Is a very serious
I have to think long and hard about this, because the one and only thing that could make me stay home in November is McCain picking a Dominionist for VP. This makes Palin look as bad as Fuckabee, and with McCain's age, it's a worry and then some.
When you commented in my girl_gamers I thought you would not mind playing with me to help each other's acheivements? Perhaps we can get a third person to communicate between us or something and figure something out that way?
You seem like a cool person, have some commonalities with me (especially politically ^_^) and it'd be cool to game with you as I enjoy meeting new people to be friends with and to game with.
I hope we can figure something out you know? Just wondering.
Again, I never meant any offence and I hope you understand?
Yes, I am an avid Star Wars fan, and have played both Battlefront games.
I would like to play with you on Halo on the campaign, mainly because I know you and hence more comfortable with people I know. Most people I friend that I don't know are just for MP games on Halo 3 and not to help with achievements. It takes a higher level of trust for that and you're on that higher level. Especially since you and I are Republican :P (regardless if you've made your choice and I"m still on the fence lol)
I hope you understand, and can try and find time to play with me online? I really would like to get to know you better as a fellow gamer friend, if that makes sense?
Please let me know
So I'm sorry, but that's a no on the game. I don't see the time thing, especially, changing until December.
I've tried to be nice and tell you I simply can't help you, but you just don't get nice, apparently. So please go away now. I'm banning you from my LJ, and if I can figure out how to do so on the 360, I'm blocking you there too. Please take the hint and go find someone else to help you.
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