I'm addicted to the paranormal...

Jan 15, 2008 21:56

Okay. It's one thing to religiously watch things like Buffy/Angel, Supernatural, etc. To know the eps inside and out. To quote them on a daily basis.

I think I have reached a new plateau. Now, I'm addicted to the reality versions of these shows. I absolutely LOVE Ghost Hunters (Sci-Fi) and Paranormal State (A&E). I haven't had a chance to watch Ghost Hunters International yet but I'm pretty sure I'll love that too. :)

I think my fave at the moment is Paranormal State but that may just be because the ep about the haunted bar last night was truly wicked. Wicked in a good, cool way. Not wicked as in evil. ;)

So this is my new vice. Anyone care to join me? ;)
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