B.C.-Smiths - Many Birthdays and More

Aug 13, 2012 01:44

Man, now I feel really bad that I never got back to the Landgraab clones. Christina died and I wasn't there for her final moments. I always meant to switch back to them, but when you change households they lose their wishes, and there was always something I had my sims working on... like Mindy has one to write a science fiction novel (it's called Guacamole Planet, she's inventing a new genre, gustatory sci-fi) and Polly is halfway through a "upgrade X many objects" wish for her Tinkering LTW. I didn't want to lose those wishes, so I didn't switch back to the clones.

At least her former co-worker Caspian mourns her (in his sleep). I do, too. R.I.P., Christina.

How about some Chastity spam to cheer ourselves up?

As soon as Jolene starts cooking, Chastity starts hovering behind her, waiting to clean the counter. I should write down their traits because I can never remember them. I assume Jolene is a slob though, and Chastity might be neat, and is certainly neurotic.

Chas is still all over baby Dorothy. I hope they stay close as they age up.

I should have gotten more pics of this. This girl came home from school with my sims, dressed almost like Chastity (her shoes were different) and almost everyone in the house was hating on her. Seriously, even Polly and Caspian were trailing her about, scolding her. I guess she was starting to do inappropriate things (but never got the chance because she was being hounded by the Smiths).

Chastity also took pains to inform the girl of her humiliation (at having her style copied? who knows). Their relationship sank like a stone. Then the girl would not leave until around dawn the next morning. I'll be interested to see what happens if she visits again.

Mindy finished the painting she was working on when she first kissed Golly. That isn't one of the in-game paintings, which kind of suck; I have a painting replacement set (see here).

Naturally Golly had to meet Mindy's parents. One of his traits is loner so I knew he might be uncomfortable with so many people around. But he found ways to cope.

"Oh no, here comes Mindy's mom... quick, grab a toddler. Sorry kid, but you're my human shield now."

Polly actually quite likes him, which is nice. No hurdles there.

What's that face for, Chastity?

Both of Mindy's parents like her choice of boyfriend. Also, is it just me, or does that icon look more like Michael Jackson than the Mona Lisa?

Must be a postmodernist thing. O_o ?

Unfortunately, Caspian and Polly do NOT like Golly's mom.

At first Polly wanted to get on Caspian's case about it. But then she found out that Matilda dislikes children, and that was all she wrote. Matilda departed in a flurry of red minuses, shortly thereafter. Seriously!

Golly held up really well under the barrage of parental questions. I was proud of him. Please excuse Caspian yawning; he wasn't bored, but genuinely exhausted (maybe he's taking on a bigger workload now that Christine passed on?)

I can't remember if G.'s vegetarian... I guess I'll find out!

Anyway, it's birthday time.

Gather 'round, everyone! The whole family is there.

Except for Chastity, who is checking the sink in someone else's house, all the way across town...

"Don't judge."

Okay, anyway. Birthday!

This also shows off Jolene's gamine makeover. Now she's boyishly cute! It turns out the face spots were a bad case of space acne, and her long hair was aggravating it with oil. Sounds legit?

Mindy grows up into a rather drab outfit. :P
But no time for a makeover yet, because...

...and that was a little anticlimactic. LOL. Still, this is why we have makeovers.


Next day, I realized the house was a filthy pigpen and had someone call the maid service. It was so trashed, the game sent them TWO maids.

I think one of them is getting together with the repairman for drinks afterward.

*bedroom eyes*

Jolene's birthday... I kind of like the hair and clothes she aged into.

"Someone tell me why the babysitter that I've never met is front and center?"

Caspian always gets dewy-eyed when his daughters grow up. Oh and there's Mindy with her adult makeover - she is almost the same as before. One difference, though, is that Golly has started sleeping over.

Dorothy's birthday takes place at dawn the next day.

"Enough birthday song, I need CAKE!"

I think I got some of 'em out of bed to celebrate. >:D

This pic - 1. Synchronized horn blowing 2. Jolene's stance looks so awkward 3. Phew!

Dorothy grows up in the usual druggie sparkle bliss!

Polly will be watching her closely for signs of Feldmanization, a common plague among TS3 children.

She's also watching something else.

Eyes up, Polly! :O

This is Golly with his young adult makeover, by the way. I gave him the same hair, but I like this beard/scruff better for him. I did try other hairs but most of the short ones clip right through his ears. I think he looks sweet. ♥

And finally...

"You got me a floating box?!"

He accepted, of course! :D

Polly instantly appointed herself Wedding Planner. Maybe this is a family-oriented sim thing. G. looked a little overwhelmed. And Chastity in the background there...

She looks so wistful! I'll have to do something about that...

ETA: Here is a family tree.

Polly and Chastity look a lot alike. Polly's the mom, Chas is the daughter. :)

sims 3

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