Mar 26, 2011 00:45
lombre, skitty, regigigas, mantine, ludicolo, oddish, muk, lopunny, regirock, togekiss, zubat, girafarig, beldum, crawdaunt, marill, wynaut, raikou, hoothoot, scizor, stantler, smeargle, ditto, porygon, houndour, lucario, mamoswine, cranidos, hypno, lotad, feraligatr, rotom, infernape, tangela, electabuzz, meditite, qwilfish, clefairy, grovyle, igglybuff, phanpy, swinub, hippowdon, rhydon, carnivine, machoke, duskull, articuno, dialga, suicune, mr. mime, golduck, geodude, raticate, buneary, diglett, wailmer, chimecho, gengar, kingler, pidgeot, burmy, blissey, drifloon, wartortle, starly, blastoise, yanma, milotic, electivire, manaphy, absol, pokedolls, primeape, tyrogue, mantyke, unown, swampert, togepi, cyndaquil, medicham, torchic, magneton, registeel, kricketot, onix, wailord, celebi, monferno, kakuna, donphan, murkrow, buizel, caterpie, misdreavus, houndoom, seel, baltoy, latios, rayquaza, typhlosion, mesprit, cleffa, magmar, pikachu, larvitar, staryu, vulpix, farfetch'd, magcargo, pokecen, bonsly, clefable, butterfree, machamp, steelix, persian, blaziken, chikorita, pidgey, haunter, sharpedo, nidoqueen, magmortar, kyogre, corsola, kirlia, growlithe, pidgeotto, torterra, kecleon, teddiursa, anorith, alakazam, kabutops, grotle, shellos, elekid, jirachi, chimchar, sableye, gastly, dusclops, weepinbell, lumineon, cacturne, darkrai, magikarp, mankey, lunatone, kangaskhan, clamperl, squirtle, meowth, gallade, moltres, sandslash, empoleon, piloswine, bayleef, raichu, sneasel, seaking, bulbasaur, staravia, latias, chansey, solrock, umbreon, golem, snorunt, seviper, mew, gligar, spoink, electrike, tentacool, dratini, psyduck, metagross, miltank, uxie, hitmontop, spinda, espeon, poliwhirl, marshtomp, pachirisu, beedrill, quagsire, golbat, azurill, granbull, zapdos, nidoking, vileplume, totodile, electrode, weedle, zangoose, charizard, bronzor, pichu, combee, happiny, parasect, horsea, koffing, finneon, palkia, rampardos, politoed, gulpin, metapod, magnemite, minun, mismagius, flareon, eevee, remoraid, claydol, scyther, mime jr., armaldo, togetic, gardevoir, turtwig, altaria, furret, lugia, regice, shieldon, spearow, lickilicky, dragonite, prinplup, cubone, cherrim, salamence, garchomp, ralts, slaking, hitmonlee, mightyena, treecko, graveler, azelf, drapion, jigglypuff, flygon, beautifly, mudkip, croagunk, goldeen, combusken, vaporeon, entei, jolteon, piplup, whiscash, lapras, ledyba, spheal, crobat, chatot, lickitung, groudon, drifblim, grimer, wigglytuff, shinx, mewtwo, ivysaur, nidorino, weavile, sceptile, ponyta, bidoof, slowpoke, cacnea, glameow, whismur, wormadam, quilava, sudowoodo, ho-oh, ninetales, poliwag, munchlax, snorlax, feebas, mothim, manectric, poochyena, marowak, dusknoir, starmie, heracross, slowking, plusle, meganium, natu, shellder, machop, weezing, venusaur, aipom, voltorb, charmander, plush, swalot, magby, octillery, hitmonchan, phione, kadabra
Comments 626
I am very interested :) Thanks
I'm done now
And pink butterfree. LOOKING STILL! >squee
Is slowpoke 5$ as well?
I'm done now. :3
I'm interested in the Jolteon Pokedoll- to the USA 57701?
Jolteon Pokedoll + S&H comes to $24.
Please send that amount to and please put your username and what you purchased in the message! Thanks! :D <3
Payment sent. Thankya!
How much shipped to Canada?? Cheers!!!
Only want these two items for now. Pidgeotto keychain and the Snorlax zukan *if it's the Japanese one* shipped to Toronto, Canada Cheers!
Bulbasaur Bell Plush + Bulbasaur Vine Whip Figure + S&H comes to $32.75.
Please send that amount to and please put your username and what you purchased in the message! Thanks! :D <3
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