If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? People rely too much on labels. Everyone must be put into their own, nice little category for some reason. So I'd do away with the need for labels, and let people categorize each other simply as people. If people could look on others as who they are, instead of what they are supposed to be, then I feel there would be more respect and less hatred in the world. It is labels like this that cause problems between people, especially between groups of people.
What makes a person respectable? A respectable person is someone who can be trusted to tell the truth, and someone who isn't a hypocrite. A respectable person will tell the truth even if it hurts, for the sake of a friend and not for themself. They won't talk about people behind their back. They are not afraid to be a friend, and will stick by someone through thick and thin. They respect the property and feelings of other people. They care about others, and don't try to hide it.
What do you look for in a friend? Honesty would be a big thing. I also look for people with a sense of humor, who share some of my likes and dislikes and hopefully some of my opinions. I look for people who are maybe just a little bit insane, and aren't frightened by people who are. I like intelligent people who know who they are and aren't afraid to show it, even in front of people who may judge them poorly for their actions. And generally the first thing I look for in a person is that they can put up with me.
What are your hobbies? I love to act and to sing, and really just to be creative. I also love making things in PSP, most notably icons, even though I'm really not very good at it. I take martial arts classes as well. I spend too much time on the internet. I like to read, especially classic novels. I'm active, and like to go on walks or go swimming and things like that. I watch movies a lot. I like to go hunting for hard-to-find or vintage items.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I have - I sponsor two kids through different organizations - and I certainly would. This summer I'm going to volunteer as a tutor at a local children's center place. I feel charities don't have enough people to donate, and that people should definitely give as much to charity as they have to spare, both in terms of time and money, and even though I'm young I do enjoy participating in things like that, to help people who need it.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would love to be on Broadway someday, and I am really working on it, taking acting lessons at school and soon I'm going to be taking private singing lessons. I feel it's going to be a hard road, but I'm really pushing it, working my talents and really pushing myself to improve. I plan on majoring in Theatre in college, which will definitely help. I really love to be on stage, performing in front of people, and I think that I can make it if I really push myself as far as I can possibly go.
Who is your role model? I have quite a few people I look up to, but I think the one most worth mentioning would be my mother. She went through a long battle with addiction and a bad marriage, and has it made it through with her sanity intact. ^.~ She is a very strong person, and I just wish I had the kind of strength she does. She's taking classes at the local Community College and is going to become a High School English teacher, which she has felt she wanted to do for a while. She is really doing everything she can to improve herself and her life and I really look up to that, because she's had a hard time in the past and is overcoming that.
What trait most annoys you about other people? I hate it when someone just won't shut up. I don't usually mind of someone talks a lot, if they do it during the right times, but if you jabber non-stop at the teacher when other students are trying to take final exams, that's definitely too much. Talking is fine when it's at the appropriate times, but sometimes it's good to be quiet. Even if someone doesn't want to learn, it is quite rude to keep other people from learning. It's quite a self-centered thing to do, no one person is, or ever will be, the center of the universe. You won't automatically be ignored just because you keep quiet for ten minutes straight.
What do you want to do for a living? Like I said above, I would love to be a Broadway performer. If I can't manage that, I would like to be an interpreter/translator. I love languages and I love learning them, and people have said I have a natural proficiency for them. It would be fun to help people translate papers or get around a city or something, and interpreters sometimes make quite a bit of money, which is an added bonus. But like I said, I feel I'm a performer at heart and really want to get on the stage!
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would do whatever I could to help them. I try always to stand up for people who need it, especially, but not only, the people I care about. If someone is being picked on or whatnot and I am there, I will give them a hand. If my friend was attacked, I would use whatever was at my disposal to help them, even if it meant that I was at risk. I really feel it is worth it to sacrifice yourself sometimes for people in need, although it is unhealthy to sacrifice your well-being for someone else all the time.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Only if the situation really, really needed it. If it was a matter of life or death, for me or a loved one, then I would, but probably not for any other reason. Certainly not to harm someone to pleasure, only to help if it was possible. I don't get pleasure out of seeing people hurt, and it would probably be difficult for me even to use it when I needed to. But if it came down to that or losing a loved one, then I would definitely do whatever was necessary.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
--I care about people, and like to help them, even if the cost is high for myself.
--I can act. According to my teacher, anyway. ^.^
--I have an open mind, and am good at accepting others even if they are different than myself.
--I try not to judge people by what people say there are, and instead by who they are on the inside.
--I don't care what people think or say about me, I do what I feel is right.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
--I obsess over things too much, and too easily. When I find something new that I really like, I have a tendency to think only about that thing for ages and ages.
--I have trouble talking to people I don't know well. I mean, I can basically talk to them (if necessary), but I couldn't have a real conversation with them.
--I don't listen to what others have to say in arguments or discussions, and instead tend to stubbornly repeat my point instead of taking other views into consideration.
--I'm resistant to change, even for the better. I'd rather things stay the same, and not become different, even if the change is only slight.
--I'm not very trusting of people in general, and avoid telling people much I wouldn't want them to know unless I've known them for years. It's hard for me to believe people when they say they are trustworthy.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to put aside fear in the face of necessity.
Loyalty: Being true to someone no matter what the cost.
Intelligence: The ability and desire to learn.
Ambition: The absolute need to gain what is desired.
Name: Molli
Age: 15 (16 in 4 days)
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I don't really have an opinion aobut this!
Where did you find out about us? An LJ-search