I'm addicted to the paranormal...

Jan 15, 2008 21:56

Okay. It's one thing to religiously watch things like Buffy/Angel, Supernatural, etc. To know the eps inside and out. To quote them on a daily basis ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

jb1234 January 16 2008, 04:12:59 UTC
Yeah, uh, no. ;)


pip22 January 16 2008, 04:32:15 UTC
whatever. Way to broaden your horizons, Joshie-poo. :p


jb1234 January 16 2008, 04:53:38 UTC
Well, I don't have cable. I'll admit that to being a stumbling block. :p

Plus, I'm trying to keep up with like ten shows, video games, old DVDs (going through Angel right now) AND movies. There's just too much entertainment out there!


pip22 January 18 2008, 04:00:14 UTC
I hear ya, babycakes. This is why I decided I'm not going out anymore. Just gonna go to work, come home and watch tele. :p


kwhiteshark January 16 2008, 07:06:43 UTC
I love Ghost Hunters, and GHI was pretty awesome! So yeah, I'm there.


pip22 January 16 2008, 13:44:32 UTC
OMG, girl. I LOVE YOUR ICON!!! :)

And if you haven't checked out Paranormal State yet, it's definitely worth a viewing. ;)


arkadyfolkner January 17 2008, 06:15:37 UTC
Already an addict :)


pip22 January 18 2008, 04:01:13 UTC
which one? Or are you an addict of all three, like me? ;)


arkadyfolkner January 18 2008, 05:33:21 UTC
GH and GHI, I havent seen Paranomal State yet.



pip22 January 22 2008, 05:45:34 UTC
Tonight's eps of Paranormal State were Ab Fab. Very intense.

If you like the more science-y, technical, trying-to-debunk aspect of GH and GHI, you probably won't like Paranormal State. Less about trying to debunk and more about helping people deal emotionally, etc.


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