If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Well, of course, the people. People are the cause of things I would change, such as commercialization. People these days are so into making the money and getting to the top, and sometimes so obsessive it's off putting. It's also very sad to me to hear about how the well-loved tea shop in England is being sold to Starbucks.
What makes a person respectable?First of all, a true respectable person is able to respect others feelings. They are able to listen and be honest, and keep a secret when the teller needs them to. Tries their best to stick with promises, and not get angry for petty reasons. I try to look out for these types of people, because they deserve recognition.
What do you look for in a friend? I definitely look for laughter. One with a sense of humor. But for a true friend, I look for that and more. I look for honesty and loyalty and comfort. Respecting your desire not to talk and not being forceful is good too. My friends, luckily, are all of these. I have on eto be straight out honest, one to sympathize with, and one to get angry with. In general. They all have a bit off those qualities in them, but some specialize. I can also laugh into the wee hours of the morning with them.
What are your hobbies? Drawing. Definitely. I am very artsy fartsy. I have a mission: Become Awesome at Drawing Comic Book Covers. Leading to comics...another hobby. Pop culture, most definitely. My four friends are always fun, along with Music, Collaging, and Harry Potter. I like showing my favorite things in a season to people, if that made sense. For example, if I like the way the lake looks on an early fall morning, I like to show people that. I LOVE autumn, and it's basically a hobby. In autumn, creativity goes into overdrive, giving me more fuel fo rmy favorite pastimes. Fall is one big hobby soup.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?Of course! I love helping people, but I must admit, though great the feeling is, I'm not often found doing it. I lean more towards donating, but if I find a cause I'm really passionate about, I'll go to great lengths. I especially will try to involve my friends. You know, make it a family affair.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Make my mother the most proud of me she's ever been in her life. I'm always looking for my mother's approval. I cannot stand knowing she disapproves, because I have grown to know that she knows more than me. No matter how much I fight, she'll usually already have the experience. I could never force it upon my mom to see me dead drunk on a porch, because I will not be able to face her disappointment.
Who is your role model? My mom, as she's been through so much. She's the strongest person I've ever known. I know it sounds cliche, but who cares? For someone who's been through so much( and I mean much) she deserves it. She has had to put up with her own fights, my sisters fights, and my dad's fights. Mine too, but as stated above, I try to avoid that.
What trait most annoys you about other people?People who treat people they think are "weird" or "nerdy" super(FAKE) nice. I know that sounds like a stupid thing to be annoyed at, but you can TELL. You can tell that people think they are above that person, and I ask myself, why can't people just be nice for the sake of being nice? I mean the people they consider 'freaky' are some of the most accepting and interesting people I know.
What do you want to do for a living? Character Design. Or Comic Book Artist. Or Animator. If I DO become an animator, I have one goal: keep hand drawn alive. Although digital animation is revolutionary and reaching new heights, I cannot bear a kid growing up without hand drawn. Even stop motion. I once read an article describing stop motion as one of the most personal forms of animation. Sometimes you can even see the thumbprints in the clay. Adults need it too. It's a form of whimsy that's being cast aside, and I would completely support that. If not I will design characters so complex that they HAVE to hand draw them.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?I would overreact...scream...probably end up scaring said animal off. Probably wack him/her/it into oblivion when I come to. So, in order, Freak Out, Try to Scare,Thump.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? If the person is awful and physically hurt someone I love without resolve, I might consider it. But I would like to see some sort of punishment other than that.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?Sensitive soul. I'm always looking out for others feelings, and although I don't always know what to say, I try to respect feelings and listen in whatever way needed. Loyalty, as I love good friends, and hope to keep them. Flexibility, as I am able to go with the flow, not overreact in a situation (except maybe the one mentioned above). Artistic, as I see things in a different light and find the beauty in them, and Funny I guess...I do not think I'm exceptionally funny, but my friends sometimes do. Maybe just weird.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?Passive Agressive, for my whole family is quite the aggravated bunch. I tend not to confront others, but rather ignore. Sometimes though, I grow sick of people pushing me around and go off at them. Fearing I don't make sense, as in talking just to talk. I get annoyed at myself for speaking without meaning, as who wants to listen to blabber? I feel pressure to please, never wanting to hurt anyone's feelings intentionally. Sometimes I feel like quite the hypocrite, maybe for talking about another behind their back, or commenting on someone's clothing when I own the same thing. I dislike it, but I do look into things too much. Ohne of the reasons I have stage fright or am afraid to speak to a large group. I cannot look into other people's faces in such a spotlight without thinking about what THEY are thinking.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage:Being able to stand up for what you believe in, from friends to opinions to life in general.
Loyalty:Stick with those whom you love, stand by them through all of their difficulties no matter how confusing they are...sometimes it's good to just have someone there.
Intelligence:Intelligence is not just a letter in school; it's trying as hard as you can at school and in life in general. Wisdom beyond your years, not being afraid to look to others for the unknown.
Ambition: What you aspire to; what you'll do to reach your goal.
Name:Amanda Winterstein
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us?Chums.
sorry about the wait guys...I have a TON of no votes.