Ddakji tiles for sale - 394 pokemon - 1000+ ddakji

Jun 23, 2019 17:02

Selling ddakji for $1 each.

- Granted sales permission on 03/10/11 by denkimouse
Link to feedback: http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/couchpotatonet/
- All standard community rules apply!

- Each ddakji is $1 unless otherwise marked.            Large size is 1.75” x 1.75 ( Read more... )

bisharp, lombre, charmeleon, stunky, tyranitar, genesect, shuppet, wingull, skitty, popplio, mantine, ludicolo, delcatty, skarmory, muk, slugma, exeggutor, zubat, jynx, scolipede, litten, mandibuzz, beldum, marill, volcarona, delibird, unfezant, wynaut, scizor, smeargle, smoochum, porygon, houndour, lucario, mamoswine, cranidos, hypno, lotad, feraligatr, gothita, vigoroth, infernape, herdier, blitzle, breloom, dodrio, electabuzz, pinsir, doduo, meditite, lampent, qwilfish, clefairy, darumaka, grovyle, igglybuff, phanpy, swinub, hippowdon, zorua, rhydon, simisage, carnivine, machoke, sandshrew, duskull, mr. mime, golduck, galvantula, raticate, walrein, diglett, wailmer, chimecho, gengar, simisear, sunflora, pelipper, purugly, glalie, blissey, drifloon, wartortle, xatu, budew, starly, blastoise, stoutland, rhyperior, yanma, milotic, electivire, absol, swoobat, porygon-z, banette, abomasnow, mantyke, swampert, togepi, cyndaquil, torchic, magneton, dragonair, liepard, wailord, victreebel, pawniard, kakuna, donphan, buizel, caterpie, misdreavus, houndoom, seel, nosepass, latios, typhlosion, chingling, cleffa, snover, pikachu, larvitar, yanmega, croconaw, staryu, glaceon, vulpix, farfetch'd, magcargo, bonsly, pidove, butterfree, froslass, machamp, vespiquen, persian, blaziken, chikorita, hippopotas, haunter, paras, sharpedo, corsola, roserade, magnezone, kirlia, torterra, kecleon, teddiursa, leafeon, elekid, jirachi, chimchar, cloyster, slakoth, sableye, scrafty, gastly, pansear, dusclops, weepinbell, cacturne, rowlet, magikarp, kangaskhan, kommo-o, gallade, meowth, squirtle, sandslash, empoleon, trubbish, scraggy, piloswine, bayleef, raichu, sneasel, chandelure, seaking, pupitar, bulbasaur, audino, staravia, bastiodon, latias, chansey, roselia, umbreon, gyarados, mareep, staraptor, toxicroak, slowbro, snorunt, dewgong, seviper, bellsprout, rockruff, barboach, dratini, porygon2, psyduck, metagross, mawile, woobat, sunkern, spinda, hitmontop, espeon, poliwhirl, shelgon, marshtomp, beedrill, quagsire, golbat, azurill, mimikyu, larvesta, gabite, totodile, electrode, tranquill, weedle, zangoose, roggenrola, charizard, virizion, rattata, jangmo-o, pichu, combee, happiny, tirtouga, parasect, koffing, rampardos, politoed, magnemite, metapod, minun, mismagius, lycanroc, flareon, eevee, remoraid, wobbuffet, simipour, hakamo-o, ekans, scyther, mime jr., gardevoir, turtwig, litwick, dugtrio, furret, makuhita, shieldon, lickilicky, dragonite, cottonee, excadrill, rhyhorn, prinplup, joltik, cubone, salamence, riolu, darmanitan, garchomp, emolga, slaking, zigzagoon, treecko, petilil, jigglypuff, flygon, wooper, sentret, mudkip, goldeen, combusken, lillipup, gible, vaporeon, bagon, jolteon, piplup, whiscash, carracosta, ambipom, luxray, carvanha, spheal, crobat, drowzee, chatot, lickitung, drifblim, grimer, shinx, wigglytuff, mewtwo, ivysaur, weavile, sceptile, slowpoke, cacnea, metang, glameow, shroomish, quilava, sudowoodo, ninetales, poliwag, munchlax, snorlax, feebas, manectric, marowak, dusknoir, whimsicott, starmie, luxio, heracross, zoroark, plusle, meganium, sealeo, natu, vullaby, shellder, machop, arbok, weezing, venusaur, aipom, voltorb, charmander, octillery

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Comments 63

clicky797 June 23 2019, 22:06:53 UTC

Could I get Absol A please to UK :)


couchpotatonet June 23 2019, 22:08:38 UTC
Okay, please provide your email and I will send you an invoice.


clicky797 June 24 2019, 22:24:54 UTC

Sure will PM to you now :)


couchpotatonet June 25 2019, 00:02:33 UTC
Invoice sent


fairychrissy June 24 2019, 00:32:25 UTC

Hi! May I please get Alolan Vulpix A, B and C. One of each!
DMing you my email!


couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 01:29:30 UTC
Invoice sent


fairychrissy June 24 2019, 01:33:35 UTC



couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 02:16:29 UTC
Packaged and will ship out tomorrow.


lyupu June 24 2019, 00:46:18 UTC
Committed to
Latias - A-1
Latios - A-2
Metagross - A-1
Chatot - D-1
I’ll dm email


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 02:14:39 UTC
Invoice sent


lyupu June 26 2019, 02:24:16 UTC
It says Latias marble but it’s Latios marble in the invoice. :0


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 23:26:06 UTC
Thank you for catching that. I will send you Latios.


xxlatiosxx June 24 2019, 02:04:34 UTC
Hello can I please get one of each;

Alolan Ninetales A 1 ($2)
Weavile A 1 ($1)
Weavile B 1 ($1)

United Kingdom (UK) and will PM you, thanks!


couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 02:20:30 UTC
Invoice sent


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 01:51:59 UTC
Shipping tomorrow


lone_enigma June 24 2019, 02:34:05 UTC
I’m committed to;
Eevee - A, D
Vaporeon - B
Jolteon - B, C
Flareon - A
Leafeon - B, C
Glaceon - A
Incineroar - A
Xurkitree - A
Litten - B, C, D
Torracat - C
Poipole - A

All in the USA
I’m going to PM you my email.


couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 03:22:29 UTC
Invoice sent


lone_enigma June 24 2019, 09:45:50 UTC
I don’t see it yet.


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 01:46:51 UTC
Shipped today


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