If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Well, and I know it's so very clichéd, and that you probably always hear this answer but, world peace. I hate war and it bothers me that nobody can ever agree on anything. Also, we should all try to help preserve our world! If I see someone litter or throw a cigarette out their car window I literally freak. Hug a tree!! (yes I ‘ve hugged trees, hasn’t everyone?) I would also ban hunting for the sport if it. It’s not my problem you don’t feel like a “real man” if you don’t kill something.
If all else fails… can I just rid the world of Paris Hilton? Please?
What makes a person respectable? Kindness and a general respect for others. If a person just has basic manners and treats you right, and listens to you and doesn't just act like they listen to you, when really they're waiting for you to finish talking so they can speak again. That's a respectable person. In my opinion.
What do you look for in a friend? Someone who I can trust. A person who I can talk to without feeling embarrassed about what I'm saying. Just... someone who respects me for who I am. Is that so much to ask? It would seem so..
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing poetry, archery, fencing, going to my jazz dance classes, watching movies, horseback riding, kick boxing, karate, making blends on my computer, stalking livejournal.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Yes I have. I give money to the Santas at Christmas xP And at most places (like at Panera they have a box where you can donate money and they use the money to make bread for homeless children) I empty all my extra change in there. It’s not much, but if everyone did that it would help! Plus I donate all my old clothes to Salvation Army.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I'd like at one point to find complete and utter peace with myself. I know that sounds really corny, but the answer shouldn't come as a surprise. Isn't that what most people want? That peace knowing you've completed your goals, your life is okay, and that you don't feel like you have to impress *anyone* anymore. I long to accomplish that someday for myself.
Who is your role model? I don’t have one. I believe if you hold someone that ‘highly’ you will only find disappoint in the end. You need to make your own decisions and choices. You need to make your own mistakes because in the end you’ll grow into the greatest person of all. You.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Rudeness. Have some common respect and manners people! I don't need you to add more stress on me because you’re just an out right rude person. I have enough stress with college and life in general, thanks. I don't need you too.
What do you want to do for a living? I would love to do special effects for movies :D How sweet would that be? You get to be part of the magic of moviemaking minus the stupid tabloids and stalkers!
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? First I would make sure they were okay, and get medical attention for my friend. Once they were in the hospital (if they were that seriously injured) or someplace safe I would go and ‘hunt down’ the thing that hurt my friend (grr)
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Would I get caught? *shifty eyes* No seriously, only if it was to save some one's life or my own. Other than that, I think carelessly using an unforgivable curse would have serious consequences and I really don't want to visit Azkaban at all o.O
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1) Adventurous -- I am willing to try anything at least once. Even if it means overcoming my fears. I also love to travel and have done so many times.
2) Passionate -- I am a very passionate in everything I do.
3) Friendly -- I’m really pretty friendly to everyone I meet. Though I only have a couple good friends. I believe in quality over quantity.
4) Humorous -- I love to make people laugh. I think hearing laughter is one of the greatest things in the world. Because it’s so contagious and it puts everyone in a good mood :)
5) Clever -- I’ll figure anything out before the average person. Though I don’t know if that’s saying much.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1) Stubborn -- If I don’t get my way, there is usually hell to pay
2) Controversial -- I should probably learn to censor myself or think before speaking. But no, I just come out and say what’s on my mind. And let you know if your wrong (that’s right I’m usually right!)
3) Opinionated -- This kind of goes with what I said above. My opinion is right. I especially hate it when people can’t form their own opinion and they follow the crowd. I will say this though, even though I’m highly opinionated if you believe you are right and won’t change your mind. I will hold a certain respect for you for not being a pushover. *grins*
4) Bold -- I’m a bit bold. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. I need to learn to control my boldness a bit =/
5) Lazy -- If it can wait until tomorrow, why do it today?
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The state or quality of mind that enables one to face danger or fear. Confidence, resolution, and of course bravery
Loyalty: A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection
Intelligence: The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge
Ambition: An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power
Name: Holly
Age: 17
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us?