Oct 13, 2014 20:24

Hey my lovelies…I haven’t been around for a looooong time, but here you will have a long post with pictures and everything…

On September 28th, SIL and the girls dropped of their 2 dogs for me to watch the next 8 days when they went on vacation on Mallorca. When I had agreed to take care of the dogs, BRO had promised that Mum could get his car to ( Read more... )

gift, cancer, making stuff, support day, pimping, love, random, mum, mammograms, post cards, family, lj, i have the best friends in the world, life, bleep my nieces say, personal, breast cancer month, Thank you♥, help, nieces, friends, jewellery, thea, pink saturday, charity, pictures, sarah, pay it forward, rl, visitors

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Comments 18

a_phoenixdragon October 13 2014, 18:49:55 UTC
This was awesome! What a lovely booth!!



pippii October 16 2014, 18:30:15 UTC
Thank you Lovie...
We liked the booth too...there were stuff left though so I have Christmas gifts..be warned;)


bluedelft October 13 2014, 22:44:48 UTC
Sounds like you had a great visit!

Whoo Hoo on raising more money this year!


pippii October 16 2014, 18:32:15 UTC
Thanks hon, we had such an amazing time.
YAY, we are doing well...being the only private booth in Denmark, we are proud.


honeyjojames October 13 2014, 23:16:10 UTC
Lovely pictures! I'm so glad you all had such a good time, and congratulations on doing so well with the booth! You are all looking absolutely lovely in the photos! ♥


pippii October 16 2014, 18:33:16 UTC
Thank you Honey♥
We had the best time and we are so proud of what we did.
Thank you for being so kind♥♥


honeyjojames October 17 2014, 12:31:54 UTC
Hi sweetie! Thank you so much for the little package that just came in the post! That was such a lovely surprise! You are so sweet and kind to me!
The jewellery is gorgeous - as your jewellery always is! I love the earrings! The turquoise flower ones are so unusual! I'm wearing them right now! And the coins are really different too - I love them! I love the dangly ones and all the phone charms too! Thank you so so so so so much! You are so lovely to send me things like this! It really made my day!
*massive extra squishy tight hugs*


pippii October 22 2014, 11:06:04 UTC
You´re welcome Honey.
Glad you like the earrings, it is my pleasure manking them to you.
The flowers, I think there are only two pairs in the world. The one you got and I made a pair for Mum too, but they are a bit diffrent, so yours are unique ;)
Hugs and kisses ♥♥


burned_phoenix October 14 2014, 07:28:51 UTC
Thank you again for having me, darling! I had such a good time again :)

My mom was very happy to get more of the Knäckebrot :D And she said she'd make more of the small glas stuff to sell next year. Maybe some Christmas related things, too. I really liked her trees last year.

I hope you're all doing well! Did I say thank you for the pic you sent me already? I think i did, but I'm not sure right now.

I miss you!!!


pippii October 16 2014, 18:36:27 UTC
Always darling, if you want to move here just let me know♥
We had a wonderful time...
Glad your mum liked "Knækkebrød"....I´ll send some for Christmas.
She is so kind, take pictures of her tree,
Yes you did, I´ll be sure to send you the pictures in an email...I´ll write you one tonight..
I miss you tooooooooo♥♥♥♥


burned_phoenix November 5 2014, 08:31:04 UTC
Hehe, I will *G*

Yes, we did! We do every time I come up! :)

She still has a bunch left, maybe it'll be better when I tell you when it's gone *g*
But I'll take pictures, if we have one. There's a possibility that we'll be somewhere warm instead of here ;)


tracyj23 October 14 2014, 14:45:59 UTC
Lovely pics! It looks like you had a wonderful time. I hope you don't mind me stopping by and commenting - Kerstin linked to this post from her journal and as I've been bugging her to post pics of the trip I figured I should come and check these out. :)

Such a nice chance to get together and visit and do something special for cancer awareness too. I'm glad you guys do this every year. It's a lovely tradition. ♥


pippii October 16 2014, 18:42:53 UTC
Hi there, no you are welcome anytime. I am so happy that you liked my pictures.
It is a great tradition and Kerstin is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She means the world to me, my Mum and my two nieces.
I am so happy that she is taking part in Pink Saturday, she is so kind.
Welcome back anytime


tracyj23 October 17 2014, 15:16:25 UTC
Thank you! I shall visit again sometime. :)

Kerstin is amazing. I love her death and I'm envious that you two live close enough to visit. I've never met her in person, as I live in Canada. I hope someday we will meet. :)


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