New collections + ghetto Electrode

Jun 23, 2007 16:36

I've recently started working on a few new specific Pokemon collections.

(click for full view)


These walking chunks have slowly but surely taken Hariyama's place as my second favorite Pokemon. I'll gladly collect anything Regi, but there's a catch - because I love to think of the Regis as BFFs for life, I only want an item if it's also available for the others. For instance, I'm not buying the posable Regirock/Registeel figures because there's no Regice.

I'll start collecting Regigigas stuff too once it hits the market, but it won't have to follow my trio rule.

Tomy figures
Mega blocks
1:40 scale figures

UPCOMING: Kids figures, ADORABLE Pokemon Center keychain, SD strap thingies, VS gashapon figures


(please don't hurt me for bringing a Digimon poster into the background of a Pokemon community)
I've taken an extreme liking to Buneary because it makes me think of a character from a book I like (Red Dragon!!). Also, it's a fluffy bunny Pokemon, which was just what I was hoping for before D/P's release! I mainly collect Buneary plush dolls, but if I have the chance, I'd love to get my hands on other things as well.

DX Tomy plush
Version two of the UFO catcher
Pokemon doll
Canvas series
Puppet version one
Two small plushie keychain thingies

A so far unidentified plush doll. Plus I really really want those dang plushies that go for over 1000 yen on Yahoo! Japan auctions!! D,:


One of the weirdest Pokemon ever, I'll try not to buy any regular boring ol' plushies and figures of it anymore, but limit myself to the unusual oddities, such as my Deoxys hand puppet, and the Deoxys-headed Pez dispenser on my to-buy list. WHY DID I NOT BUY THE DEOXYS MEGA BLOCK WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE?

Hand puppet
Plush doll
Plush doll with drawstring pouch
1:40 normal figure
Kids normal figure
Pokeball keychain

UPCOMING: Deoxys head purse


I'm a huge fan of butterflies and especially moths, so I feel it's my duty to start a collection for my little scaly-winged (or no-winged) chums. As you can see, there's a whole little truckload of them out there (although sadly enough, most of them are pretty neglected in the merchandise department), so I'll try to limit myself some more. I'll only get stuff I really like.

Some people might argue that hey, Surskit isn't a part of the Lepidoptera order! WELL, I argue back and say that since it's related to Masquerain (Amemoth), it definitely has some moth in it.

1:40 Venonat, Wurmple, and Surskit lines
Kids Masquerain and Wurmple
Tomy Venonat and Venomoth
Beautifly Ball Choco figure
Caterpie Friends plush
Wormadam UFO plush
Not pictured: Surskit Mega Block

UPCOMING: Some Kids and 1:40 figures

SO! If anyone has anything related to these awesome Pokemon they're willing to sell or trade, be my best friend and let me know! Also, if you have any pics or info, I'd love you forever if you posted it.


Bonus: Crappy homemade Electrode figures!

"Hey..." Ingrid thought while looking at the empty European release 1:40 figure containers. "These containers kinda look like faceless Electrode!" And thus, the painting began!

This is Psycho. Psycho is very careless and loves to explode all over the place. It also LOVES to battle. It's very reckless and would GLADLY take on all the legendary Pokemon at once, probably due to exploding a bit too many times.

This is Flower. Flower is an angsty Electrode who tends to worry about its rocky relationship with Magneton. Also, Flower can't quite decide who it likes the most - Magneton, Glalie or Rayquaza? Flower thinks its life would make a pretty nifty soap opera.

This is Grenade. Grenade is a HUGE klutz and hasn't quite learned how to control its explosions yet. Therefore, it tends to explode on places where explosions aren't very welcome. If your toy collection suddenly was to blow up, it's highly likely it was caused by Grenade tripping over your NRFB talking Jigglypuff keychain.

Look, their top and bottom parts are interchangable!!

...well that was fun. 8D I have like twenty more containers to work on, yay!

Edit: MORE!

From left to right, we have...

ZOOM: Zoom has a completely maxed out speed stat, and it loves to abuse its extreme speed. If it knew how to drive, it would surely cause a whole bunch of accidents, so we're all very happy it sticks to rolling and zooming around in the air.

SQUEAK: Squeak is very timid and very easily frightened, and it must be one of the only Electrode in the world who doesn't like exploding. In fact, it downright dislikes it! Squeaky prefers to hide in corners while reading a good book.

JINGLE: Jingle is one of those characters who think they are hysterically funny but aren't REALLY. It likes to think it's the life of every party, and tends to barge into other people's private conversations. Actually, it tends to barge in EVERYWHERE.

venonat, buneary, wurmple, venomoth, registeel, electrode, burmy, deoxys, regice, regirock, dustox, silcoon, masquerain, collection, surskit, beautifly, custom, caterpie, cascoon

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