May 02, 2008 19:15

I only woke up today because it was payday!! and the money went straight to my hiding spot so it can be saved up for my June trip, I only need 400.00 more to go! YAY! LMAO!! :o

So after asking EVERYONE, my boss/friend Katy offered to take me to the airport, isn't that nice? Now I just need to ask my dad if he can pick me up from the airport lmao! :o

So I'm thinking for my Dallas con photo's, I've been thinking about taking out my peircing's, like my lip and eyebrow, what do you think? :[ I'm just thinking I paid money for these, I want them to look good, ya know? *sighs*

Well looks like I'm alone for Dallas, no one replied to my other post about photo group pic's, wanting to do dinner on Friday and Sunday night, etc...


I'm waiting for Yaz to be here, she's a little girl I babysit at times.

Today was frickin cold and windy!! I hate it, yesterday it snowed, ugh Colorado blows!!!

Supernatural was amazing last night, and I cannot wait for next week's and also I think I'm getting Yaz into the show as well :) she watched it with me last night but I had to cover her eyes on some parts lmao! :)

trip, life, yeah

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