(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 17:28

Sort Mari! :)

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    Most likely an Auror. I've always had a passion for spying, the FBI, that sort of thing, and I love researching and working out answers. Also, I think I would probably be a good one because my friends have no trouble telling me confidential things. While there's a bit of a "glamour" element to the Aurors because of the many characters who are or aspire to be one, I'm actually interested in the work. I like to be alert and kept on my toes, so I think I would love it.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

    Transfiguration. While several scenes in the book involve the course, all we really hear about it is how tough and demanding it is. When I was still in high school, I always took the toughest courses with the most demanding teachers, because I was forced to push myself to learn something incredibly difficult, but I would have a great foundation to build up on. I'd probably get the reputation of "the professor from HELL", but my students would be adept at mutating everything and anything they possibly could. It would be my way of giving back my school experiences.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

    I'd be the first one to put my name in! I'm currently finshing college as a drama and journalism major, so I crave any chance to be in the spotlight. Of course, that makes me a bit of a show-off, but I don't really care about what people think of me unless they're trying to cast me in a play. But since I'm one of thousands out there trying to "make it", I have to find ways to stand out. So yes, I'd enter the Tri-Wizard Tournament, not just to feed my own ego, but to add notoriety to my house as well. I'm in a sorority, so I got to learn pretty fast that by standing up and doing things get attention, potential members think, "I want to be in her sorority. I like the way she handles things."

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

    My animagus form would be a squirrel. They're fast and fairly intelligent little buggers, which is how I try to portray myself. While I like to hang around groups, I also like to be left alone, and it would be easy for me to scurry up into the branches of a tall tree and relax or plot my latest evil plan (bwahahah!) I wouldn't be much of an attack machine, but I could pretty easily infiltrate anything that I think is suspicious. Or at least find out who's dating whom, who's breaking up with whom, who failed all their OWLS...

  • If you could be written into any HP Series book as a new character, which book would it be, and who would your character be? Why did you choose that book/character?

    I'd be a very bookish Ravenclaw in HBP. While everyone is running around in a panic, I would be the one debunking all the rumors because I'm addicted to the news (reason why one of my majors is journalism!). However, I'd have an insatiable curiousity in finding out the truth, and would probably have myself end up in a sticky situation. I chose the character because I'm always the one telling people what's an urban legend and what's not, because I get sick of people being naive enough to believe that Bill Gates is going to send them to Disney World. That's part of the reason why I chose the book as well, because this is where the misinformation comes to a head, where parents really are pulling their children out of school because of threats. I'd probably end up running an underground information network. :)

  • What is your favorite magical spell/charm? Why?

    I have to choose just one?
    Hmm...probably Riddikulus. I have certain phobias, and while to most people they're rather silly, I'd like to get rid of them. Riddikulus is used to make fears comical, and by making light of them, they disappear. Once in a while, I look at myself and say that I'm being silly and I'm missing out on things in life, so I would really like to stop missing out. Besides, making fun of my fears did help me-I flew to Germany in October (my school closed for a semester due to Hurricane Katrina, so I'm studying here), and it was scary to be living in a foreign country where I don't speak the language very well. But I took a deep breath and boarded that plane anyway...and it's been great. I have to leave in January to start my university again, and that makes me sad. But if I didn't apply, I would never have been here in the first place.

  • Name three reasons why you would like to be sorted into each House.

    1) I would like to think of myself as being strong and courageous.
    2) Gryffs are headstrong (and so am I), which leads to something new and adventurous every day.
    3) Blind loyalty. I admire Gryffindors' trusting nature, even if that can lead to bad consequences. You never know until you try, right?

    1) I have never heard of a Hufflepuff giving up without a fight! Once again, I'm pretty headstrong and arguementative (no wonder why my oldest brother thinks I should be a lawyer), so I appreciate that.
    2) The nurturing. I don't mean nurturing as in "lovey-dovey sweetness", but Hufflepuffs nurture each other's skills. By sticking together, they strengthen their own skills and help out the not-as-advanced members at the same time.
    3) The tolerance factor-while Hufflepuff has a friendly rivalry with every house, they don't look down or condemn members who are very friendly with students from other houses. At the same time, they don't make a complete production about how PC they are, it's simply a personality trait.

    1) Zero stupidity tolerance. I like to think that I'm an intelligent person (sometimes, at least), and I know that while Ravenclaws behave the same as any other large group of teenagers with concerns like dating and fashion, it doesn't consume their entire lives. Ravenclaws aren't really ditzy or shallow; that I really like.
    2)Hard work. It takes a lot to excel in a chosen field, and I've learned that through quite a lot of experience. Like Ravenclaws, I expect nothing but the best from myself, and want others to treat themselves the same way. I get rather angry and withdrawn if I know I could have done better, which happens a lot. But when I know I did my best, I don't care about the results. I just know that my attempt was the best that it could be, and that I should work harder to make it even more so.
    3)Down-to-earth. Ravenclaws are level-headed and try to see everything without going into hysteria. I'd love to try and emulate that. :)

    1) Ambition, ambition, ambition. Slytherins and aspiring actresses are full of it, and that's what gets things done. If a Slytherin is set to a monumental task, it will get done, someway.
    2) Cunning. What makes cunning interesting is that those who have it can either use it for good or evil, and Slytherins portrayed in the novels have gone both ways. HBP in particular showed that not all Slytherins grow up to be Death Eaters...and my opinion is that not all Death Eaters are Slytherins. :)
    3) Loyalty. Slytherin loyalty is more select and generally contained within their house, but their loyalty doesn't fail. While selective, befriending a Slytherin equals a friend for life. However, not returning that loyalty usually ends up with grave consequences.

  • You've received your O.W.L results. What are your results? (You have to have failed or done poorly in at least one subject)
    Arithmancy-D (I'm awful at anything math related)
    Ancient Runes-O (As an actor, I'm used to memorizing and recalling plenty of facts, figures, whatever.)
    Herbology-A (I can make them grow, but I'm not wonderful at it.)
    Magical Creatures-D (While I love my kitten to death, I'm rather wary around animals in general)
    Transfiguration-E (I do well in tough subjects, but I generally make one mistake that knocks my grade down a notch.)
    Charms-O (I just feel like I'd do pretty well in that class.)
    Defense Against the Dark Arts-O (I'm pretty good in a fight-well, a staged fight anyway. It could carry over!)

  • If you could have any superpower - but only ONE - what would it be?

    Teleportation. I'm awful at directions (I once got lost on a straight road), and if all I had to do was visualize the place or say the name of the place, everything would be much easier for me. Besides, it would be a really nifty trick during a game of hide and seek!

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    Luna Lovegood. She accepts her kookiness without thinking twice about it. She doesn't care what other people think about her(which is a major plus for me), and she would never play dumb just to grab someone's attention. I love how she'll never change herself for anyone, and her creativity (the lion hat!)

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    Right now, me finally graduating college and being a happy professional actress. Those are my current goals in life, and I know that if I achieve them, I will be happy. It won't matter what happens after the spotlight is turned off, because I'll be able to sit back in my rocking chair when I'm old and have great drinking stories for the next generation.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

    PAYING OFF MY STUDENT LOANS. I hate being in debt, and I want to get those cleared off as fast as possible. I'd donate part of it to a charity, probably Broadway Cares (it's a charity for AIDS patients, plus I'd get to see some great shows). I'd invest the majority, and spend the rest on travelling and having fun with my family and friends, fairly assured that I can keep it up with my investments. :)

  • Which HP book is your favorite and why?

    My favorite is OotP, because of the characterizations unfolding. It becomes pretty clear that Harry isn't the glowing hero that everyone loves, he's just an ordinary teenager with issues. Draco reaches his no turning back point when it comes to being evil, and the shock of Sirius's death really shows the main characters' vunerabilities when losing a friend. This is also my favorite portrayal of Snape, because while he still has it out for Harry, he shows that he's loyal to the promises that he makes (later proven in HBP).

  • Which HP book is your least favorite and why?

    My least favorite is CoS. I'm really big into characters and advancement, and this one just seemed to follow the formula of the first one-big problem, gets solved, some people are mean, everyone is happy at the end. It just didn't work to well for me.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    I wanted to be either a meterologist, an actress, or an archaeologist. I've lived my entire life in a hurricane zone, so I got interested in the weather because there was always something going on during the summer! I got into ancient cultures when I was about eight, and it's still stayed with me. I still love the idea, and perhaps I'll go back for a second degree. Actress for obvious reasons-I love theatre, I started theatre when I was six, and I'm very infected by the bug.
    My ideal job now is either a journalist, a fight choreographer, or an actress. I think that I got into journalism because of my love of ancient history-I want to know the facts that no one else has uncovered yet. Like ancient history, journalism can be a bit of a mystery when a story is being formed. There's always something to add. As for fight choreography-I just started getting into stunts last year, and they're fun to do. I'd love to create them.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I'd invent a spell to make inanimate objects have the power of speech for a certain amount of time to find out what they "saw". It would be great to figure out crime scenes and ancient history (again with the ancient history!)-perhaps solving a centuries old murder or filling out the details of someone's daily life. I'd call it "Inanimate Animation".

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    My boggart would turn into an elevator. I'm terrified of small spaces and always take the stairs, and if I'm forced to take an elevator for some reason, I'm always shaking by the end of the ride. My Riddikulus would expand the elevator to make it huge and glass (so I can see where I'm going), but there would be big googly eyes on the top of it. I don't know why, I just think googly eyes are funny.

  • What do you look for in a friend?

    Hmm...I think the biggest thing I look for is trustworthiness. I've been hurt by people in the past (who hasn't?), so someone I can trust is the most important thing. That and a sense of humor...why should everything be taken so seriously? I'm always under a lot of stress, and I like my friends to be able to make me laugh, and I can help them laugh in return.

  • What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?

    To accomplish everything that I set goals for. I know that it's really ambigious, but whenever I set a goal for myself, I want to complete it. But if I had to choose one, it would be overcoming my fears. Perhaps I would still be nervous about somethings, but I don't want it to hinder me like many of my fears do.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?

    Complete and utter vapidness. Yes, I like to be silly and ditzy too, but not all the time. Sometimes, it seems like I'm surrounded by people whose only goal in life is to find a husband/wife and have the latest Coach bag. I'm cautious about my appearance because I want to look nice and be able to get a job, not just because society and gender standards demand that it must be so. I also don't care about the latest happenings on Gilmore Girls/The OC/Desperate Housewives. I'd rather watch CNN (news freak again!). Or indulge in my nerdy side and watch Law & Order or Star Trek. But I don't let my girliness run my life. I have too many other things I need to do (like my German homework, which I'm currently putting off)!

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    1) My drive to succeed
    2) Constant search for the truth
    3) Loyalty
    4) Independence
    5) Trustworthiness

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    1) Indecisive
    2) Extreme shyness
    3) Closed personality-I just don't really open up.
    4) Temper
    5) Phobias

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Standing up and facing fears to do what has to be done, even if you're terrified at what might happen.
    • Loyalty: Always sticking with your friends, even when the rest of the world has alienated them.
    • Intelligence: The ability to reason and ration what's right and wrong and acting upon it, even if your conclusion is not the most popular choice.
    • Ambition: The drive to succeed, no matter what the cost.

  • Name: Mari
  • Age: 21
  • What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
  • Where did you find out about us? Comment on the fanficrants community.

sorted: hufflepuff, term iv

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