PLAYZONE [August 3]

Aug 05, 2014 10:32

So as far as I can tell Playzone people were like, "This summer's gonna be the last time we EVER perform Playzone in Aoyama!" and then like four days into it Tsubasa was like, "HA no, actually we're gonna do one more in January trollolol ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

karu_chan August 5 2014, 20:56:59 UTC
Thank you for your report.
Just from reading this my heart was beating faster ^^;;;;;;;;;

Very exciting :-)


pinkpapyrus August 6 2014, 22:49:08 UTC
I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! :D I'll try to add a little more detail next time, though. XD


nanu00 August 6 2014, 19:08:16 UTC
thanks for sharing dear, Tsubasa´s voice is just beautiful!and Yarachi´s danc and and ím dying here!


pinkpapyrus August 6 2014, 22:50:04 UTC
My pleasure! I enjoy writing reports, and I'm even happier when people enjoy them. :D


raven_weasley August 7 2014, 04:44:05 UTC
holy neon eye violence

Your report is as awesome as always! I hope you don't mind me linking this report to my friends on twitter?

And I am so happy happy chou happy for you having your Tsubasa time on probably one of the best songs ever written I'm most likely biased with Flower because it's a KinKi original but hey, Tsubasa has been singing this song ever since his Jr days... in a tub lol

I'm also looking forward to the Tomoyuki-Yuma-Kosshi skit on DVD OMG~~ and as someone who hasn't had the chance to watch PZ, I'm with you for the DVDization of It's Bad. Tsubasa, please make it happen~ m(_ _)m

Again, thank you for the report! You're awesome. Excellent job. Well written. Bravo indeed. lol that's totally your bit XD


pinkpapyrus August 7 2014, 15:26:22 UTC
Thank you very much! :D That makes me so happy to hear!

No, no, not at all! Share away. :) ♥

Man, I was so giddy. He even walked by that area yesterday and he didn't high-five anyone, so I must have caught him on a friendly day. :D (Ahhh, the tub. XD)

I think the DVD will have to be a combination of winter and summer because I don't think there's enough new material this time around for it to be just summer on its own, so fingers crossed! All I want is "It's Bad" and then I will want nothing else ever until the next thing. :D

Again, thank you for the report! You're awesome. Excellent job. Well written. Bravo indeed. lol that's totally your bit XD

XDDD You're too kind, really! ♥ But thank you very much all the same. I'm really touched, and you've made me smile a lot. :)


raven_weasley August 8 2014, 07:58:33 UTC
Yay for chancing up on a friendly Tsubasa day! And for more to come!! Ahhhhh I could imagine you and R-san during that moment with Tsubasa~~ <33333

Yes, I also want to see the winter skit among others. I'm joining your finger-crossing vigil to have It's Bad (and the winter skit!) on DVD!!

I swear I almost always fall off my chair every time I read your reports! They're all things entertaining and I love how you put so much detail on your and your companions' squees and giggles I love it so much! :3
I feel sorry for not commenting during that time when I was backreading ALL your TakiTsu con reports. XD I need to tell you your Tottori & Tokushima reports are among my personal favorites❤ and I just saw the actual winter pz reports which I think I missed so I'll be reading them when I get home XD


kiseki04 August 10 2014, 16:55:41 UTC

congrats your braveness!! loll

It always amuse me everytime I read your Fan Report of T&T event. thanks you for sharing it with us :)


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