Fic - 90210 - The Eyes Have it

Nov 05, 2010 17:29

Fandom: 90210
Title: The Eyes Have It
Author: raynedanser
Pairing: Teddy/Ian
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 1200
Author's Notes: It's all fansprez's fault! This fic's for you, hon. ♥


Ian watched as Teddy climbed the stairs to the stage and stood awkwardly as Silver placed a simple silver crown on his head, thus crowning him prom king. Naomi stood at his side, sparkly tiara perched precariously on her perfectly styled curls. Her smile was bright and infectious, but Teddy's looked forced, his expression pinched as he looked out at everyone watching them. He searched the sea of faces, finally meeting Ian's gaze and Ian swallowed roughly. There was something in his eyes, something right on the edge that Ian recognized, but then Teddy blinked and whatever it was was gone just as quickly as it was there.

True to form, Naomi had arranged for glitter & pale rose petals to cascade down on the stage and something in Teddy's expression shifted before he broke loose, jumped carefully off the front of the stage and ran out the doors.

Suddenly, the entire auditorium fell silent as Naomi stared at where Teddy had disappeared. Almost at the same time, Ian rushed to find him. As he pushed the double doors open, he was dimly aware of Silver and Navid following him.

But where did Teddy go? Ian wondered. He looked at Navid, who only shrugged and shook his head in confusion. The bathroom was nearby and Ian went that way first.

When Navid moved to follow him, Ian turned to stop him. Even if Navid didn't know what was going on, Ian had a pretty good idea.

"No," Ian said quietly. "I have this." Navid's expression was more confused than ever, but he nodded. "Don't let anyone else in," Ian directed and he went into the bathroom.

His nerves were wound tight as the door snicked shut behind him. "Teddy?" he asked quietly. He slowly walked further into the room, then finally sighed in relief. Curled up on the floor against the wall of the last stall, looking much smaller than his 6'2, was Teddy, looking for all the world like his had just ended. His eyes were closed, his temple against the gray brickwork of the wall. "Teddy," Ian said again as he crouched next to him. His fingers itched to touch, to reassure, but he knew that would only send Teddy running again, so he waited.

Finally, Teddy opened his eyes and looked at Ian. They were red and wet and only now did Ian realize how pale Teddy was. Ian smiled a little and was relieved when Teddy weakly returned it.

"Hey," Teddy croaked. He shifted in the stall, sitting with his back against the wall. He drew his knees up and wrapped his arms around them, closing himself off.

Ian sat next to him and could feel the tension as it radiated off Teddy's body in waves. "Hey yourself. What happened?"

Teddy shook his head, gulping loudly. "I don't- I ... I couldn't do it, you know?"

Now Ian was confused. "No, I don't. Do what?"

Teddy gave a laugh that sounded broken and bitter. "You're going to make me say it, aren't you?" he swiped at his eyes with one hand as Ian continued to patiently wait him out. "Stand there with Naomi like I'm not ... not gay," he finally said in a quiet rush. He blew a shaky breath out.

But Ian knew from experience that being able to say it was only the beginning. "Oh," was all he could think of. He knew Teddy needed to keep talking, to get it out of his system.

Teddy looked at Ian. "Yeah. Oh. How do you do it?"

Ian thought carefully before answering. "One day at a time. Some are easier than others," he admitted. The tension that had been radiating off Teddy since he'd come in had eased somewhat, so Ian took a chance and turned a little, placing a hand on Teddy's arm. He felt the muscles in Teddy's arm jump and for a second Ian worried that it was too much, but then Teddy relaxed. "Your friends will still be your friends and that helps, too."

Teddy nodded and a tear fell. "And your family?" he asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Ah, now family.... I was lucky. My mom's happy as long as I'm happy."

"What about your dad?" Teddy asked as he took another swipe at his eyes.

"My dad's been gone since I was four," Ian said quietly.

"Sorry," Teddy said, sounding more like himself.

Ian shrugged. It was a distraction for Teddy and he knew that, so he went with it. "It's ok. I don't really remember him." He studied Teddy a minute. "You look good," he admitted. And he did. Dark tux, white shirt, cummerbund and tie in a shade of blue that matched his eyes.

Teddy smiled again and Ian was relieved to see it was more genuine now. "Thanks, you do too."

Ian swallowed, wondering if he dared for more, if Teddy was ready for more. He stood quickly before he did something he'd regret later, startling Teddy. "You're going to get that tux all dirty," he explained as he held a hand out to Teddy and pulled him up. He needlessly dusted off Teddy's shoulder, then snatched his hand back.

"So ... What next?" Ian wondered.

Teddy smiled weakly, still genuine, but a little unsure again. "Well, I'm gay," he said again and Ian nodded and made a humming noise in agreement. "And there's this guy that I like, but I've kind of been a bit of a jerk to him, well, a lot of a jerk, so he might not like me back," he continued, smile wavering. "So I'm not sure what next. Any ideas?"

Ian laughed quietly, brought his hand up to Teddy's chest and looked up. Underneath his hand, he could feel Teddy's heart beating wildly. "Well, I'm sure this other guy understands what you were going through."

"Think so?"

Ian nodded firmly, wanting to reassure Teddy. "I know so. So, I'm sure he'd probably be willing to cut you some slack, especially if he thought you were sorry."

Finally, Ian was rewarded with a bright smile from Teddy. "I definitely am."

Ian's smile matched Teddy's. "That's good," he whispered. "Because I've been waiting a long time to kiss you."

Teddy tipped his head down and brushed his lips over Ian's, carefully at first. Unsure. Nervous. But then Ian made a noise of encouragement and the kiss deepened as Teddy gained confidence.

"Hey, guys, people are getting antsy out here waiting. Is everything oh-" Navid asked as the door banged open. "OH," he said in comprehension.

Teddy pulled back and rested his forehead against Ian's, smiling more than Ian had seen in months.

"Guys?" Navid asked.

"Yeah. We're good," Ian finally answered.

Navid backed out, nodding. "Cool. I'll let everyone know."

Once again alone, Ian worried that Teddy would throw his walls back up and he watched Teddy warily. Teddy backed up, ran a hand over his head and breathed out, but when he looked back up at Ian, Ian didn't see any of those walls there.

"Ok?" Ian asked.

Teddy took his hand. "Yeah."


fic - 90210

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