(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 19:05

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    This question possibly comes easiest to me. I've always had a strange draw towards Aurors. And, I know, this is probably the most common answer, and i would really like to be out of the ordinary, but in this questions case, I can't. Besides the obvious reasons for choosing this, another would be the excitement. I tire easily, especially in routine.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    Defense against the Dark arts seems to be appropriate here. I enjoy learning about new ways, new things, new spells. I'd love casting upon those spells, and ways to anyone who is willing. It just seems like such an exciting and interesting course.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    Though I love a challenge, I would have to say no. Though honorable, and waking I would much rather watch then play. I would much rather keep to myself and help a friend who would enter.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    This is a tough one. Theres many reasons why I would be different things, but I guess my answer would boil down to a dog. My main reason for choosing this animal is Sirius Black. I know, it sounds kind of.. sketchy. But I've always found that we are alike in so many ways. The loss of friends, the loneliness, and the solitude.

  • If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character? I would have to say Order of the Pheonix, playing a role close to Snape or Sirius (both being favorite charecters of mine). In the way of Snape, maybe a teacher whom he has a fondness for, a quiet shocker for those around him, and maybe even.. a love mystery? No? Well, maybe I'm dreaming. *sigh*. Then in the ways of Sirius a daughter, or something of that nature, maybe blocking out Harrys role a bit during that book. Then when Sirius dies.. she, taking it hard, finds comfort in Harry, and leading in to HBP book. *shrug*

  • What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why?
    Oh, this question will definatly make me seem like a bad wizard in sorts. I enjoy "SectumSepra" Mianly becuase it was such a surprise when it first happened, and that it's so unlike the rest. Granted, I would have to have damn good reason to use it, but nonetheless I find it most impressive, especially a spell made up by Snape. *tither*.

  • Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House.
    01. Much of my personality is a more "Just do it" quality, that most of the time gets me into trouble. I found in the books this happens to much of the Gryffindors.
    02. I'm trying to despretly stay away from the "Harry Potter" answer, but its obvious. I would much enjoy to see what exactly it's like, what the challngers that differ in this house are like. Why he was chosen, and what I have that he does.
    03. Friendship. Now, myself as a person, am not the best at making friends. I tend to be a loner, and I think that with the kindness that floats in here maybe.. it would rub off on me.

    01. Even the word.. it just seems to caring. So.. loveable. I would just adore being in a house full of such cherish. I am far too crouchy and needs some kindness.
    02. I really don't know to be honest, any other reason why I should, or would want to be, in Hufflpuff. I can't think of ways I identify, or relate to them.

    01. They are undoubtably smart.
    02. Besides a dog, my other form would be a Phoenix, a birf. Much like the badge.
    03. I do know that most people would define Gryffindor as leadership, but i think Ravenclaw would outrun them. I need good leadership skills.

    01. Those who know me in real life would drag me into this house. I have that quality of cunning, and cleverness that they hold. I'm quick to be in the challenge, quick to be praised. I enjoy the appreciation, if you will.
    02. I am probably one of the meanest, unfriendly people. I do not enjoy making friends, nor buttering anything up. I tell it how it is and how I want it to be.
    03. I'm quick witted, and I identify alot with Snape (as well as Sirius). I'm a bit sly, and a bit of a Bastard so... I guess I'm a shoe-in?

  • You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject)

    Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
    Potions: O
    History of Magic: T
    Divination: E
    Arithmancy: E
    Herbology: O
    Care of Magical Creatures: E
    Transfiguration: O
    Charms: O

  • If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be?
    Animagis for sure. Main reasons is hiding, sneeking and being super awesome. To be honest.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    Snape and Siruis. Both alot alike, and both completely different. The terrible feeling of being alone is quite nostalgic.

    Snape, being picked on terribly as a child is a main reason as to him, along with his bitterness. Sirius being in solitude, being at a loss with friendship and love alot of the time. Both uncommonly alone, and both reacting badly to it. Weither it's being bitter, or being distant. Both are me.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    Brilliant question, and if I knew I would tell you. The mirror displays what we truly desire, no? Well I've no desire for much of anything. But if I would not be in control I would see my best friend, Matthew who died when I was 14. Though, the image would not be what I would want, nor need, I undoubtably wouldn't be able to control it and would possibly try and break the mirror. So it's best to just step away and avoid that.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    I would travel. I deeply love London. I've never been anywhere, not even the next city over. So London, Finland, New York.. so forth. Places of beauty. Places of differnce as well, like India.

  • Which HP book is your favorite and why?
    Well, though all hold differnt loves, my favorite would have to be Order of the Phoenix. I am aware that Siruis, my love, dies at the end, but the scene, the love.. the emotions from Harry. It was all alot to take in and alot to read about within a chapter or so. I was taken back, and amazed. JKR did a brilliant job. I loved the entire feeling of the book.

  • Which HP book is your least favorite and why?
    Chamber of Secrets. Though it holds the first true saving of the Ginny/Harry love I disliked the idea of the book when I first read it. ie: the idea of a book holding a memory. But then when I look back on the book, after reading HBP i realize the significance, yet still it is my least favorite.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    I wanted to be a police officer as a child. Still do to be honest. Theres practical reasons as to why I havn't and why I went into Photography and free-lance writing.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    This one isn't an easy one, as I rummage through my mind to find an answer I am left with the lame; saddona salourus.
    To leave your enemy with feelings of sorrow and rid them of happiness. Quite like a dementor. Wand form.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    It would turn into some form of fear itself. Maybe like the dementor boggart to Harry. I fear fear itself. I dread the feeling, the weakness. And if it did turn into a dementor, I don't think a counter-spell of Riddikulus would suffice, whilst reading the books when a dementor is the outcome only a patronus is applicable. As far as i know. If not maybe it would turn into a furry black bunny with his ears in a pink bow.

  • What do you look for in a friend?
    As I've said before I'm not much of a friend maker. So I guess someone who doesn't harp on me being a bitter, and sarcastic person. Someone who isn't too emotional, but who is loyal.

  • What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
    I would love to get a published book out in bookstores. I would love even more if it sold, but if not being published is just fine.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?
    I hate thick headed people, and people who do the easy thing against the right thing.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    01. I can brush off rude, mean comments easily. Years of practice.
    02. I do what I can to get the right thing done, and I make sure it's done right.
    03. I have the ability to forgive, but the disability to forget. Although you do something I hate and I forgive you, I won't trust you or forget what you've done.
    04. I guess this is a quality, I haven't cried in about 7 years. The good thing about it is; I won't fall to peices or curl up in a ball when the time comes to get the job done. I fear weakness and I fear it being let out.
    05. My sense of humor, though dry and sarcastic, is wide and comes in handy alot.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    01. I'm not affectionate, and it might harm a friend in need when I don't hug them when their down.
    02. My humor is rude and sarcastic. I know I listed this in the ability section but it runs both ways I guess.
    03. Alot of the time I tend to procrastine with certain things.
    04. I over-think people. If your kind, your socially inept. If you're mean, your a closet psyco.
    05. I have a disease where I think everyone hates me no matter how many times you tell me otherwise.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Doing what you can to make what you can happen, or not happen. Do not confuse bravery and courage, being brave may mean running into a bear pit screaming, but courage is thinking it through and making sure you come out alive.
    • Loyalty: Sticking by the people that you let into your life, making sure they're not put out of it.
    • Intelligence: To not underestimate situations, and others intellegence. Being intellegent isn't calculating confusing mathamatical questions, it's knowing where to turn, what to expect and when to fight.
    • Ambition: Not giving up. Believing that you can do it.

  • Name: April.
  • Age: 19.
  • What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I'm not much of a lover, so Hufflepuffs don't exactly fit me. [edit: well, seeing how this answer is not sufficent enough (though I really am ignorant to the traits of hufflepuff) I thought I'd give it another reason] The cedric scene towards the end; this may seem like an uneasy choice to some for not knowing why she should be in hufflepuff but the whole.. charecter of cedric. Strong, caring when he doesn't bash Harry along with friends, he's responsible and loyal. I'm afraid I don't very much tie in there, but if you think for any reason that a hufflpuff is my belonging, it's your call. :)
  • Where did you find out about us? Through interest search.

    Alright, prior to polular beilief, or common suspision..I am not pushing for slytherin, housebashing, or trying to not get into a certain house. This application called for honesty and that is what I gave. You are to choose which house I should be in and that's why I came here, to find out which house I really do belong in.

sorted: slytherin, term iv

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