Ddakji tiles for sale - 394 pokemon - 1000+ ddakji

Jun 23, 2019 17:02

Selling ddakji for $1 each.

- Granted sales permission on 03/10/11 by denkimouse
Link to feedback: http://feedback.pkmncollectors.net/feedback/view/couchpotatonet/
- All standard community rules apply!

- Each ddakji is $1 unless otherwise marked.            Large size is 1.75” x 1.75 ( Read more... )

bisharp, lombre, charmeleon, stunky, tyranitar, genesect, shuppet, wingull, skitty, popplio, mantine, ludicolo, delcatty, skarmory, muk, slugma, exeggutor, zubat, jynx, scolipede, litten, mandibuzz, beldum, marill, volcarona, delibird, unfezant, wynaut, scizor, smeargle, smoochum, porygon, houndour, lucario, mamoswine, cranidos, hypno, lotad, feraligatr, gothita, vigoroth, infernape, herdier, blitzle, breloom, dodrio, electabuzz, pinsir, doduo, meditite, lampent, qwilfish, clefairy, darumaka, grovyle, igglybuff, phanpy, swinub, hippowdon, zorua, rhydon, simisage, carnivine, machoke, sandshrew, duskull, mr. mime, golduck, galvantula, raticate, walrein, diglett, wailmer, chimecho, gengar, simisear, sunflora, pelipper, purugly, glalie, blissey, drifloon, wartortle, xatu, budew, starly, blastoise, stoutland, rhyperior, yanma, milotic, electivire, absol, swoobat, porygon-z, banette, abomasnow, mantyke, swampert, togepi, cyndaquil, torchic, magneton, dragonair, liepard, wailord, victreebel, pawniard, kakuna, donphan, buizel, caterpie, misdreavus, houndoom, seel, nosepass, latios, typhlosion, chingling, cleffa, snover, pikachu, larvitar, yanmega, croconaw, staryu, glaceon, vulpix, farfetch'd, magcargo, bonsly, pidove, butterfree, froslass, machamp, vespiquen, persian, blaziken, chikorita, hippopotas, haunter, paras, sharpedo, corsola, roserade, magnezone, kirlia, torterra, kecleon, teddiursa, leafeon, elekid, jirachi, chimchar, cloyster, slakoth, sableye, scrafty, gastly, pansear, dusclops, weepinbell, cacturne, rowlet, magikarp, kangaskhan, kommo-o, gallade, meowth, squirtle, sandslash, empoleon, trubbish, scraggy, piloswine, bayleef, raichu, sneasel, chandelure, seaking, pupitar, bulbasaur, audino, staravia, bastiodon, latias, chansey, roselia, umbreon, gyarados, mareep, staraptor, toxicroak, slowbro, snorunt, dewgong, seviper, bellsprout, rockruff, barboach, dratini, porygon2, psyduck, metagross, mawile, woobat, sunkern, spinda, hitmontop, espeon, poliwhirl, shelgon, marshtomp, beedrill, quagsire, golbat, azurill, mimikyu, larvesta, gabite, totodile, electrode, tranquill, weedle, zangoose, roggenrola, charizard, virizion, rattata, jangmo-o, pichu, combee, happiny, tirtouga, parasect, koffing, rampardos, politoed, magnemite, metapod, minun, mismagius, lycanroc, flareon, eevee, remoraid, wobbuffet, simipour, hakamo-o, ekans, scyther, mime jr., gardevoir, turtwig, litwick, dugtrio, furret, makuhita, shieldon, lickilicky, dragonite, cottonee, excadrill, rhyhorn, prinplup, joltik, cubone, salamence, riolu, darmanitan, garchomp, emolga, slaking, zigzagoon, treecko, petilil, jigglypuff, flygon, wooper, sentret, mudkip, goldeen, combusken, lillipup, gible, vaporeon, bagon, jolteon, piplup, whiscash, carracosta, ambipom, luxray, carvanha, spheal, crobat, drowzee, chatot, lickitung, drifblim, grimer, shinx, wigglytuff, mewtwo, ivysaur, weavile, sceptile, slowpoke, cacnea, metang, glameow, shroomish, quilava, sudowoodo, ninetales, poliwag, munchlax, snorlax, feebas, manectric, marowak, dusknoir, whimsicott, starmie, luxio, heracross, zoroark, plusle, meganium, sealeo, natu, vullaby, shellder, machop, arbok, weezing, venusaur, aipom, voltorb, charmander, octillery

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Comments 63

salamence646 June 24 2019, 02:38:17 UTC
Can I get Phanpy A1, B2, and C2 and Donphan A4 to 01002 please? Will PM my email.


couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 03:20:03 UTC
Just to clarify, are you wanting
1 x A
2 x B
2 x C

4 x A

Total: 9 ddakji



salamence646 June 25 2019, 23:11:10 UTC
oh, i think I misunderstood how you numbered things! i only want one of each kind, so 4 total. one of each phanpy and one donphan. thank you so much for double checking!


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 01:50:47 UTC
Invoice sent


(The comment has been removed)

couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 10:46:44 UTC
Invoice sent


(The comment has been removed)

couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 01:52:21 UTC
Shipping tomorrow


charmeleon1991 June 24 2019, 09:37:51 UTC
Hello, I committed to these please:

Charmeleon B
Charmeleon C
Salandit A

The Netherlands


couchpotatonet June 24 2019, 10:46:56 UTC
Invoice sent


charmeleon1991 June 24 2019, 10:59:50 UTC
Thank you! It is paid. The email address i added is not connected to my paypal though. Sorry about that. I wasn’t aware that it was meant for a payment invoice. Thankfully i was still able to log in with a different email address. Hopefully that is okay. ^ ^


couchpotatonet June 28 2019, 12:48:33 UTC
Shipped on 6/26


nasija June 24 2019, 10:56:35 UTC
Hello, i would like these:


1x A-1


1x A-6

with shipping to germany pls. i will dm my mail.


couchpotatonet June 25 2019, 00:03:19 UTC
Invoice sent


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 01:52:45 UTC
Shipping tomorrow


mega_quilava June 24 2019, 14:45:45 UTC
committed to these! 78633

frry66@yahoo.com is my email!

... )


couchpotatonet June 25 2019, 00:03:31 UTC
Invoice sent


mega_quilava June 25 2019, 13:01:04 UTC
sent :D


couchpotatonet June 26 2019, 01:53:07 UTC
Shipping tomorrow


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