Lipps Inc. Massive Sales!!!

Mar 26, 2011 00:45

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lombre, skitty, regigigas, mantine, ludicolo, oddish, muk, lopunny, regirock, togekiss, zubat, girafarig, beldum, crawdaunt, marill, wynaut, raikou, hoothoot, scizor, stantler, smeargle, ditto, porygon, houndour, lucario, mamoswine, cranidos, hypno, lotad, feraligatr, rotom, infernape, tangela, electabuzz, meditite, qwilfish, clefairy, grovyle, igglybuff, phanpy, swinub, hippowdon, rhydon, carnivine, machoke, duskull, articuno, dialga, suicune, mr. mime, golduck, geodude, raticate, buneary, diglett, wailmer, chimecho, gengar, kingler, pidgeot, burmy, blissey, drifloon, wartortle, starly, blastoise, yanma, milotic, electivire, manaphy, absol, pokedolls, primeape, tyrogue, mantyke, unown, swampert, togepi, cyndaquil, medicham, torchic, magneton, registeel, kricketot, onix, wailord, celebi, monferno, kakuna, donphan, murkrow, buizel, caterpie, misdreavus, houndoom, seel, baltoy, latios, rayquaza, typhlosion, mesprit, cleffa, magmar, pikachu, larvitar, staryu, vulpix, farfetch'd, magcargo, pokecen, bonsly, clefable, butterfree, machamp, steelix, persian, blaziken, chikorita, pidgey, haunter, sharpedo, nidoqueen, magmortar, kyogre, corsola, kirlia, growlithe, pidgeotto, torterra, kecleon, teddiursa, anorith, alakazam, kabutops, grotle, shellos, elekid, jirachi, chimchar, sableye, gastly, dusclops, weepinbell, lumineon, cacturne, darkrai, magikarp, mankey, lunatone, kangaskhan, clamperl, squirtle, meowth, gallade, moltres, sandslash, empoleon, piloswine, bayleef, raichu, sneasel, seaking, bulbasaur, staravia, latias, chansey, solrock, umbreon, golem, snorunt, seviper, mew, gligar, spoink, electrike, tentacool, dratini, psyduck, metagross, miltank, uxie, hitmontop, spinda, espeon, poliwhirl, marshtomp, pachirisu, beedrill, quagsire, golbat, azurill, granbull, zapdos, nidoking, vileplume, totodile, electrode, weedle, zangoose, charizard, bronzor, pichu, combee, happiny, parasect, horsea, koffing, finneon, palkia, rampardos, politoed, gulpin, metapod, magnemite, minun, mismagius, flareon, eevee, remoraid, claydol, scyther, mime jr., armaldo, togetic, gardevoir, turtwig, altaria, furret, lugia, regice, shieldon, spearow, lickilicky, dragonite, prinplup, cubone, cherrim, salamence, garchomp, ralts, slaking, hitmonlee, mightyena, treecko, graveler, azelf, drapion, jigglypuff, flygon, beautifly, mudkip, croagunk, goldeen, combusken, vaporeon, entei, jolteon, piplup, whiscash, lapras, ledyba, spheal, crobat, chatot, lickitung, groudon, drifblim, grimer, wigglytuff, shinx, mewtwo, ivysaur, nidorino, weavile, sceptile, ponyta, bidoof, slowpoke, cacnea, glameow, whismur, wormadam, quilava, sudowoodo, ho-oh, ninetales, poliwag, munchlax, snorlax, feebas, mothim, manectric, poochyena, marowak, dusknoir, starmie, heracross, slowking, plusle, meganium, natu, shellder, machop, weezing, venusaur, aipom, voltorb, charmander, plush, swalot, magby, octillery, hitmonchan, phione, kadabra

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Comments 626

denkimouse March 26 2011, 04:48:52 UTC
the monthly pikachu with plusle and minun to japan please! :3 i see you there little tag!

EDIT: let's add "Electric Type Pack (Plusle, Minun, Electrike, Manectric) - $15" as well. XD


denkimouse March 26 2011, 05:13:33 UTC
giving up my electric pack claim to koujakai since the time stamps were the same. but i will take one of those 5$ plusle pokedoll stickers with my pikachu w/ plusle and minun please if that's okay! :D


kylie_fanatic March 26 2011, 05:18:48 UTC
Sure. :) lol Thanks gin.

Total for Monthly Pikachu w/ Plusle & Minun (mwt baby!) and one Plusle Pokedoll sticker comes + S&H comes to $35.69.

Please send that amount to and please put your username and what you purchased in the message! Thanks! :D <3


denkimouse March 26 2011, 05:21:51 UTC
done my man~ really needed that stupid sticker XD!


marphoria March 26 2011, 04:51:08 UTC
vileplume ufo to 23220 please? :]


marphoria March 26 2011, 04:54:55 UTC
oh, and blue and copper weepinbell metal figs too please (didn't see those ones...haha xD)


kylie_fanatic March 26 2011, 05:22:57 UTC

Vileplume UFO, Blue Weepinbell Metal Figure, Copper Weepinbell Metal Figure, + S&H comes to $16.27.

Please send that amount to and please put your username and what you purchased in the message! Thanks! :D <3


marphoria March 26 2011, 05:26:03 UTC
payment sent! thanks a bunch! :D ♥


koujakai March 26 2011, 04:52:08 UTC
dark type pack and electric pack, still looking


koujakai March 26 2011, 04:55:57 UTC
raikou gum insert, absol footprint figure still lookin'!


koujakai March 26 2011, 04:57:19 UTC
lugia and cubone tomy keychains, kabuto swing charm, still looking...
(jeez. xD)


koujakai March 26 2011, 04:59:18 UTC
red nidoking mini-model, sycther and mewtwo coin, dialga bottlecap figure, and both the mewtwo metal collection figures (I think there's two different colors, right? D:)

too 77354? <3<3<3


thunderwolfcat March 26 2011, 04:52:09 UTC
How muh would the manetric figure set be to 35757? ^^


thunderwolfcat March 26 2011, 05:13:00 UTC
XD how much would the jolteon mini figure and the thyploshion tomy be to 35757?


kylie_fanatic March 26 2011, 05:36:02 UTC
For the Jolteon Mini Figure and Typhlosion TOMY Figure + S&H comes to $5.97.

Please send that amount to and please put your username and what you purchased in the message! Thanks! :D <3


darkfaeprincess March 26 2011, 04:52:16 UTC
If for some reason Pikachu with Plusle and Minun doesn't get sold, it is my grail. I want it so badly.


thunderwolfcat March 26 2011, 04:56:01 UTC
Do you mean the electrike set with plusle and minun? if so i wouldn't mind possibly splitting it since if i get it, i'm just getting it for electrike and manetric XD


darkfaeprincess March 26 2011, 04:56:49 UTC
No I meant the plush.


thunderwolfcat March 26 2011, 04:57:41 UTC
ah okay :)


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