
Aug 24, 2012 19:36

I'm getting Spore for my birthday and in anticipation, I've been playing with the free Spore Creature Creator. It's pretty limited in terms of parts and patterns, but it's still fun. And you can share in the derp, below the cut.

I think I named these creatures Bandiscouts. One thing I like about them is, when they walk they tend to hold their tails straight up like happy cats.

Here is a Crocotauren. As I can't do sexual differentiation, this is a race of all females. We can assume they reproduce by parthe-moo-genesis.


Dat ass.

And my favorites (though the Bandiscouts run a very close second): Wolpertingers! Combining ferocity with deadly cuteness!

I've tried to make creatures that don't look terrestrial - truly alien forms - but so far I'm not impressed with my results and haven't saved them or taken pics of them (except for the butt creature, which is just for LOLs).

Of course, the game assumes a basically terrestrial type setting and evolutionary model, and there is something to be said for the idea of parallel evolution on other worlds. For instance, it makes sense for creatures to have sensory organs on a part that can swivel, like a head on a neck; it makes sense to have walking parts shaped like they tend to be on Earth, because of gravity; phalanges likewise are logical for tool-grasping. And so on.

Still, I think I'll make a greater effort toward more alien looking forms, just for fun and to stretch my brain a bit. Also, I need to lay off the speckled/bumpy pattern, I use it on almost everything. I also use the beady eyes on everything but that's because they're cute >_>

gheez shared some of her Spore creatures here on her tumblr, if you want to see them. Be sure to click on the pics to see them in full! (She has the full game so she has more parts, also...)


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