Goodness, That Was Thought-Provoking. [:

Apr 02, 2007 19:01

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    Hm... What a question! Well, I'm going to have to venture to say a Healer. Ever since I was about 6 I've had a thing for medicine and finding way to fix things. When my mom was studying for her massage therapy exams (I was about 7) she had an anatomy coloring book (sounds kinda pervy, doesn't it? Haha) and she used to let me color the pages she didn't have to do and that's when I seriously began to consider working in the (muggle) Medical field. Now, I want to be a lawyer but I think that maybe bringing out my inner child and showing my way of wanting to help others in another manner may just be a little more interesting. Plus, who could pass up the oppurtunity to force people to drink nasty potions? I'd be like Snape, only more powerful and less greasy. [:

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    Gosh, no one said it was going to be this hard. Um... I'd probably enjoy something very hands on but something that people would use often, as well. With this in mind, I'm going to have to say Charms. There's a bit of a science to it (as there is with every subject, I'm sure) but it's not a class that will be easily forgotten. The things you're going to learn are going to stick with you cause you'll probably end up using them alot. Plus, it's gotta be cool to watch the awe that comes across young student's faces when they see that, for the very first time, it's them who is making things float in mid-air. I don't think i'd ever get tired of seeing something like that.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    No because I believe in self-preservation and yes because I can be a show-off when I really want to be. Ack. I can't decide. I think I'm going to have to say yes, though. However, it's not for the show-off factor. Haha. I'd probably do it for myself more than anyone else. I wouldn't much care about the fame or the prize but for the memory that, even if I lost or didn't get accepted, I was brave enough to try. Though, winning would defiantly be a plus. ;]

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    A jackalobe. >:3 ...Okay, not really but my Law teacher would be very proud of that answer. My serious answer is probably a Hummingbird for the simple reason that they're quick and intelligent. Smart people tend to take a little longer in their reactions because they're thinking about what they should do but not these birds. Oh no, they sense danger and there is no brief pause before they've managed to leave you standing there wondering if you really had just seen what you thought you had. It's all in the skill. Plus, they're pretty. [:

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    Haha. I've never really thought of it but I'd probably venture to say that -more often than not- I'm like Hermione. I can be pushy and I'm all about reading and researching about things, as well. I'm not a very difficult person to get along with and I think outside of the box like she does sometimes, too. My loyalty to my friends is very strong but I'm not too afraid to tell them when I think they're making a wrong decision or not taking certain things into consideration but I'm not so honest that I would tell Ron that he was horrid at Qudditch when he still was. I'm sugar-coat it, just like she did. [:

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    Me kissing Rupert Grint and my mom who looks just as healthy and bright as she once had if not better. Scratch that, she would look a thousand times more glowing then before. I'd see us at peace with each other and in perfect understanding of what the other was going through. Life would be so much more enjoyable for both of us if things were that way and I think the rest of my dreams and ambitions would fall into place with just that. There's no need for anything else.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    I'd set some of it aside for my brother's college tuition, pay off my grandmother's house so she would never had to pay another bill on it again, send my dad to a UFC match and get him front row seats next to some famous celebrity that he could talk to in between fights and I'd probably donate the rest to various groups for SIDs, Angelman Syndrome, teen mothers and battered woman. Giving back to all of those groups that has helped my family in some way, shape or form at one time or another would probably make it all seem a little worth it. Plus, I already have everything I need. I'm a spoiled little girl, you see. ;]

    ...Okay, so maybe I'd like a new iPod, aswell. Mine is kinda beat up. >_> 100 dollars out of that million shouldn't hurt too much, right...?

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    Ahhhh! I already answered this! Haha. But, I'll go ahead and do it again... In detail. As a child, I wanted to deliver babies. I love babies. All babies. No matter what. However, when I was about 9 my aunt gave birth to a still born baby girl (RIP Elizabeth<3) and when my mom looked at me and asked, “If you were that doctor, you wouldn't be able to cry. You'd have to be strong, for your patient. Could you handle that?” Even then, I knew that I wouldn't be able to. But, I still wanted to do something big. I've always had a thing for making a name for myself. So, CSI became my thing. I had to be a Crime Scene Investigator...Until I saw an episode of Forensic Files where they examined a charred body. I almost lost my lunch just looking at it on TV, I'd have lost my entire stomach if I had to do it in real life. So, dead people investigating is out of the question. Next career, please! Now, Medical Law is a great combination of them all. You get to do your detective work and your medical research while staying clean, clear and not touching charred bodies. [: What more could a girl ask for!? So, now, I'd like to be a Medical Lawyer.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    Well, as an older sister to a very...exuberant little boy, I would have to say a charm that could create a replica of yourself to babysit when you wanted to go to the mall and hang out with friends while you're parents were at- Okay, so not really. But, you have to admit, that'd be rather nice. To be perfectly honest, I'd probably make a potion that helped to ensure safer pregnancies. My family has a horrible history with miscarriages, babies born with weak immune systems and babies who didn't form exactly as they were supposed to (it's nothing grotesque, I promise<3. We're not that abnormal). As cliché as it sounds, babies are our future. The last thing I want is for the next Thomas Jefferson to be born with a weak immune system and end up passing away due to his body's lack of the proper defense against illness. It's a dangerous world, for infants and things like this should be the least of their worries.

    Hm.... I'd probably try to keep it simple and Latin (or attempted Latin >_>) like “ortus expletus”. “Perfect birth” and all. [:

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    ...Do I have to be honest about this? I mean, it's a tad bit embarrassing... Okay, okay. I'll be honest but please note that if you tell anyone I'm going to have to... go into hiding for the rest of my life rid you and everyone you told of this very embarrassing important information.

    (Highlight below for my answer)

    A duck.

    And with Riddikulus it would turn into a pink duck with pretty ribbons in it's...feathers? Can you do that? Oh well, that's beside the point. But, yea. I'd make it look all pretty and girly and then yell, “NOT SO TEMPTED TO BITE ME NOW, ARE YOU!? HUH!? YEA! THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!”


  • What do you look for in a friend?
    Optimism, intelligence and debating skills are the most important, oddly enough. I mean, I do cherish honesty, loyalty and kindness, too but I find that it's a lot more fun to be able to lead a pleasant, semi-intelligent conversation with someone who is not all “THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING, AHHH!” and who doesn't just smile and nod when you state your opinion. I enjoy a person who can look me dead in the eye and say, “Well, I believe otherwise.” Being able to form you own opinion is really important to me because it seems that so many don't even bother to try, anymore. So, I look for people who can keep me on my toes cause they're the mold-breakers, more often than not.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?
    Close-mindedness and unaccepting people make me want to try to hex someone show an extreme expression of annoyance. I don't mind being against something as long as you have a decent reason for it. And, no, “just because” isn't a decent reason. Haha. Stingy people, too. If you have it, share it. There's not too much to explain with that one. Another is really rude people. Y'know, the kids that bump into you in the hall and just keep walking or who step on your flip-flop and cause you to lose your balance for a moment on the steps but don't turn back to make sure you're okay. Yea, they annoy. Bad.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    Um... Wow. My nightmare, come alive: talking about my qualities. Here, i'll ask my mom, okay? Haha. Well, not really. She'd probably list a bunch of lame stuff like my “sweet heart” and “keen sense of expression”.

    If I had to guess, I'd say that my knack for seeing things from other people's points of view before forming an opinion is one. Another would probably be my serious obsession with sympathizing with people. It's gotten me walked all over a few times in the past but I haven't given up on it, yet. I'm pretty good at reading between the lines, as well. Y'know, thinking outside the box. That sort of thing. Hm... I can get along with almost anyone. It kinda comes with growing up with so many cousins who are nothing alike. You learn how to connect with all types of people, that way. And finally, I'm rather good with retaining information. It makes school so easy cause I never have to study anything. If I learn it once, then remembering it is pretty much a guarantee.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    One: I talk a lot. No explanation needed seeing as you've probably noticed this within the first question. Haha. I honestly don't know when to just shut my mouth and accept things as they are. It gets me into a little bit of trouble, sometimes...

    Two: I'm horrid about first impressions. I mean, my opinion of someone usually changes pretty quickly but the little things make my mind tick off with so many ideas of how I think that person would react to certain things. It's what has ultimately kept me from meeting a lot of the friends I have now until a later time. I'm just glad I get over my first impressions fairly easily but that doesn't make it any the less rude. ]:

    Three: I won't tell people the truth about something if I fear it'll hurt their feelings. I have a friend who is a horrid singer. It's not ear-bleeding-bad, but it's pretty bad. And, although I really know I should tell her what I really do think, I won't because I know that she's not making a scene out of it and embarrassing herself so I just try to let her keep in her mind that she's good at it so that I won't hurt her feelings. One day, I'll tell her. But, for now I'm just letting her have her fun.

    Four: I'm sarcastic. Like, bad. I won't blatantly insult someone (It's just not in my nature) however, I will make a sarcastic comment to try to tell someone when they're acting inane or immature. I can't see how anyone could settle for less than they are capable of so I guess it's my way of trying to tell people to step up and quit being anything less.

    Five: I know people say that there's no such thing as a stupid question. I think there is, though, and I hate being asked them. If I'm on MSN and someone says, “What are you doing?” I can understand it cause they're not there. But, when I'm sitting in the mall eating lunch and my boyfriend sits down next to me and goes, “So, what are you doing?” I get kinda ticked. I mean, isn't it obvious that I'm eating by the way I have a mouth full of food shoved in my cheek making me look like a chipmunk while my jaw and moving up and down to break up my meal? Usually, that's when my sarcasm (see above) comes in.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: The ability to stand up for yourself and/or the people important to you in moments of fear and doubt.
    • Loyalty: Putting your person and/or reputation at risk for the sake of something important to you or someone special.
    • Intelligence: Knowledge of not just facts and information but of the way things work and true understanding. [:
    • Ambition: The strive to achieve your dream and/or goal no matter what you may have to sacrifice.

  • Name: Ciara.
  • Age: 2 -damn young 15.
  • Where did you find out about us? Oh! Um, I read about it on xc0l0rful's LJ. (Congrats, by the way! [:)

I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors. I'm babysitting and typing. Not such a good combination. Haha. And, I do hope I explained enough...

sorted: hufflepuff, term vii

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