Awesome August Challenge 2010 - "Stealing Away"

Aug 09, 2010 11:02

Fandom: Popslash
Title: Stealing Away
Author: raynedanser
Pairing: Chris/Lance, pre-JC/OMC
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 935
Author's Notes:
#1 - Written for the Awesome August Challenge 2010, prompt: JC's Birthday
#2 - This was due yesterday, but we were away for the weekend and I wasn't quite ready to post it last night. Um. Sorry? :D

Chris brought out the last tray of munchies and looked around the crowded room. Nearly everyone that they knew was there, including the birthday boy. JC was off in the corner, talking with Joey, laughing about something. Chris looked at Lance and asked, “Where is he?”

“Who?” Lance answered in confusion.

Chris waved his hands frantically. “That... that twink you were telling me about!”

Lance raised one eyebrow at Chris. “Twink?”

Chris huffed. “Ok. Ok. That guy that you wanted to introduce JC to. Is that better? Is he here? He better be here. You promised!” Chris accused. He snatched a pastry from a tray on the table and eyed it suspiciously before popping it into his mouth. When Lance continued to watch him silently, he ate another.

“No, he's not here. Yet,” he got in quickly as Chris started to say something. He leaned down, brushed a kiss over Chris's lips lightly, then continued. “He'll be here, Chris. He promised me, too. Relax, ok? JC is one of our best friends. This is his birthday party. Enjoy it.”

Lance was right, Chris knew he was. And he tried, he really did. He munched some of the delicious food Lance had had prepared, gazed longingly at the cake sitting on the counter in the kitchen and watched the door like a hawk, waiting for Lance's friend to show up. And when JC sidled over to talk to him and thank him for throwing him such an awesome party, Chris thought he did a damn fine job at staying focused and not giving away that they had invited someone extra just for him.

He was talking with Joey, drink in one hand, the other tucked under his elbow when Lance finally sidled up next to him and slid his arm across Chris's back, fingers curling around Chris's side.

“He's here,” he whispered in Chris's ear.

Chris shivered with excitement. “He is? Where?” he asked.

“Yes. Over there in the deep purple shirt,” Lance told him as he nodded with his chin.

Chris studied him. He was brunette, slim, dark jeans were cinched around a narrow waist with a black leather belt. A deep purple button up shirt was tucked into the waist of his pants and a diamond sparkled in one ear. A narrow band of rubies sparkled around one thumb. He turned his head and met Chris's gaze evenly and Chris discovered dark brown eyes that sparkled with mischief. Definitely JC's type, Chris decided with approval.

Chris nodded. “Ok. Can I do it? Please?”

Lance tilted his head and watched Chris a moment, then nodded. “Sure, go ahead. His name is Eric, he's a photographer - no, not that kind of photographer - and away you go. Now, stay out of trouble.”

Chris went to JC and waited patiently for a break in JC's conversation with his brother. “JC, could you come with me, please?” he asked politely. He could see that it immediately make JC suspicious.

“Chris, what are you up to?”

Chris shook his head. “Not me, Lance. I'm just the errand boy, but trust me, you won't hate him for it,” Chris teased. He took JC's hand. “You coming?”

He led JC to where Eric was standing at the edge of the room, looking out a tall window. “Eric, I'm Chris. This is JC, the birthday boy.”

Eric turned and politely shook hands with JC, quietly murmured something, and then soon the two of them were immersed in conversation, Chris quickly forgotten. He quietly ducked away and found Lance in the kitchen.

“How did it go?” he asked Chris as he grabbed two beers from the refrigerator.

Chris grinned. “Good. They didn't even notice me leaving.”

Lance chuckled. “Yeah? Let's see,” he said, peeking out of the kitchen around the door frame.

Chris peeked out with him and looked at the crowded room. “Where is he?” he asked in confusion. “They were right there!” he insisted.

“What are we looking at?” JC asked from behind them. Eric stood further back in the kitchen, laughing softly.

Lance blushed. “You. We were looking for you,” he admitted.

JC nodded. “Figured. Eric and I are going to go to the little cafe down the corner, talk somewhere a little more quiet,” he told them.

“Awesome! You two kiddoes have a good time, stay out of trouble and be home by midnight,” he said, winking at Eric. Next to him, Lance was spluttering about the birthday boy leaving his own party and Chris elbowed him in the ribs. “Lance. He's leaving with Eric,” he hissed.

When JC promised to be back later for cake and candles, Chris knew it was an empty promise. They'd go to the cafe and then who knows where after that and the party would be completely forgotten by dawn.

Much, much later, sometime after noon, Chris stumbled tiredly into the kitchen for a cup of coffee when his cell phone vibrated its way across his counter. JC's number flashed at him on the screen and Chris slid his phone open.

“JC! You disappeared on us!” Chris hissed accusingly. “You promised!”

JC laughed. “I know, I'm sorry man! Eric and I got talking and the next thing I knew, it was dawn and time for coffee. He just left now,” JC explained. “Hey, tell Lance I said he's the best birthday present ever.”


“Yeah. Thanks guys.”

ficlet - nsync, ficlet-nsync-trickyfish, awesome august

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