It's almost like the Sorting Hat's getting advice from the students.

Apr 02, 2007 23:31

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I’ve always liked Quidditch. The idea of flying around on the broom, passing the Quaffle back and forth, it’s always amazed me. For me, being a Quidditch player would be absolutely wonderful.

    Thing is, I’ve never been too good at sports. The only sports I can somewhat participate in without being laughed at are track & field and cross country. This has led me to believe that I am a runner and not a flier. I am also one of the most uncoordinated people in the entire world so passing a Quaffle, catching one, beating away Bludgers, or catching the Snitch would be a problem if I was to succeed without falling off of my broomstick. So no, my profession would not be a Quidditch star. I’ve just added this portion to my application so that you know that I would certainly like to be one.

    Anyway. If I was to think of a job that I actually could perform well and would enjoy, it would probably be as a shopkeeper of Diagon Alley. Not only has that always stood out in my mind for some reason as the only place a wizard can work other than the Ministry of Magic, I think I would really enjoy it. Diagon Alley gets so many different people walking through it everyday. If I owned a shop, I could meet them and get to know them. It’d be really interesting.

    Working as a professor at Hogwarts would actually be a very cool job, now that I think about it. In real life, I would like to become an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher and working at Hogwarts is in the same area. I would get the same feelings of meeting different people while also getting the “homey” feeling of Hogwarts that I’ve always enjoyed about the books.

    Okay, sorry, I’m indecisive. My final answer is a professor at Hogwarts. Or maybe Beauxbatons... Oh goodness, I really am awful. XD

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    I suppose it would depend on what I excelled at during my time at Hogwarts. Lot of good it would do the students if someone who failed Charms were trying to teach them a Cheering Charm! Assuming that I have some talent in all of the subjects though, I would have to choose Transfiguration. Others on my list of possibilities include Care of Magical Creatures, for I love animals, and Charms, just because that’s always been my favorite HP class up with Transfiguration, but since the question says to choose one, I choose Transfiguration.

    Transfiguration is really a fascinating subject. To be able to turn something into something else is just…mind-boggling. (Haha. That is such a funny word. Sorry, it’s late and I’m easily amused. Let’s get back to what I was talking about though…) Transfiguration is one of the things I have always associated with magic, as well as Charms.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    One thing that is pretty obvious about me if you meet me in real life is that I am paranoid. Super paranoid. As in the type of person who usually sits in the car outside a convenience store, crossing her fingers in hope that the person who just walked in doesn’t rob the place. So to think that I would have enough courage to willingly put my name into a goblet (of fire, nonetheless…although I can be pyromaniac-like at times…darn, off topic again) to possibly enter a life-binding contest with previous fatalities is absurd. I would probably die of stress from worrying so much before my name was even picked, if I even got that lucky.

    I would like to experience something like the TriWizard Tournament, yes, definitely, but not until all of the tasks are perfectly safe and not scary, thank you very much. (Typing this, I feel like such a terrible person knowing that I am supposed to be a Gryffindor in other communities. Bad Marissa, bad Marissa. Waaait, now I sound like Dobby. Great.)

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    At first I wanted to say a puppy. They are just so cute. I soon realized that puppies being cute is probably the worst reason anyone could come up with for choosing an animagus form so I changed my mind. Next animal I thought of was a tortoise. Really, those things live forever, it’d be great if I could be a tortoise. I soon realized that I wouldn’t actually like living as a tortoise and that I would need to use my animagus form if I was in danger, and tortoises aren’t exactly known for running away quickly or putting up a good fight. Now please wait a moment as I think of some unique animals.

    Lucky, you didn’t actually have to wait. I’ve come up with something though! You’re proud of me, I’m sure. My animagus form would be an Emperor Tamarin. (Would you like to see how I would look if I ever got enough knuts for those books? Check out a picture of an Emperor Tamarin, courtesy of Wikipedia, here.)

    I wanted to be a monkey because they are, for lack of a better word, awesome. Not exactly sure why I think that though so I’ll just move on to why I chose the Emperor Tamarin. According to Wiki, which I trust and love with all of my heart, Emperor Tamarins move quickly and have the ability to make broad jumps from tree to tree. The way I see it is that the only time I’ll really have to use my animagus form is to get away from danger. Humans, or at least me personally, cannot jump from tree to tree and that seems the best way to get away from danger to me. Unless there are no trees and in that case, Emperor Tamarins are small and I’m assuming that they can move quickly along the ground as well.

    I may have to occasionally use my animagus form to save someone. That is when I distract the dangerous person with that moustache that Emperor Tamarins have, which I think is probably the coolest thing in the world. Monkeys with moustaches = love. Also, I could definitely cheer some people up with my moustache and why not cheer people up if you are able to?

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    I always want to say Fred and George Weasley but then I remember that they are who I want to be, not who I am.

    Although I don’t identify with her completely, I share a few characteristics with Hermione Granger. (Yes, I added her last name in just in case you got confused by all of the Hermiones in the book.) I care a lot about my schoolwork. Since I was young, I’ve always been one of the best students. I also share the attitude of movie!Hermione sometimes but I can’t really remember how similar that is to book!Hermione because I haven’t read the books in so long. By attitude I mean how she reacts when Ron says something stupid to her. Yes, I’d react that way usually. I also feel strongly about certain things, like she does with S.P.E.W., although I haven’t come up with any clubs with silly initials just yet.

    I am quite different than Hermione though, which I think you should know if sorting me. Sure, she’s the one I identify with most but we most certainly aren’t identical or anything. Hermione is much more motivated than I am. While she may do her homework the second she gets out of class, I’m usually the one doing the homework the second before she gets into class. Maybe not that exaggerated though. More like the hour before. Heh. We both always get it done though (except for those English responses I forgot to do this week…nevermind, different story) so we share at least that too.

    Hermione is also much more in love with her schoolwork. I acknowledge that it is important and I do it but I’m certainly not in love with it. If I was given the choice between doing it and not, 99% of the time I won’t; the opposite goes for Hermione.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    I’d probably see me old (but not looking very old please XD), happy, and accomplished. My worst fear is that I’m just going to be “another person” with no real meaning in anything. I’d like to have actually done something in my life. I want to live my life with some excitement, doing something most people don’t normally do. So yes, I’d look at myself in the Mirror of Erised and know (or think, since the Mirror of Erised doesn’t predict the future or anything) that I did something.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    Traveling the world. I really want to travel to places like Asia and Europe. I have this crazy obsession with cultures and I’d like to actually go to the places I read about. At the moment, the place I want to go most is Japan. It costs a lot of money to go to Japan and even more to live there but with my million dollars, I could do it with money left over. I’d also visit France and Italy again, because I loved them so much when I went there when I was younger. Plus England, since England seem really cool. Then South Africa and Egypt and Australia and Brazil and…*dreams*

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    Veterinarian. By the time I was seven, I had already decided and told everyone that I was going to the University of Pennsylvania for veterinary science and that I was going to be a veterinarian. Growing up (and still…since I’m still growing up) I always had two dogs and some other random pets like frogs, fish, or snails, so I’ve always had this love for animals. People knew that I had/have the grades to get into vet schools and they encouraged me to go that path.

    Things change though, sadly enough. I’ve recently realized that my love for cultures and my want to travel overpower my love for animals and that I can still have animals doing whatever I do. So I planned out my life. Again. It will change but it’s what I want to do as of now and all I can do is live in the moment. Right now, my ideal job is to teach English as a foreign language in Japan. I want to get TEFL certification and go work for NOVA, a chain of schools teaching English.

    At random points in the veterinarian part of my life, I did want to be other things. These included being an actress, a dream that was quickly crushed by everyone I revealed it to, a singer, a dream quickly crushed when I discovered I can’t sing, and a firefighter, a dream quickly crushed when I realized that as much as I admire firefighters, I could never have that kind of bravery.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    The Universal Curing Potion. It sounds so cheesy and corny or whatever but yes, that is what I would create. Instead of creating individual vaccines for each and every disease in the world, all someone has to do is create a Universal Curing Potion. (I make it sound so easy. Gosh, I love magic.) It would cure virtually any disease, from AIDS to the common cold. I’d make a big vat of it and give it out to everyone for little or no cost. Not sure how I would pay for that but you know, that’s not part of the question.

    (No, this is not me trying to make you think that I am this happy person who loves the world and is perfect and kind and all of that. This is me saying that I am sad and no longer want to hear of people dying of cancer and things of that nature.)

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    It would most likely be a dead version of myself. Yeah, I know, look at me being selfish and not saying my friends’ dead bodies or something but yes, I am scared (to death) of dying. I am scared to know what it feels like not to be living and because I have not yet communicated with the dead, I do not have any idea. The unknown is usually frightening for me so death is a bit of a problem, being a very unknown-ish thing.

    As for the counter-spell, it probably wouldn’t work. I’d have to do it a few times because I am sure my talent at this and any other spell would be miniscule. If I finally got it to work though, it would turn into a mummified version of me. A moving mummy of course. Pansy or Parvati or whoever that was may find it to be scary but I find mummies to be absolutely hilarious.

  • What do you look for in a friend?
    I usually don’t look for friends. I usually just meet someone and we accept each other as friends. No real criteria or anything. If I had to come up with a list of sorts though, I would definitely include some sense of humor. I haven’t met many people without at least some sense of humor but I can imagine that not having one would be bad for our relationship. I also look for someone who I know isn’t going to talk about me behind my back or anything because I hear enough about these things from my younger friends (and my mother with her gossip…>>) and I’ve decided that I do not want drama like that in my life.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?
    Prejudice. I usually get along fine with people but anyone racist or any other kind of -ist, I cannot stand. No, really, I cannot stand in the same room as them or my head will explode. I’m an accepting person who can’t accept people who don’t accept people. Yeah, that’s it. XD

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    If I wasn’t so sure that it would get me some no votes, I’d skip this question.
    -Intelligence. Don’t know how it happened but I seem to have some intelligence. I don’t like talking about this though. Um, if you want any proof…umm, I skipped a grade and am still at the top of my class in most subjects? Yeah. I don’t actually care about this though, just people concerned that I am 13 and a freshman.

    -Motivation. If I actually like what I am doing, I am very motivated to do it and have the willpower to be able to finish it. This only applies to things I like though.

    -Curiosity. To show this, I will give you an example: Wikipedia. While looking up things on Wikipedia, I always click the links provided in the articles. I think to myself, “Hey, what if some really important information is here and I miss it because I didn’t click just this one?” and from these articles, I learn a lot. I also always end up on some article on Al Capone but that’s an entirely different story.

    -Running abilities. I am certainly not the best runner in the world but I may have some talent. Not much, noooo, definitely not much, but some. I was raised with my parents, both runners and who would not introduce their children to a sport other than running unless they asked. My brother asked and he is now good at every single sport, including running. I never asked and I am awful at every sport except running. I’m okay at running. Long distance though, never short. (This doesn’t relate at all to the sorting does it...oh well. Maybe Slytherins or Hufflepuffs are really good runners or something.)

    -Language learning abilities. You know how they say there is that cone where kids can learn languages really well up until a certain age? I think my cone may be wider than other people’s or something. Or maybe it’s just that I like learning languages more than everyone else does. Either way, I’m pretty good with languages. Learning Japanese on my own as well as studying French in school right now. I hope to learn Italian later. I’ve tried learning Korean too but I can’t understand it in the least bit…guess the cone isn’t that wide.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    -Motivation. (Heyy, this looks familiar!) Or lack of it, actually. Unless I am really interested in something, I have no motivation to do it. Because of this, I procrastinate a lot with leads to a lot of other nasty habits. Yes, my lack of motivation is definitely a big weakness.

    -Inability to talk to people. Over the internet, I’m fine and often crazy. I’m actually a shy person in real life to people I don’t know though. I’m not outgoing and that is a weakness for me.

    -Lack of coordination. I have none. It just isn’t there. I wasn’t born with any coordination and it really upsets me. For example, I often fall out of the chair in front of my desk. It’s a wooden chair, no spinning things or anything, just a wooden chair. I fall out it all of the time. I guess it’s more like clumsiness. I don’t really understand if there is a difference between the two or not though so let’s just say that I am clumsy and lack coordination.

    -Low self esteem. I don’t think anything I do is good and it leads to a lot of self-doubt. For example, I’m writing these weaknesses ten times as fast as I wrote those strengths. Not much more to elaborate on this one though…

    -Ability to become obsessed. I am easily obsessed with things. I have no idea why this happened but it is a part of my personality that I cannot change. Things I have become obsessed with include Harry Potter and various bands in Johnny’s Entertainment, a Japanese Pop agency. Many of my obsessions take over previous obsessions and because of this, I move on from obsession to obsession quickly. I am proud to say though that the HP obsession never really passed and that I’ve been an HP fangirl from the beginning.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: If someone is courageous, he or she can look something that they fear in the eye and face it. This does not necessarily require getting over the fear but if that person is able to face it and not turn away, he or she are courageous.
    • Loyalty: If someone is loyal, he or she will stand by the people that they are loyal no matter what. To be loyal, you have to truly be able to stick with someone or something through thick and thin, as the saying goes.
    • Intelligence: shutterbug12 said perfectly with, “Intelligence is an ability to process new information efficiently.” My own words though? Well, to have knowledge is to already know a lot. Someone who is intelligent can be told something and through whatever happens in the brain, can turn it into knowledge. Or something like that. All I know is that it really isn’t the same as being smart of knowledgeable.
    • Ambition: To be ambitious is to seriously strive for something and work hard towards achieving that goal.

  • Name: Marissa
  • Age: 13
  • Where did you find out about us?
    Someone mentioned the community at hp_awards. Sorry, I can’t remember who it was.

    Ehmm…that may have been a bit long, I can’t tell. If you noticed, it started getting shorter at the end because I wanted to finish but it’s getting late. Two hours I think I’ve been doing this? It was fun though. :D Thanks in advance to anyone who votes, I really appreciate it. Now to get some sleep before track practice tomorrow!

    Edit: Sorry, the coding for the LJ usernames was messed up because I wrote my application in Microsoft Word. Silly program.

sorted: ravenclaw, term vii

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