pokemon lamincards

Feb 11, 2015 19:41

Hi everyone!! I have some Italian Lamincards to sell. All are $3.00-$5.00! I ship anywhere, shipping starts at $.49 in the US and $1.15 international (for several lamincards), so long as you are ok with me shipping these in an envelope. They are pretty sturdy and will be folded in a piece of paper. I can ship in a bubble mailer at additional cost.

I was granted sales permission 20 July 2011 by dakajojo, and here is my feedback.

Gen 3 Goodness!

click for big size

Trio - $3.00
Brock - $3.00
Treeko - $3.00
Grovyle - $3.00
Torchic - $3.00
Combusken - $3.00
Mudkip - $3.00
Marshtomp - $3.00
Poochyena - $5.00
Mightyena - $5.00
Zigzagoon - $4.00
Linoone - $4.00
Wurmple - $3.00
Beautifly - $3.00
Cascoon - $3.00
Dustox - $3.00
Seedot - $3.00
Shiftry - $3.00

click for big size

Lotad - $3.00
Taillow - $3.00
Wingull - $3.00
Pelipper - $3.00
Surskit - $3.00
Masquerain - $3.00
Shoomish - $3.00
Breloom - $4.00
Vigoroth - $3.00
Slaking - $3.00
Whismur - $3.00
Exploud - $3.00
Makuhita - $3.00
Nosepass - $3.00
Delcatty - $3.00
Mawile - $5.00
Lairon - $3.00
Aggron - $4.00

click for big size

Medicham - $3.00
Manectric - $5.00
Plusle - $3.00
Minun - $3.00
Volbeat - $3.00
Gulpin - $3.00
Swalot - $3.00
Sharpedo - $3.00
Numel - $3.00
Spinda - $3.00
Flygon - $5.00
Cacnea - $3.00
Cacturne - $3.00
Swablu - $4.00
Zangoose - $4.00
Lunatone - $3.00
Solrock - $3.00
Corphish - $3.00
Crawdaunt - $3.00
Cladoll (x2) - $3.00 (each)

click for big size

Cradily - $3.00
Anorith - $3.00
Feebas - $3.00
Milotic - $5.00
Kecleon - $3.00
Tropius - $3.00
Shuppet - $3.00
Duskull - $3.00
Dusclops - $3.00
Raichu - $5.00
Snorunt - $3.00
Pokedex - $3.00
Glalie - $3.00
Spheal - $3.00
Sealeo - $3.00
Clamperl - $3.00
Huntail - $3.00
Relicanth - $3.00
Shelgon - $4.00
Beldum - $3.00
Metang - $3.00
Metagross - $4.00
Regice - $3.00
Registeel - $3.00



wurmple, shuppet, wingull, snorunt, medicham, torchic, registeel, delcatty, slaking, mightyena, zigzagoon, mawile, metagross, flygon, spinda, shelgon, beautifly, marshtomp, mudkip, beldum, crawdaunt, lairon, combusken, cascoon, nosepass, pikachu, spheal, cradily, taillow, corphish, shiftry, relicanth, dustox, zangoose, lotad, vigoroth, tropius, breloom, treeko, exploud, sharpedo, metang, cacnea, grovyle, whismur, kecleon, anorith, gulpin, feebas, minun, duskull, sales, manectric, poochyena, numel, dusclops, volbeat, cacturne, sealeo, plusle, lunatone, clamperl, pelipper, glalie, linoone, regice, raichu, makuhita, seedot, masquerain, aggron, surskit, swalot, huntail, solrock, milotic, swablu

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