that I can post the new roster.) Please log your battle in Discedo Logs, and in the summary post the winner so I can easily access that information. If you are unable to do a log with your competitor (can't get ahold of them, you are busy, etc.), please let me know before the due date. If no log is posted and neither party gets hold of me ahead of time, a random winner will be chosen, or both will be "disqualified due to inflicted injury". If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, either by posting here or sending me a message on here or AIM (both LJ and AIM are waywardvalkyrie). If you would like to help out or plot, you are also welcome to contact me. At present, I am the only "judge", though Kaiba and Lillet have both offered their assistance as non-combatants.