PixCT: 10.07

Oct 07, 2010 20:17

It's that time again...

  • Slash (Dean/Sam)
  • Adult
  • Preseries
  • ~690

    Yay CT! )
  • supernatural, cock thursday, ct: oct 3, wincest, fanfiction

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    Comments 8

    (The comment has been removed)

    pixel_0 October 31 2010, 01:45:39 UTC
    Thank you. ♥


    (The comment has been removed)

    pixel_0 October 31 2010, 01:45:56 UTC
    Om nom nom... ;D


    superwicked October 8 2010, 06:58:03 UTC
    "So,” Dean said.

    Sam waited before answering, eyes lowered to the blankets. Let the silence fill in the space between them, the sound of the waves not too far away, the Pacific seemingly at their doorstep.

    At last, Sam said, “So.”

    “So, Dad’s gone for three days.”

    This made me smile so wide! I just love it when they can be a little bit relaxed and when they tease each other!

    I ♥ all of it, especially Dean's thoughts on what he wants to do to Sam and what Sam will do to him! Lovely! ♥


    pixel_0 October 31 2010, 01:46:19 UTC
    Yay! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! :D


    layne67 October 8 2010, 08:59:56 UTC
    “What do you want to do?” Sam’s smirk was small but unmistakable. Of course he’d leave it up to Dean to spell it out. Couldn’t say what he wanted. Like he enjoyed watching Dean squirm in discomfort.

    That is so very Sam!!!


    pixel_0 October 31 2010, 01:46:33 UTC
    Hee! Glad you thought so!


    allydenise October 13 2010, 22:41:34 UTC
    The boys like this are my absolute favourite thing ever, young and with no clue of whats coming to them.
    I love the playfulness here, and their obvious delight in being with just eachother.
    Just lovely. <3


    pixel_0 October 31 2010, 01:46:50 UTC
    Thank you muchly! :)


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