Grimmy and Tumblr dump

Aug 09, 2012 16:03

I have a grinding headache today, which of course is the day that the handyman chose to replace my back door, complete with insanely loud power tools and lots of hammering. Meanwhile all my cool air is flowing out the open door (and the heat index today is 102F - 39C). Also the landlady's in and out measuring windows for new blinds and talking about changing the locks and stuff. I would love to be horizontal in a dark, cool, quiet room but that is just not an option. >_<

So I was going to repost my Be-Cygnus-Smith family posts from Tumblr, but instead I'm just going to link them like the last time. Sorry! At least this time there are only three posts.

I really love how Chastity looks as a teen. This family is sort of turning into my legacy family... but I will have a really hard time choosing among the girls for an heir. Mindy is more or less my favorite right now, but Chastity could supplant her and of course they both have to watch out baby Dorothy doesn't supplant them both. Then there's Jolene who is just so awkward she's cute. I wish I'd gotten pics of this, but I didn't - Jolene went and introduced herself to Mindy's boyfriend, and then she did her patented "pretend to eat dirt off the floor" trick for him, and he was SO not impressed. So funny.

Also, look who randomed up in CAS!

I really should have saved him, but I was worried he might screw up my game. On reflection I don't think he would have, since you can actually move the Reaper into your household (also I read the game has multiple Reapers - kind of like the show Dead Like Me - that was a good show.) I did peek at his personality, but I don't remember all his traits. One was Evil of course but I think he was also Childish. If he randoms up again I'll remember to screenshot the traits. 

sims 3

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