why is it....

Jun 27, 2009 08:15

that when there is a call for rain that it does not commence until I have to step outside?  This has happened too frequently for me to think that it is a coincidence.  Yesterday I was in a meeting until 12.  Usually when I have meetings that go to that time (and this one had been 2.5 hours in length) I sit at my desk for 20 minutes and decompress ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

gentlehobbit June 27 2009, 16:13:53 UTC
I take it you didn't get soaked then, when you finally walked home?

Could you send us some of your rain? We need it badly for the farmers...



pink_lady2 June 27 2009, 18:06:15 UTC
I would happily send some over. I would probably have to walk there though to get it to follow. We have actually had quite a bit of rain this spring but it has gotten very hot and humid today. Makes the plants very happy. I need to split my basil in the back as it is being very happy as a bush.


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