May 02, 2008 19:15

I only woke up today because it was payday!! and the money went straight to my hiding spot so it can be saved up for my June trip, I only need 400.00 more to go! YAY! LMAO!! :o

So after asking EVERYONE, my boss/friend Katy offered to take me to the airport, isn't that nice? Now I just need to ask my dad if he can pick me up from the airport lmao! : ( Read more... )

trip, life, yeah

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Comments 12

kaoschic84 May 3 2008, 04:49:11 UTC
YAY for payday! that's always good except when you realize it just isn't as much as you wanted.

i think if you want to keep your piercings in you should but if you don't think they look good you shouldn't. That really wasn't that helpful sorry lol.

you're going to be in Dallas by yourself aww I didn't know that. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go I'm still waiting though because I'm trying to talk myself out of it (which probably won't happen) I know I probably shouldn't go being I really don't have the money but damn it I want a J2 sandwich photo op and actually see the two of them together in panels damn it!!

that sounds pretty good compared to muggy and hot like it is here lol. I love cold weather haha.

yay for recruiting new people!


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 14:47:54 UTC
I totally agree although I made more this week than any other week, since I only work part time lol!!

As for my peiricing's, it just seems in some pic's I've taken it shows up right there and it's a tad odd, but then I don't want to walk up the boys with holes shown in my face, LMAO! How odd ha!

I hate the cold :( I've had enough I'm ready for summer ha!
Well let me know if you do go to the con, :) We have to soooo meet up! :)


demonphoenix May 3 2008, 07:28:56 UTC
Wah! Sorry I missed your post! Gosh >.< I need to go through livejournal more often, goodness. I am definitely all for doing dinner on Friday and Sunday night! Will bring along Katrina and... a Japanese girl that I am conversing with over email right now! lol. We will be sure to have a bash :D Now I am going to go and find your previous post and figure out what I am missing...


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 14:45:10 UTC
It's okay, I just happen to be here more often than I used to be, I know so odd lol!

Well that's awesome!! I know that everyone I'm rooming with have gold packages which is why, I asked what I did. :)


demonphoenix May 3 2008, 14:58:04 UTC
Ah right makes sense. hmm well I am not sure what the schedule is... I haven't exactly been keeping up to date, but I definitely want to go to dinner! Too much fun :D


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 23:29:59 UTC
Sounds good :)
and well I think we're all planning to meet in the lobby before check in, since I just want to pay with cash. :)


pinkphoenix1985 May 3 2008, 09:31:14 UTC

wasn't SPN totally amazing!


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 14:42:51 UTC

Yes it was, and I so cannot wait for next week!! :)
It looks SO good :)

Eek! :)


bitterbird May 3 2008, 10:02:26 UTC
payday is always the best!
Im sure you will meet some nice people at the con


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 14:41:19 UTC
Thanks, me too :)
I wish you were going :( you seem a lot of fun ;)


kelzies May 3 2008, 23:32:40 UTC
YAY payday!!

I don't know about the piercings - it's totally up to you! If they really stand out maybe it would be best not to have them... I don't know! LOL.

Naww I'm sure you'll meet up with some people at the con :D


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 23:36:46 UTC
Yes, and the money is hidden lmao! :)

I so badly want to go shopping ha!

Yeah, I'll see how I feel when it gets closer. :\

I just feel odd that if I take them out they will see holes lmfao!

I'm trying to just find some people that are perferred packages as I am.


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