"Space Oddity" PG, SGA

Aug 15, 2007 15:29

Title: Space Oddity
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kusanagi Miko/Teyla Emmagan (yes, you read that right)
Warnings: femmeslash; kissing;
Summary: Teyla and Miko come to Kavanagh for help with a colourful problem.

Definition: "Resinous meaning 'composed of resins.'"

“Dr. Kavanagh?” a timid voice asked from the doorway. The long-haired scientist looked up from his work to see a small woman hiding behind her massive glasses.

“Hello, Dr. Kusanagi. What can I do for you?” he asked as he turned back to his work. He seemed nonchalant, but his mind was racing. Kusanagi Miko only interrupted people when she could see no other alternative. Kavanagh didn't particularly want to know what she needed that only he could help her with.

“Sgt. Stackhouse brought this back from offworld for me,” she said holding out a small jar. The other scientist took it. “It is supposed to be massage oil, but I am not sure if I believe the validity of this statement. Not that I believe the sergeant is lying to me,” Kusanagi added quickly. “Rather I am worried that there was a form of miscommunication.” Kavanagh stared at the jar and wondered what this had to do with him. “I was hoping that you could find time in your busy schedule to analyse the components.”

“Ah,” Kavanagh said, investigating the jar. He wasn't doing anything important and people often forgot that his first undergrad degree was in chemistry. Carefully, Kavanagh unscrewed the lid and removed a small sample. He was vaguely aware of Kusanagi thanking him profusely as she left. It didn't matter; Kavanagh was back with his first love.

About an hour after dinner, Kusanagi Miko appeared in the doorway of the lab once again. This time Kavanagh was waiting for her and ushered her in with a smile on his face. Turning down the music, he removed a printout from the printer.

“It's resinous,” he said, reading. “And totally organic. So long as Stackhouse doesn't have any pollen allergies, you should be totally fine using this as massage oil.” He passed the jar back to Kusanagi.

“It is not for Sgt. Stackhouse,” she replied, blushing furiously.

“Oh.” Kavanagh blushed too. “I just assumed--”

“Miko?” came a melodious voice from the door of the lab. The gorgeous beauty of Teyla Emmagan slipped into the room and smiled. “Has Dr. Kavanagh finished?”

“Yes, it appears to be safe.” Emmagan moved behind the Japanese woman and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

“Wonderful.” She pressed a kiss against Kusanagi's head, causing the woman to blush even harder. “Perhaps, we can begin our own...tests now.” With a soft murmur of thanks, the two women left, leaving Kavanagh standing speechless in the middle of the lab. Thanking G-d for His existence, the scientist decided to go to bed early tonight.

Three hours later, Kavanagh was roused by pounding on his door. He had barely opened it when an angry Kusanagi and a blue Emmagan pushed their way in.

“I thought you said it was safe to use!” Kusanagi said.

“It is!” he yelled back.

“Look at her! Teyla was not blue when we left the lab!” Kavanagh did as Kusanagi asked. The Athosian was indeed blue. And it was obviously the fault of the massage oil as the colouring was only in certain places.

“We can fix this,” Kavanagh said. “Quickly, to the lab!”

In the laboratory, the man swabbed a bit at Emmagan's skin before taking a skin sample. He worked feverously, running every test he could think of. About six hours after he began, Kavanagh had to admit that he was stumped.

“We're going to have to go to one of the medical doctors,” he said, slumping against the counter. “I've done everything I know how to do.”

“What are we going to say?” Kusanagi asked.

“The truth?”

“We cannot!” she snapped. Emmagan began stroking her hair and Kusanagi calmed down considerably. “If the others found out about our relationship, I will be ridiculed and ousted from the community. What we have is considered taboo by my people.”

“So you don't want to risk the other Japanese on Atlantis knowing?” Kavanagh muttered.

“Not just the Japanese consider this taboo,” Emmagan said. “For a supposedly enlightened people, many humans would attempt to alienate us from the group.”

“Okay, okay. I get it,” Kavanagh said. “What are we going to do?”

“So let me get this straight, she,” Dr. Peter Lebeau said, pointing at Teyla, “is dating you?” He pointed at Kavanagh. The couple nodded their heads, praying that he'd buy it. The Quebecois shrugged his shoulders. “Just goes to show, love really is blind.” He looked at his chart. “Why did you continue to rub the oil onto her if you saw it turning her skin blue?”

“Because I didn't,” Kavanagh replied, glad that Miko had coached him through all of this. “It's a delayed reaction.”

“Hold out your hands.” The scientist did as he was told. “Why aren't your palms blue?”

“I was wearing gloves. I'm allergic to pollen and I didn't want to risk breaking out,” he replied. The doctor hummed and made a note on his chart.

“Well, this is fairly simple to treat,” Lebeau said finally. “It's simply an allergic reaction.” He handed Emmagan a small bottle. “You just need to take one pill every six hours until the bottle has been used up.” He looked at the pair again before shaking his head and walking off muttering under his breath about how he never had that kind of luck.

Back in the lab, Kusanagi waited anxiously. It was obvious she had been pacing back and forth.

“I will be less blue in an hour,” Emmagan said serenely. Kusanagi rushed across the room and planted a kiss on her lips. Emmagan's hands clutched possessively at Kusanagi's back and Kavanagh thanked the Lord once again. The women pulled away and panted at each other before swooping down on the man. “Thank you for helping us,” Emmagan said, kissing him on the cheek.

“I do not know what I would have done without you,” Kusanagi said, kissing the other cheek. The women left the room and Kavanagh sunk heavily into a chair before singing what had been running through his head since they had appeared at his door hours earlier.

“Planet Earth is blue and it looks like I am too.”

This was totally not loosely based on that time I dyed my skin blue trying to make blue icing.

sga, fic, kavanagh, gre 'verse

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