pokemon lamincards

Feb 11, 2015 19:41

Hi everyone!! I have some Italian Lamincards to sell. All are $3.00-$5.00! I ship anywhere, shipping starts at $.49 in the US and $1.15 international (for several lamincards), so long as you are ok with me shipping these in an envelope. They are pretty sturdy and will be folded in a piece of paper. I can ship in a bubble mailer at additional cost ( Read more... )

wurmple, shuppet, wingull, snorunt, medicham, torchic, registeel, delcatty, slaking, mightyena, zigzagoon, mawile, metagross, flygon, spinda, shelgon, beautifly, marshtomp, mudkip, beldum, crawdaunt, lairon, combusken, cascoon, nosepass, pikachu, spheal, cradily, taillow, corphish, shiftry, relicanth, dustox, zangoose, lotad, vigoroth, tropius, breloom, treeko, exploud, sharpedo, metang, cacnea, grovyle, whismur, kecleon, anorith, gulpin, feebas, minun, duskull, sales, manectric, poochyena, numel, dusclops, volbeat, cacturne, sealeo, plusle, lunatone, clamperl, pelipper, glalie, linoone, regice, raichu, makuhita, seedot, masquerain, aggron, surskit, swalot, huntail, solrock, milotic, swablu

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Comments 71

skydramon February 12 2015, 00:50:56 UTC
Quote to 45248 for the Grovyle lamincard please.


3kame February 12 2015, 00:58:11 UTC
It would be $3.90 with shipping and fees :)

If you'd like Grovyle you may send it to jeweledturtle(@)yahoo.com and please mention username and item.


skydramon February 12 2015, 01:00:48 UTC


3kame February 12 2015, 01:46:43 UTC
I've received your payment, thank you! Your card is packed up and will be shipped tomorrow!


shinamishi February 12 2015, 01:04:34 UTC
Quote to 45044 for Mawile? Such a shame on no Banette, these cards are so pretty!


3kame February 12 2015, 01:28:41 UTC
It would be $5.96 with shipping and fees :)

If you'd like Mawile, you may send it to jeweledturtle(@)yahoo.com and please mention username and item.


shinamishi February 12 2015, 01:35:46 UTC
Payment sent! I'm curious as to where you got so many, Ebay, an Italy Ebay/seller from here, Y!J? Lamincards and all of those clear European cards are always so interesting!


3kame February 12 2015, 01:48:22 UTC
I've received your payment, thank you! Your card is packed up and will be shipped tomorrow!

I got them on eBay (in a misspelled auction) from an Italian seller a couple years ago. I wanted the Torkoal that was in it! I forgot I had them until a couple months ago, they don't take up much space. Luckily Gen 3 is big now!


tdotakichan February 12 2015, 01:20:25 UTC
Not sure if I already have that Flygon lamincard but give me a sec. to check

Edit: I have it so nevermind.


3kame February 12 2015, 01:27:19 UTC
Thanks for letting me know ^__^


tdotakichan February 12 2015, 01:31:59 UTC
Sure thing.


davesass February 12 2015, 01:52:23 UTC
Sharpedo to 78214 please :>


3kame February 12 2015, 01:54:42 UTC
Sharpedo would be $3.90 with shipping and fees :D

You may send it to jeweledturtle(@)yahoo.com and please mention username and item.


davesass February 12 2015, 01:58:43 UTC
Payment sent! Thank you :>


3kame February 12 2015, 02:02:20 UTC
I've received your payment, thank you! Your card is packed up and will be shipped tomorrow!


risha_moon February 12 2015, 02:37:13 UTC
What language are these in? They look different from the ones I've seen before.

Could I get a quote for these to 32765?



3kame February 12 2015, 02:48:54 UTC
They're Italian and dated 2004 :) All but Pikachu are available.

Poochyena $5
Mightyena $5
Minun $3
Plusle $3
Zigzagoon $4
Linoone $4
Beautifly $3
Delcatty $3
Manectric $5
Pokedex $3
Milotic $5
Kecleon $3
Pikachu - he is not for sale (I'm giving this to my swap person)
Raichu $5
Shuppet $3
items total $54.00 & I'll give you free shipping (in a bubble mailer) and fees for buying them all :)

If you'd like them all, you may send funds to jeweledturtle(@)yahoo.com and please mention your username.


risha_moon February 12 2015, 03:06:12 UTC
Thank you for the free shipping and fees offer. Would you be willing to hold onto these for me until tomorrow and I'll let you know my final order? I'd definitely like Poochyena, Mightyena, minun, plusle, delcatty, milotic, and manectric but I'm debating the others.

Also, I was wondering if you have more of these? I'm wondering if the set includes Houndoom and Houndour.


3kame February 12 2015, 03:09:21 UTC
If you only get those seven, I will probably ship them in an envelope instead of a mailer, 15 was too bulky.

I can hold them until tomorrow, sure.

I don't have anymore, sorry. I bought a lot on eBay for only a couple pokemon, and it wasn't Houndoom/Houndour.


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