I know a girl ...

Oct 01, 2010 20:32

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

Michael knew it was presumptuous to show up at Emma’s flat on a Friday night and expect her to be there and available, but it was the way of their friendship. Formalities like letters and requests for company were not how they went about things. It made his lips twitch into a small smile to imagine Emma’s prose if she were put to such a task. Such notes from the little Gryffindor would prove entertaining, if anything.

It was late, but he’d finished up the books for the shop and he was wanting for company. Normally his own would do just fine; a joint and his guitar could keep him company for weeks on end. He found that he desired companionship tonight though, and the first person that came to mind was Emma Dobbs. The pretty little blonde was always up for a ‘game’, as she was often wont to put it.

Blue eyes flicked to the number pinned to the door. This was the one. Michael leaned in the frame and knocked.

Emma squeaked loudly at the bang on her door, nearly dropping the pint of vanilla ice cream in her hands. Giggling at herself, she muted the scary movie she’d been watching. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and Lola would’ve just come in, so she set her frozen treat on one of the little tables that flanked her entryway and peered through the peephole to see who’d come calling.

A second squeak, this one far less frightened than the first, sounded when she saw Michael on the other side of her door, and she pulled it open quickly. “Pretty man!” she exclaimed, bouncing up to hug him.

Michael caught her easily and brought her up off the floor. “Hey there, dove,” he greeted, smile tugging at his lips as he pressed a kiss against her neck before setting her down. Blue eyes took in the little camisole and teeny tiny matching shorts before flicking past her. “Everything alright in there?” he asked, gaze coming back to her. “You ... squeaked.”

She looked at him curiously before it dawned on her what he meant. With a giggle, Emma gestured inside the flat. “I’m fine, but all work and no play makes Jack a murderous crazy man with an ax. I was watching The Shining when you knocked.” Taking a step back, she asked, “Do you want to come in and keep me safe? The creepy twins might turn up again soon.”

“The Shining?” he said, smile turning his lips. He wasn’t a big fan of horror movies, but he’d seen the classics. “What’s a kitten like you doing watching a film like that by yourself?” he asked as he stepped through the door and snagged her hand, tugged her after him. Michael had always known where Emma lived, but he’d never been. The little flat was very ... her. Feminine and cute, welcoming.

“I like it. It gives me goosebumps and makes me jump and squeak.” Emma liked several things that gave her that reaction, though most of them didn’t involve being scared. “It’s fun to have someone to jump onto, though. I’ll even share my ice cream,” she told him, grabbing the pint off the table before letting Michael draw her further inside.

Small fingers flexed on the cold container as a thought occurred to her. Turning bright green eyes to her surprise guest, Emma asked, “Unless you had a different game you wanted to play?”

Michael dropped onto her fluffy sofa and tugged her into his lap. Her giggle brought another tiny grin to his lips and he took the pint from her to deposit it on side table. “I came to see if you wanted to go to Pandora’s Box,” he told her, hand sliding into her hair, “but we can watch your movie.” Blue eyes flicked from her mouth up to her inquisitive gaze, and he smoothed his hand down her neck to the skin exposed by her little cami and then over the curve of her shoulder and down her arm. “Just wanted to visit with you, dove. Where doesn’t matter. Thought you might like to see the dancing girls,” he added with a small twitch of lips.

Emma melted against him as Michael’s touch warmed her skin. It was easy for her pretty man to get her blood rushing when that was his intent, but when he touched her lazily, just for the sake of it, the effect was just the opposite - she felt languorous, lethargic, and completely cozy.

“Dancing girls?” she asked, rolling her head up from where it rested on Michael’s shoulder so she could meet his eyes. “What sort of dancing girls?”

“The burlesque, cabaret kind,” he told her, fingers dancing across her skin much like they did when he had a guitar. “There’s costumes, a bit of play-acting, singing, and dancing. 1930’esque,” he added as he quit his preoccupation with the goosebumps he’d raised on her arm and moved his hand to her thigh, fingers splaying over her warm skin and inching slightly beneath the teeny tiny shorts she was wearing.

He found her eyes, grinned. “A bit of a strip-tease, too.”

There was a pause before her response as Emma fought to focus on Michael’s words rather than the fact that his hand was high on her thigh. She was sure he did that sort of thing on purpose, that he liked watching her eyes go unfocused as her body reacted to him involuntarily. Emma didn’t really mind; she liked it, too. It did make it difficult to carry on a coherent conversation, though. Her lips curled slightly as it dawned on her that this was one of Michael’s games. He just didn’t announce them the way she did.

Having managed to grasp a train of thought and hold on, she moved on to the actual words he’d said and her smile grew. Music and pretty women in costumes - and getting out of them. “That sounds like fun.” Emma wasn’t attracted to women, but she appreciated the aesthetic of the female form, and the spectacle of it all appealed to her. It wasn’t a raunchy, degrading sort of strip club, but a tease of relative innocence masquerading as something more. Emma knew all about the tease. She’d been playing that game for years.

“You sound like fun,” Michael returned, eyes bright as he splayed his hand over her thigh, smoothed it down warm skin until musician’s fingers lightly tickled at the back of her knee. Michael liked touching Emma - missed it, even. She never held back her reactions, didn’t try to use guile or artifice on him, and there were no expectations beyond the moment. She accepted what he was willing to give of himself. It was one of the things he liked most about her.

Emma squirmed a bit from his teases, her breath hitched at times, her gaze went in and out of focus, and smiles stole across her features as she remembered to have fun between being distracted by what he was doing. “Do you want to go?” he asked, fingers tapping a light rhythm on her knee now, “or watch your movie?”

Green eyes twinkled brightly with humor as a smile grew on Emma’s face. “I am fun,” she told him before wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a quick kiss. “And I want to see the dancing girls, but I should probably put on real clothes first. The Shining can wait. It’s not like Jack Nicholson’s going to stop being crazy while we’re gone.”

With a hint of reluctance, Emma rose from Michael’s lap. As nice as it was to cuddle and kiss, this was the first time they were going to go out together somewhere on purpose and she was as excited about that as she was to see the girls in fancy dress. “I’ll be back in two shakes,” she promised, punctuating the words with a double jerk of her hips. As she skipped from the room, Emma’s voice carried back to him, “You’re fun too, pretty man!”

Another tiny smile stole across his features and he shook his head as he stood. There was a reason he had never stopped their ‘games’ - Emma didn’t expect anything but what was there, but she made him smile too.

Michael snatched her hand when she came back out and twirled her in a circle. He was rewarded with a giggle, and his lips curled as he brought her in against him and bent to press his lips lightly to hers. “Ready, dove?”

“Ready!” came the slightly breathless reply. Tucking herself in close to Michael’s side, Emma stole one more kiss because he let her. Anytime was a good time to have her pretty man’s kisses.

They arrived at one of the Apparation points in Pandora’s Box, and Michael let his hand slide down to Emma’s hip as he led her towards the music and voices. Money exchanged hands, and then they were in the smoky, dimly lit room packed with people on sofas and at tables, some up on stage with the burlesque dancers. The place was more laid back than Incubus Dreams, and Michael found that he liked it. Astoria had told him it’d suit him, and she was right. The live music - the jazzy, sultry slide of it, and the easy, warm feel to the crowd and the space suited his tastes.

He glanced down and was unsurprised to find Emma taking in the surroundings with her usual pleased and excited wonder at anything new and potentially fun or thrilling. “What do you want to drink, love?”

Emma’s eyes were wide as she surveyed the women on stage with their over the top costumes. There were fans and feathers and tassles. Being a burlesque showgirl looked like a tremendous amount of fun. They were a bit like live versions of the pin-up girls that covered Jace Harper’s wall, only rather more flamboyant. As she watched one woman twirl her tassles, first together and then in opposite directions, Emma’s brow creased slightly and she glanced down at her own modest bosom. Perhaps she couldn’t imitate the showgirls as easily as the pin-up models.

Michael’s voice filtered through her thoughts then, and she turned to him. It took another moment for the words he’d actually said to register, but once they had Emma gave the question serious consideration. She didn’t drink much or often, but this was a fun night out and she trusted her escort to look after her. “Something fruity and frozen?” she posited. “I don’t really know the names of them, but I like the pink ones.”

Michael caught a waitress passing by and gave their order before leading Emma further into the club. Near the stage there was a spot open on one of the sofas and Michael sat, pulled Emma down on his lap. Their drinks showed up minutes later. “Something pink,” he said, nodding at her drink. “Fruity. Sweet.” His lips twitched, eyes bright as he met hers. “Like you.”

The smile she rewarded him with was full and happy, and Emma relaxed against Michael’s chest. She liked Michael. He was always easy to be around and always made her feel warm and smiley. She could tell that he genuinely liked her too, and not just the games she liked to play. Spending time with her pretty man was never a chore.

“Michael,” she asked, pulling her straw from her mouth as she peeked up at him, “do men like this for the show, or just for the naked ladies?”

“Men generally like the naked ladies,” he said, lips twitching at her before he sipped his scotch on the rocks. “They also like that their ladies get inspired,” he added, nodding toward the stage and the several women who were obviously not part of the show. Pandora’s Box was intimate enough that the patrons felt like they could be part of it all - free to indulge beyond their normal inhibitions for a few hours.

Michael’s gaze returned from the stage to Emma. “I like the way it feels. Warm, relaxed, like everyone’s more comfortable in their skin.” The little smile that curled his mouth touched his eyes. “And the live music.”

Emma considered his opinion and ultimately agreed with him, Pandora’s had a sensual but welcoming feel and the music was nice, too. She could tell looking at Michael’s eyes that it didnt’ touch her quite the same way. While she knew he played and sang, she hadn’t really ever heard him and a mental note was made to seek out a performance. There was no mistaking the way even just the subject of music seemed to light him from within and Emma thought that seeing him fully immersed in it would be a rather wondrous experience.

As to the rest of what he’d said, she was a little less certain of what she thought. “I don’t know if I would want someone who thought it was a good idea for me to titillate other men. Being inspired is fine for when you go home to share it together, but I think if I ever really belonged to someone, I wouldn’t want it to be someone who thought it was fun to share parts of me that should be just for him.” She smiled a bit sheepishly. “I’ve been accused of being prudish before, though.”

“I’ve no similar accusations to make,” Michael said, lips curling slightly as he tapped her on the nose lightly before running his thumb over her bottom lip and then dropping his hand back down to her thigh where it’d been resting. Michael knew that the openness between himself and Emma, and the physical relationship they shared, was unique. He’d been her first, and he was fairly sure there were very few others, if any. Emma was very deliberate about who she shared herself with despite all the teases.

“A man who brings a woman here with intentions of getting her on the stage is not planning on keeping her in the way you mean normally,” he added, blue eyes meeting her green ones. “Most often, they’re hoping to get laid, dove.” Michael stroked his thumb back and forth over the skin of her thigh idly. “If she belongs to him in any kind of way, a man does like to keep her charms to himself.”

The absent touch pulled a soft sigh from her lips, but the thought of just ‘getting laid’ made Emma’s nose crinkle. It wasn’t really that she judged others for engaging in that kind of thing, her best friend had long been a libertine and Emma loved Lola with all her heart, but that kind of casual relationship had never seemed appealing to the little blonde. She liked knowing that her lovers wanted to be with her and not just some random interchangeable collection of body parts. Theoretically, at least, as Michael was the only man she’d actually been with. With him, she always knew that it was ‘Michael’ making love to ‘Emma’. She never felt as though who she was didn’t matter to him, despite the fact that they were not together in the romantic sense.

Small fingers dancing lightly over his chest, Emma laid her head on Michael’s shoulder. “Even when I just feel like playing games, I want to play them with someone who’s there for me in particular. I don’t understand why someone would want to be treated like anyone else would be just as welcome in their place.”

“Can’t say, dove,” Michael told her. It was a true enough statement. Michael had always had plenty of opportunity to indulge in women. Despite the fact that he generally said little and rarely set about to actively woo the opposite sex, there’d always been willing women. He could indulge, and it may feel good, but he found such interactions nothing but meaningless physical intimacy. He enjoyed learning a woman in person so that he could string her perfect tune fully in passion. Such couldn’t be accomplished with a woman who’s song he had never taken the time to capture.

“I like to know how to make a woman shiver,” he told her, voice low against her ear as he brushed his fingers along the high hem of her little dress. There were people around - the music, the dancers, the crowds, the warm din of the club - but they could have been sitting in her bright, girly sitting room for all the difference it made in that particular moment. “It takes knowing her.”

Ordinarily Emma might have giggled at the fact a shiver did run up her spine just then, but at that moment giggling wasn’t really on her mind. In fact, the whole of her focus had suddenly narrowed to Michael’s warm breath as it fanned across her skin, the light touch of his hand on her thigh, and the deep blue eyes that were somehow open and welcoming and still completely mysterious. “I’m glad you know me,” the little blonde breathed. “I like it when you make me shiver.”

“Maybe we should have stayed in,” he said, lips curling slightly at the hazy look in her eyes. Perhaps after they’d had their fill of each other, they could enjoy watching dancing girls and theatrics, listen to live music, but he’d been preoccupied with having his hands on her skin all night, and it seemed his light touches had finally served to fully distract her from everything else. Not that Michael minded, much. His thoughts were beginning to drift firmly to other places as well.

“Don’t you want to see the naked ladies?” she asked, even as she leaned in closer, the pink drink in her hand forgotten.

“Just one,” he said before closing the small space between them to lightly brush his lips to hers.

SUMMARY: Michael takes Emma to Pandora’s Box to see the dancing ladies.

michael, michael/emma, emma

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