Edited by poster

Oct 25, 2005 22:02

I edited this post at 8:06 pm on October 30th due to inefficient answers. I'm sorry and I hope this is okay. -__menmyguitar__

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? If I could change one thing in the world, it would be the way people act around people. I mean all of us, even me, can act differently around different people and I think if we were all just ourselves, the world would be better. There would be no two faced friends and no politics (I’m sorry if I offended anyone with that) I know what I'm saying is both simple and complex, and I know it is one of the most hypocritical statements that could ever be made. But just think of it. A world where everyone was both honest to themselves and to others. Wouldn't it be great?

What makes a person respectable? Respect can be a word that teenages such as myself can often abuse. We can shout for it to teachers who believe we've done somthing. Or just scream it out to our parents. However, I believe that in order to receive respect, you must both earn it and dish it out. I mean, respect is one hard this to get and one easy thing to lose. Which I guess why it is so valuable for people.

What do you look for in a friend? Loyalty, the ability to have a conversation on just about anything, trustworthiness, and a certain depth of the soul. I know it's a very hard thing to find, and maybe even impossible. But I'm picky about my friends, and I would hate being stabbed in the back for a wrong choice

What are your hobbies? Playing Guitar, Listening Music, Writing Music, Playing Violin, Drawing, Being with friends, Reading, Writing. It may not be the biggest list there is, but I believe some if no all are very time consuming and deserve a large amount of concentration. Especially since they're all integrated with each other. You cannot play music without listening to them, and and you cannot be inspired enough to draw or write when you are not around inspiration. I love what every I do, and I hope this is good enough for you. But for me, this small list is my whole life. I know it isn't much and would probably not even fill a full day for most of you. But I guess I can be a lazy person. But I am also devoted.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Yes, I have, and yes I will. I'm very lucky, my family loves me and I have great friends. Giving people like from New Orleans some money may just be a small way to help. But haven't you had that good feeling where you find something you like and you have just enough money to buy it? Just think of those people who never have that and suddenly they can.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would most like to accomplish my dream of becoming an accomplished musician, because it is basically the only thing I can see myself doing right now. It may be a dream that may never be reached or somthing someone as young as I am can only dream. It isn't practical in any way. But what is dreams if not always practical. Dreaming is being able to see the best case scenario in your life and this is it. I want to accomplish it and I am willing to do everything possible to try for it.

Who is your role model? John Mayer. I find him as a role model because he's the most like me. I mean, he's a celebrity and he didn't do it by selling out. He went under the radar, got his stuff and flaunted it. He did it all by knowing himself and being true to that. He can play music very well, and he's got such a deep and mature perceptive in everything and I hope I can be like that someday.

What trait most annoys you about other people? Not very much annoys me. Although I do have my buttons. For one, I hate it when people act like a five year old because they didn't get what they want or something didn't turn out perfectly. I understand these can be very traumatizing, but I feel that there are bigger problems in the world like wars and homicides. I also don't like greedy people and those that just cling. I may be hypocritical when I say this but it's a pet peeve when you’re in a conversation and someone not really participating makes a mundane comment that pertains to something I said two weeks ago.

What do you want to do for a living? I'm currently a high school student, a freshman to be exact. Day in and day out for five days a week. I am in my highschool, an hour a class. I know it's tiring for my now and I know you've all been or are in this right now and you know what I'm talking about. I find that being a highschooler is much different from being a middle schooler. Homework is a hex for me, and my brother goes to college and he wishes he had highschool homework again. I guess it's where you are in your life, but I think being in highschool is hard enough without a job. But I'm still getting use to it.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Well, the first thing I would think would be "Oh no!" and I guess, I'd probably just jump into the fray. I would hate to have the fact that my friend died because I was either to afraid or didn't immediately do something to prevent it. Four hands are better than two and if I die along side my friend. Then I guess I've lived a good life because I found the courage to do what was needed.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? The Unforgivable Curses are called that for a reason. I usually stick by "power isn't evil, only those who abuse it" saying. But these powers or spells are the exception. I cannot see any good way to use spells that kill, torture and control. I mean, I may wish something bad upon that one brain-cell-deprived person in the back, but really want to kill them? I don't think so.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? The top five abilities. I'd like to hope that I am brave to an extent. I would love to be that one guy who didn't run from the bank robbers and prevented them from escaping. I know I sound heroic and courageous now, but I will never know until I'm in the bank in front of those masked men. I mean there may even be a thief in my basement and I'll piss in my pants when my wife asks me to check it out. So you'll never know. My next ability would certainly be my rock the arse out of my given instruments and the gift of singing. I know I may not be the best, but no one can sing a tune like I can. Next, I would like to flaunt my ability to comprehend things or just understand in general. I am able to listen to a teacher explaining the pentomic scale and I'd get it, or maybe by friend would have some kind of problem and I'll get what they're saying and relate with my own experiences. I'm very proud of this ability because it's just so convenient. My fourth is being able to balance things- well at least better than others. I have accomplished balancing my grades and friends without much confliction, although they are much the same way. I know how to prioritize yet also know when being spontaneous would be helpful. Lastly, I would like to applaud myself for not being to concede. I am good in a good many things but I know someone will be better and I hope my humility will all in all be conducive to myself and juxtapose my image of myself and my first impression to you all.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I would say vanity is my first downfall. You see, when I walk in the hall with a reflective mirror I find myself seeing that off hair on my neck and I really hate myself for being so vain. I go through at least two outfits in the morning on average when I want to just throw something on in the first place. I also think that I do hold on to certain thing for too long and create a very large annoyance. I've kept two folders full of emails my friend sent me four years ago and we haven't really been friends lately. I read those, along with various other items of other scenarios, and just remember the good times and totally lose sight of those that'll pass me by if I keep looking back. Thirdly, my first impressions are fatal. I would take this application for example. It was made late at night and very spur of the moment and short. I re-read it now and totally find myself lacking in things I could so easily do. I again will say sorry for this and I hope my redemption and vindication are imminent. Fourth, I would say that being a teenage in general and falling into those moments where you just can't keep your eyes off of that girl in science class and automatically thing your in love and forget about anything else. I have impaired judgment sometimes and I would say this is very stupid and something I have to get over. Lastly, one of my bad traits could be just being moody. I get down when I'm with friends at a party because something is lacking. I don't know what it is half of the time but I get down and ruin the whole thing for everyone.

Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: I've seen so many people around me say their fearless, therefore meaning they are the most brave or the most courageous. They say they're not afraid of anything. I, personally thing that is stupid. Everyone is afraid of something and courage is when you can face that fear and beat that fear because there is something more important that hiding from the boogieman.

Loyalty: My last definition sounded like I was owned to a cult, but I think I can stand by it. Loyalty is being able to sit by the guy no one likes because you share his ideals and believe they are worth fighting for. It's the ability to talk to the coolest girl in your class whom is dissing your best friend and saying, "No, he's a friend of mine and he's cool."

Intelligence: I think there are at least three kinds of smarts. There is the book smarts, where you can recite the paragraph, "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all mean are created equal." from the declaration of independence and know exactly what formula salt is made of. It's the smarts that's convenient to have. There is also the street smarts, where you know that guy isn't trustworthy or maybe going down that alley isn't good. It's being able to define what's fishy or whats good. Then there is wisdom. Which is basically admitting you know nothing and will always be open to learning from everything around you. It's like being a college professor and know that you can learn from your students.

Ambition: I believe ambition is a drive. I believe it's what gets people up in the morning or what makes them fight for their beliefs. I think ambition is when you can see that crystal clear line that brings you from being a bum to being great. I think ambition is almost always abused, and is often confused. I also believe too much ambition is bad. But not enough can be worse.

Name: Kneil

Age: 15 ( 16 next week )

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? I am open to all and any houses you think I belong in.

Where did you find out about us? I was looking for icons on google and came across one of your sites.

A fit of randomness I want to share I believe that it is your actions that define you, no matter who you are inside. It is what you do each day and how you think, not how much of a kind person you are in your heart. I know that is important, but what use is it if all you do is make fun of that nerd in your band class?

I edited this post because I believe my answers weren't sufficient.

term iii, sorted: gryffindor

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