
Aug 24, 2012 19:36

I'm getting Spore for my birthday and in anticipation, I've been playing with the free Spore Creature Creator. It's pretty limited in terms of parts and patterns, but it's still fun. And you can share in the derp, below the cut.

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Comments 14

tiptoehappiness August 24 2012, 23:46:06 UTC
I love this game -I actually just played it again last month for the first time in ages. My favorite stage is the Tribal one -but it is also the shortest :( Can't wait for you to get it & post shots!


pixelcurious August 25 2012, 02:40:47 UTC
First - what a pretty bird in your icon! I love the colors. Wow. :D

Second - I'm really looking forward to it. I have been interested in it since before it came out, but just never got around to actually getting it. I blame WoW... and Sims...


lovelyxwow August 24 2012, 23:55:15 UTC
What, exactly, is Spore?

The creatures are quite cute!! ^_^


pixelcurious August 25 2012, 02:50:52 UTC
Thanks! ^_^

Spore is a game designed by Will Wright that is kind of SimEverything (that was actually what they were going to name it, but then they went with Spore instead). You basically follow your creatures through their entire evolution, from one-celled organisms to building their own civilizations, and eventually to outer space. It's extremely customizable. Besides creating creatures, you can make your own buildings, vehicles, spaceships. Or download them from a huge catalog of creations made by other players. I just have the free creature creator right now (there's a link to it in the post) but I'm getting the actual game. :D

This might help - http://www.spore.com/what


lovelyxwow August 25 2012, 02:57:30 UTC
Oh that sounds pretty awesome! I've always wondering. Thanks for the link. :)


gheez August 25 2012, 00:33:58 UTC
The Bandiscouts look so proud, loving that little one walking in front of the big one in the second picture down ( ... )


pixelcurious August 25 2012, 03:07:36 UTC
I didn't know you had a stealth Spore journal. (Or did I? My memory resembles Swiss cheese.) I am enjoying looking through it - I will get around to commenting eventually. :)

The colors really are beautiful. And your pics are lovely, so no more running them down!

Thanks for the compliments! I don't think mine are nearly as creative as yours. I started looking through yours on the Sporepedia and was amazed at the surfeit of cuteness. Now I'm off to see your latest post... and the kitty video...


gheez August 25 2012, 03:29:53 UTC
I probably didn't share it, the stealth Spore journal (lol) I mean. I remember you posting years ago when you originally trialled the creature creator and I may have done the same. Then my computer broke and I couldn't play TS2 anymore. So I sort of sulked and vanished for a bit as no internet, etc. Then got the laptop and the only thing I could play, until TS3, was Spore. (Though I finally found a fix for TS2, it still misbehaves.)

- oh gosh, it's gone 4am here, I'm tired and rambly sorry -

Anyway, I don't remember the log-in for that LJ, so no comments necessary as I'm not necessarily going to know that they are there to read them.

Yours are cute and creative. And, once you have the game, you'll surprise yourself at what actually appears out of that ball of play-dough or as you are playing. I'm looking forward to seeing. I'd kind of forgotten what fun it was and what a brilliant stress buster / way to forget down mood.

(I'm not sure what date your birthday is?)

PS Just noticed Crocotauren's udders! Lol


pixelcurious August 25 2012, 04:02:17 UTC
After 4:00am? :O Go to bed!

Haha, I wondered if the udders were too subtle. They'd stand out more if they were pink...

Ball of play-dough is a very good description. It's so much fun to just mold it, too. Now I'm going to subliminally smell that salty play-dough smell whenever I'm in the creature creator.

My birthday was officially yesterday, but I've declared the rest of the month as still my birthday, because it might take me that long to get around to putting up my Smith kids for download, which I wanted to do as a reverse birthday gift.

Also, my family is notoriously late with birthdays. I once got a package from my mom in October. Someone asked what was the occasion and I said it was my birthday present. They were appalled to find out my birthday had been two months prior. But to me it seems normal.


laridian August 25 2012, 00:59:06 UTC
I just remember all the Sporn that happened after this game came out... ew... ^^;;


pixelcurious August 25 2012, 02:54:12 UTC
All the penis creatures and whatnot? Yeah - that kind of thing seems inevitable though. I fell prey to the adolescent temptation myself, but managed to confine it to cow udders and butt bugs. Because who needs another walking dick, really?


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