Oct 13, 2014 20:24

Hey my lovelies…I haven’t been around for a looooong time, but here you will have a long post with pictures and everything…

On September 28th, SIL and the girls dropped of their 2 dogs for me to watch the next 8 days when they went on vacation on Mallorca. When I had agreed to take care of the dogs, BRO had promised that Mum could get his car to use the week they were gone…..then he went back on his promise, saying that his car would be damaged staying on the parking  place we have here….so I go two doge and no car……..UGH
That turned out to be a hard week with those two dogs….Them peeing inside 11 times the first night and then 9 times the next night and such.

The nice stuff starts on Wednesday October 1st.
My amazingly lovely  Kerstin (burned-phoenix) arrived in the airport at around 11.00
Mum and I picked her up on time and took the bus back home….
We had a great afternoon, and in the evening we went to The Light Ceremony in Budolfi Church,
There were speeches, hymns and the lightning of the lights….
So special and wonderful…

Thursday Mum had a doctor’s appointment and Kerstin and I, after taking our time with breakfast and a lot of talking, went shopping….

We bought Nadia’s sandwiches for dinner and bought one for Mum too, we delivered when we got home.
In the evening we made pink ribbons to give out on Saturday…

Friday we spend at home…..taking our time, tending to the dogs, having breakfast and watching “Midsomer Murders” on TV… we had pulled pork sandwiches for dinner and Kerstin made the most beautiful cards to sell on Saturday

Saturday was really busy…getting up early, walking dogs, getting breakfast and being in Euro Spar at 10.00. We sat up our booth with all our Breast cancer stuff and it turned out perfect.

The first two hours was a bit slow….some of the elderly women that know us came and bought something from us…..
We were giving out free pink ribbons outside and free breast cancer charms from the booth.
After 12.00 the sale got smoother…we sold pretty good, and all the lottery numbers for winning a Build a Bear got sold too.

In the end we made 1467 kr, and donated 1250 to the Breast Cancer Foundation...150kr more than last year…
We took a nap when we got home and had pizza for dinner, early time for bed with various stories to read.

Sunday the girls came around and we had the most amazing time with chocolate, drawings a lot of laughs and just being happy.
Thea was being shy in the beginning, but after they started playing, she was like a spider-monkey, never wanting to let Kerstin go again.

The dogs went home that day too and we were SO pleased about that (The dogs were the most untrained and horny dogs - not that my BRO or SIL had ever mentioned that!!)

Mum had asked us over for dinner and we got roasted potatoes, cauliflower and Hawaii roast pork, and liquorice ice-cream.
We had a great time, talking and laughing and enjoying ourselves

Monday was the day where Kerstin would leave to go home again….
We had a nice morning with breakfast and then watching a movie.
“The shelter” is an amazing and wonderful movie, highly recommended.

We then went shopping for some stuff Kerstin needed to bring home and around 4.00 we needed to catch the bus with Mum so we could get to the airport in time…


gift, cancer, making stuff, support day, pimping, love, random, mum, mammograms, post cards, family, lj, i have the best friends in the world, life, bleep my nieces say, personal, breast cancer month, Thank you♥, help, nieces, friends, jewellery, thea, pink saturday, charity, pictures, sarah, pay it forward, rl, visitors

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