I know a girl ...

Oct 01, 2010 20:32

Category: Pink Sheep RPGMichael knew it was presumptuous to show up at Emma’s flat on a Friday night and expect her to be there and available, but it was the way of their friendship. Formalities like letters and requests for company were not how they went about things. It made his lips twitch into a small smile to imagine Emma’s prose if she were ( Read more... )

michael, michael/emma, emma

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Comments 1

leigh_adams October 2 2010, 03:52:08 UTC
Julian likes the plug for his club. Business is good.

And he's also smirking at the fact that Michael's little sister has before graced the stage of Pandora's Box with her presence.

There are people in my head who are bereft that Emma was the first person to come to Michael's mind for companionship. Lisa misses him- though she can't offer the shags.

Padma misses him, too, though she's not as fun or bubbly or pretty as Emma.

Very nice, laydeez. :*


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