PLAYZONE [August 3]

Aug 05, 2014 10:32

So as far as I can tell Playzone people were like, "This summer's gonna be the last time we EVER perform Playzone in Aoyama!" and then like four days into it Tsubasa was like, "HA no, actually we're gonna do one more in January trollolol ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

lovespiral August 5 2014, 01:50:57 UTC
tsubasa is super terrifying ASLKFJSALKFJLSAJFLSJALKFJ congratulations on surviving once again :D/////

$10 sounds HILARIOUS. didn't they do this song before? was Tsubasa in it previously? hrmm


pinkpapyrus August 5 2014, 02:02:32 UTC
HE IS SUPER TERRIFYING. He totally knows it, too, the stinker.


I think they did? But Tsubasa wasn't in it? Maybe? I like question marks?


farsju August 5 2014, 08:06:24 UTC
Yes, they did it before with two groups. The one wearing red shirts, the other one wearing green shirts at the 2010 PZ when ABC-Z still were in the show.
But Tsubasa wasn't in it at all. So not even like this.
Oh, I wanna see. He sounds so trying to be bad boy-ish XDDDDD


pinkpapyrus August 6 2014, 22:38:57 UTC
He sounds so trying to be bad boy-ish XDDDDD

It's really adorable, which I'm sure is not what he was aiming for at all. XD


mayezinha August 5 2014, 02:19:29 UTC
And here I was thinking you haven't posted anything despite T&T having a single and Playzone out. Glad to read you enjoyed it! XD


pinkpapyrus August 5 2014, 02:27:15 UTC
I know, right? I wasn't sure how active LJ still was, but I still love writing reports, so I was definitely going to do this one. :D

It was delightful! I liked the part where Tsubasa existed. ;)


heart283 August 5 2014, 03:39:57 UTC
OMG I loved this. I had to give up on trying to drink while reading because it was too hard not to spray my computer screen. Mob boss of adorable dancing people! Who says he can't act? (Besides everyone...) The whole cast seems to love PZ so much. I'm glad Tsubasa Exists in it. Thank you for writing about it. I enjoyed reading. I want Good Things on the DVD! The skit sounds great.


pinkpapyrus August 6 2014, 22:41:18 UTC
:D Well, thank you! That made me smile~

He can act! Inconsistently and not as well as when he was 18, but he can! :D

Thank you for writing about it.

Thank you also for leaving a comment!


yoki_seity August 5 2014, 07:19:53 UTC
Thank you for the report!
I had so much fun reading it, because I have no opportunity even to go the Japan in the near future :(
And I'm happy for you :D


pinkpapyrus August 6 2014, 22:41:52 UTC
I'm happy you enjoyed it! :D

May you receive a miraculous trip here in the future. ♥


farsju August 5 2014, 08:03:27 UTC
It's not fair if we don't get all the touching his body AND moaning. Not fair. Not fair.


Still, it's also okay to get this PZ because it would be pretty much the first time we would get THE BODEH on DVD.

Tsubasa was there. It was good. Thank you for existing, Tsubasa. :D


pinkpapyrus August 6 2014, 22:48:22 UTC
WE REALLY, REALLY DO. That hotness must not be withheld from the world. u___u

THE BODEH is quite nice. I totally see why he's proud of himself. XD


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