(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 00:27

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    Probably a journalist for the Daily Prophet or the Quibbler because then I wouldn’t be lodged in one place for very long amounts of time plus I would have the ability to be vocal about my opinions (well, that would really depend on where I worked and what I would be doing in that particular sector) while still keeping to a creative and yet highly stable job. As a matter of fact I would probably enjoy working for the Quibbler more because even though the credibility and probably even pay would be greatly lessened then one would make at the Daily Prophet there doesn’t seem to be any restraint to the endless possibility’s that one could make into a story it could range in importance from say The boy who lived to a Yeti search in the Amazon.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

    No matter how much of a hatred I have for Snape, I’d probably say Potions because it basically the magical equivalent of Chemistry which I am utterly infatuated with. I have this amusement with learning what causes reactions with what or why something will react in a negative or positive way with whatever it is being mixed with. Next on the list would probably be Herbology for nearly the same reason, plus taking care of plants (or plant like creatures in some examples) would be pretty fun because I like feeling like I’m depended upon and almost needed. Also, I like to spend time outside and taking care of plants would provide plenty of time out doors.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

    I would probably do it, then pray that I don’t get picked. I would work up the nerve to put my name in and then think about it logically and probably psyche myself out. I would much rather prefer to cheer on one of my friends and land a “supporting role” because once again, I’d much rather be needed than be the one needing. I’m much more of a behind the scenes person that really likes to get attention in a lot of situations, but not as much as one would get if she were the star… if that makes sense. Here’s to hoping I don’t get picked ;)

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

    I dunno, lately I’ve found myself wanting to be a small woodland creature (I know, how fairytale of me, but seriously, do you realize how immensely useful it would be? I mean you’d be small enough to fit in places most people couldn’t and therefore able to explore much more than the world would ever see. When you really think about it, the world of say a squirrel would be so massively different than one of a human, because first off, they know the world, not the HDTV pixilated version that most of us are accustomed to and they’ve probably seen so much more than we could ever imagine. Plus there are wildly intelligent by nature where as we have to tirelessly have someone show us or explain to us how to do something as simple as walking. It has me nearly amazed.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    Probably… well, jeez. Probably Tonks. She just has this demeener about her that I can really identify with, especially her inability to stay the same and her want to an individual. She often comes off as cheerful (or at least she did when she wasn’t depressed over Remus) and careless until she feels the need to get on focus and then she becomes a very determined girl. There’s also this way about her that inadvertently calls for respect and I like to think that I have that same physique about me.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    That’s really hard because happiness can change from second to second but at the current time it would be me surrounded by all of my friends. We would all be happy, healthy and prosperous with maybe even families of our own yet still having that same tight knit friendship that we have right now in our high school years. If it wouldn’t be me and my friends it would be me with a family, preferably a loving husband and three children who are whatever happen to want to be. I’ve always wanted a part of a family a large family. I mean, mine is decent enough in size and I love them all but, I dunno. I want kids, definitely.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

    I’m a horribly compulsive spender, if it weren’t for my dad standing over my shoulder as it is I would be broke, so I’d probably spend a lot of it on things I don’t really need. Also, I’m horrible about lending out money then not collecting it. I guess I have a trust in other people to give me back my money and have less of a courage then it takes to stand up against my friends to either say no, I cant help you out or saying hey, give me the money I deserve. I feel like its my job to help my friends even if I come off the worse for it.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    As a kid I loved to argue and I wanted to be a lawyer, but as I grew up that dream sort of faded, partially because I got less and less ambitious over time and partly because my writing skills grew. When I was little I was told that I was a horrible writer and was even sent to Summer schooling for it, but that just made me more willing to make everyone see that I could. After a short time of effortless writing, I got heavy influences from friends and my English teacher to do something involving writing. I valued their opinions and tried out for the art high school under the creative writing department and that’s where I am write now, hoping to be an English teacher.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    It would probably be a charm to stay more ambitious, because I like so many other people tend to lose their steam as they go along and when whatever their goal becomes overly tedious and predictable. The charm would basically be something to keep you interested, It would be done with a simple swish of the wand while saying ambitiō which is the Latin root for ambition.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    I don’t know if I can think of anything that I’m really afraid of, maybe the shape of a graveyard or maybe my own personal grave. Death has always been a big fear of mine but I have lately started to get over that fear. My riddikulus would probably be my friends Vic and Ariel because they always just know how to make people feel better. It would probably be Vic more so though. She has this almost unnatural ability to make people smile. She says I do to.

  • What do you look for in a friend?

    Ah, the life long question is really, how do I know I picked the right friends. My quests for friends are pretty simple. You have to be very accepting of those around you, if your close minded that ruins your view of the world and really holds you back from what you can be achieving. You cant be to hyped up on yourself either, I mean chances are you aren’t so amazing that a conversation about you and only you at all hours of the day will amuse me and make me want to listen. My friends also have to have a certain level of intelligence, not really book smart, they don’t have to be brilliant, just not absolute morons with no plan on changing their ways. Over all they should be fairly open to change and have a good attitude about life. Loyalty is always a plus as well.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?

    Narcissism. I can’t stand people who think of nothing but them selves all the time. I think its so inconsiderate and stupid to think that you are better than other people just because you are you. I mean, I know you can’t love other people until you love yourself and all but that only works to an extent. I also have to say I hate people who are overly paranoid about everything; like they are always afraid that someone hates them or that their boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t in love with them. Its always something new with that type of person, its seriously old after a while.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    1. My ability to stay loyal to my friends under all conditions, driven by a love for them as well as a need to protect them.
    2. My ability to make almost anyone smile with just a couple of silly words, it feels good to brighten up a fellow beings day.
    3. My ability to say what I’m thinking when I’m thinking it and why I’m thinking it.
    4. My innate creativity and my knack for applying it at times when its needed.
    5. My ability to fit in with many different groups of people and great them with open arms and open mind.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    1. I’m not amazing at following through on personal goals like finishing a poem.
    2. I can be whiney and upset over small things.
    3. Honesty.
    4. Sometimes I can be to clingy to people.
    5. I trust a little too much sometimes.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Courage is a tough one to define really because it can mean so much at once. Basically it is my understanding that its when you put all fears aside to do what you know is right in your heart. It’s the ability to stand for a just cause and not back down just because the stakes have been raised and not in your favor. That’s what courage is.
    • Loyalty: Loyalty is a mix of trust, dependency and caring really. You have to have a trust in the person to know what to do on their own but to still stick by their side in case something throws them off balance, its dependency because like trust and honesty loyalty is a very two sided thing, they more loyal you are the more loyal someone will be to you and the caring to be their for the person when they absolutely need you.
    • Intelligence: Intelligence is definitely a tricky subject because you cant really tell intelligence. It’s not book smarts but its just life intelligence. Its quite easy to be book smart and not have life intelligence and vice versa. It’s a complex system of learning really.
    • Ambition: Ambition is following though with all your goals no matter what. Its also getting people to do what they want to do, giving them the will power to push through their own obstacles. In laymen’s terms its a lot like the relationship between gas and cars.

  • Name: Amber S
  • Age: Sixteen
  • Where did you find out about us? Some friends of mine.

sorted: gryffindor, term iv

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