PixCT: 10.07

Oct 07, 2010 20:17

It's that time again...

  • Slash (Dean/Sam)
  • Adult
  • Preseries
  • ~690

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    A combination of fic, pic, and cock, and that's really all there is to it.
    All About Cock Thursday

    So Far
    September 07-September 08
    September 08-September 09

    Dru Cock Thursday
    Pix Cock Thursday

    Dru September CTs
    Pix September CTs

    - - - - -

    DruCT: 10.07
    My fic:
    Slash (Wincest: Dean/Sam) oneshot
    Adult rating
    ~690 words

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    Pix’s Pic Pick

    When they lived by the ocean, they lost power in their little beachside house more often than not. Thunder and lightning weren’t always the culprits. Sometimes, all it would take was a swift breeze and gone would be the electricity throughout the small house.

    Not that this was ever a worry for Sam and Dean. They had spent the night in worse places-places without ceilings, places without walls or doors-so a lack of a little power was nothing to get upset over.

    Dean found one of the candles that sat, typically unused, on the bookshelf next to their bed. He placed it inside a rainbow mosaic holder-something that had come with the house, left behind by its previous bohemian owner-and lit the wick. The tiny flame flared up before settling down to a low burn. The flame threw the rainbow tiles out against the walls, transforming them into pale squares of light.

    Turning back to Sam, Dean crossed the room and climbed on the bed next to Sam, who lay and watched Dean move about the darkened room. The bed was soft and big, covered in thick down blankets that sank when Dean finally settled. Sam and he faced each other, lying on their sides, while the candle flickered on, rainbow patterns scattering on the walls.

    “So,” Dean said.

    Sam waited before answering, eyes lowered to the blankets. Let the silence fill in the space between them, the sound of the waves not too far away, the Pacific seemingly at their doorstep.

    At last, Sam said, “So.”

    “So, Dad’s gone for three days.”


    “Think we should do something about that?” Dean reached forward, running an index finger from the tip of Sam’s nose down, over his lips, past his chest, and landing on the button of his jeans.

    Sam looked up. “Hm,” he said, thick sarcasm. “What could we do about that?” Sixteen years old, and he was all cocksure and swagger lately, his long arms and longer legs finally matching his attitude. He was already taller than Dean, sure to be so much taller when he was finally done growing.

    Dean shrugged. Tried to play nonchalant, even though he had been wanting to put his hands all over Sam since the moment Dad had left that morning. But, after Dad had left, there had been chores to complete, safety to think about, and then the loss of power set everything back a bit. Now, though? Now, everything was completed, and it was just he and Sam lying in bed together.

    “What do you want to do?” Dean asked.

    “What do you want to do?” Sam’s smirk was small but unmistakable. Of course he’d leave it up to Dean to spell it out. Couldn’t say what he wanted. Like he enjoyed watching Dean squirm in discomfort.

    Ah, but that was all right, Dean figured. He’d been thinking of not much more than Sam all day. Sam’s skin, callused and rough on his fingers and knees, but soft and smooth on his belly and the insides of his thighs. Tanned all over, save for his ass and cock, because Sam did maintain some form of modesty on the beaches. Thinking about pressing his nose in the crease where Sam’s balls rested against his leg and kissing and licking and sucking until Sam came and then Sam would harden again and come again because he was still young and still could do things like that. Dean had been thinking of touching Sam and Sam touching him, and the two of them making the squishy down blankets into a mess of sweat and come, which they’d have to wash before Dad came home, but that wouldn’t be a concern for another few days. Oh, they could stay in bed for at least a day, easy, no worries, and Dean wanted nothing more than to make Sam come again and again.

    Dean smirked back and said, “Wanna see?”

    Sam rolled over, away from Dean, and his shirt pulled up, exposing a bit of skin above his pants. “Yeah,” Sam said, “come here and show me.”

  • supernatural, cock thursday, ct: oct 3, wincest, fanfiction

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