New collections + ghetto Electrode

Jun 23, 2007 16:36

I've recently started working on a few new specific Pokemon collections.

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venonat, buneary, wurmple, venomoth, registeel, electrode, burmy, deoxys, regice, regirock, dustox, silcoon, masquerain, collection, surskit, beautifly, custom, caterpie, cascoon

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Comments 42

ilios June 24 2007, 00:49:32 UTC
Hosnap, Regi-trio collection. I think you're my new hero. \o/

But wow, I had no idea those darling little golems actually had so much merchandise out there! o_o I assumed they had the usual figurines (Tomy/Kids/Zukan), but man. Blocks and capsule toys, too? That's so awesome. ♥ Good luck with the rest of your collection!

(also, "BFFs for life" totally made me giggle ♥ I always thought of them as 'siblings', hahah)


ridi June 24 2007, 01:32:03 UTC
Another Regi fan, I take it? Awesome! :D

There actually seems to be a nice little bunch of Regi merchandise out there since they're legendaries and all, but they're the only legendaries (minus some of the DP ones, but they're new so they don't count) without plush dolls.

HERE'S the keychain I bought - I'm pretty sure the Lucario charm is based on the Pokedoll version of it, why oh why couldn't they make Regi Pokedolls? D,:

I think I actually kind-of-sort-of think of them as siblings too... and Regigigas is their older cousin. 8D Once I started writing a fanfic about the Regi trio's family relations, I have way too much fun imagining Pokemon acting as human beings.


ilios June 24 2007, 03:12:24 UTC
They've definitely grown on me, yeah. XD Like most other folks, I didn't much care for them at first, but, well... They're so cute! In a big-and-clunky sort of way, sure, but still!! *laugh*

Aah, I was really bummed about the lack of plush-love, too. It seems kinda strange to draw them in Pokedoll-style (like those keychain-charms), when they don't actually exist... but maybe they just didn't think people would want a real-life cute-n'-cuddly Regirock? I can't really blame them, but it's still a bit of a shame!

I never actually thought about where 'gigas would fit into the whole scheme of things (uh, not counting the time I referred to it as "Regimommy" c_c), but hey, 'older cousin' sounds pretty good. XD

And plus, in the case of the Regis, it's great to be able to give 'em a little personality by thinking of them as acting somewhat human. 'cause sadly, they never seem to get any of that when they appear in the games/show, the poor guys. :x


ridi June 24 2007, 14:03:30 UTC
Oh you bet they're cute. :D I'm glad you've seen the light, hope more and more people do.

Regimommy? xD AWESOME.

I don't care what the cartoons and games say, the Regis are BURSTIN' with personality! Just take their dynamic D/P sprite poses for instance, and this pic.


raifreak June 24 2007, 01:27:50 UTC
lol, those Electrodes make me to happy ^^


ridi June 24 2007, 01:32:49 UTC
You make the Electrode happy in too!!


jaxtoys June 24 2007, 04:16:34 UTC
When my Butterfree 1/40 comes in the mail, and yours does, they can be SUPER BEST FRIENDS!

I LOVE those Regis, Is the keychain the one with Lucario? Becuase I saw that and started wishing they would make PokeDolls of the Regis. You know, the Legendary trios get shafted in the plushie department. There are NONE of the Regis and Pixies, the Dogs and Birds have a few though, but they always get super expensive fast. I am falling for Regice, my love of all Ice-types is coming to haunt me XD

Those Electrodes are AWESOME. I'm debating, should I start a collection of the Pixies? I mean, they are super CUTE (I am in LOVE with Azelfs Kid figure)


ridi June 24 2007, 14:05:39 UTC

And yes, that's the keychain! I had to spend over $50 bucks on it including fees because I got into a bidding war hahahahaaa. >_> That's me all right. Spending fifty bucks on a friggin' keychain.

AND YES, YOU MUST COLLECT THE PIXIES!! I'd do it too, but I'm not sure if my wallet can handle more collections. D:


baker18 June 24 2007, 10:14:21 UTC
BAHAHA those painted Electrodes are awesome ;_;



ridi June 24 2007, 14:05:57 UTC
Daww thanks 8D THEY LOVE YOU TOO!!!


nyami June 25 2007, 21:46:27 UTC
You have so many Mimiroru it's awesome. DX I have the TOMY one and it's so soft and huggable. <3 But wow, I think you have almost all of them. And omg @ Digimon poster. <3 I really ADORED the first two seasons (Especially Digimon Adventure 02), Tamers was good as well but I wasn't crazy about Frontier (and haven't seen Savers yet). Tailmon was so freakin' adorable. Kitty. *0*!

Gotta love your painted Electrode!
But I fear Psycho! D8


ridi June 26 2007, 04:39:20 UTC
I think I am far from having them all... D: I TRY, THOUGH!

Digimon is awesome. I actually only like the first season, but I'm REALLY obsessed with it to make up for my lack of interest in the others. 8D


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