What Makes a Family Part 6 (Karisverse Story 3)

Jun 20, 2010 07:42

So here is part 6 (the final chapter) of the What Makes a Family series in the Karisverse.  I hope you all like it.  I will be continuing to write stories in the Karisverse.  I have a few ideas for more stories.  Feedback is always welcome.  Please enjoy.

Title:  What Makes a Family Part 6 (Karisverse Story 3)

Author:  pink_glitter_26 aka Faith Monroe

Pairing:  Adam/Kris

Rating: G

Disclaimer:  I do no own Adam, Kris, or Allison.  This story is purely fictional.

Summary:  A special arrival

Author’s Notes:  I hope that you enjoy this story.  This is the last part of the What Makes a Family series.  I will be continuing to write in the Karisverse though.  Feedback is always welcome.

“You know I think that what you’re doing for them is amazing.”  Tommy told Allison as he handed her a glass of water.

Tommy and Allison were sitting by the pool.  They watched as Adam and Kris played with Karis in the cool water.

“Really?”  Allison questioned him with a smile.

“Of course…Adam and Kris are great fathers.  Just look at them.”  Tommy replied.

Allison and Tommy both looked at the family in the pool.  Kris and Adam were throwing Karis back and forth in the water.  She was squealing in delight.  Allison smiled at them.  She had been all for this from the beginning, but it was moments like this that really confirmed that she had made the right decision.

“Uncle Tommy, are you coming in the pool?!”  Karis shouted.

“Be right there.”  Tommy responded.

He got up from the table and winked at Allison.  He took off running and did a cannonball into the pool.  He landed right beside Adam, Kris, and Karis splashing them all in the process.  When he came up from under the water, he took Karis from Adam’s arms and started swimming around the pool with her.

A few days later, Adam and Kris took Allison to the doctor for a routine check up.  She was about a month away from her due date and she had started having weekly appointments.  The midwife came in and checked her before leaving to get the doctor.  The three of them started to worry a little bit because they had seen just a hint of panic in her eyes.  When the doctor entered the room, she looked over a few things before addressing them.

“Well, I’d like to admit Allison to the hospital.”

“Is there something wrong with the baby?”  Allison asked worriedly.

“She’s not in any distress right now.  It appears as though she’s moving into position.  My concern is you’re blood pressure.  It’s a little high.  I want to monitor you for a few hours.  If we don’t get it under control, then I will probably have to induce labor unless you go into labor on your own.”  The doctor explained.

Kris and Adam just shook their heads in agreement with the doctor.

By lunch time, Allison was in the hospital.  Kris and Adam were with her and everyone was on edge.  A lot of friends and family had gathered at the hospital as well.  The doctor kept a close eye on her.  After being there for a few hours, Allison began to have contractions and her water broke.  Adison was ready to make her appearance.

“First time mothers can have pretty long labors, so I’d say by about midnight we should have a baby.”  The doctor explained.  It was only around six in the evening.  Allison was in a lot of pain and couldn’t imagine having to endure it for another six hours.

When the doctor checked her an hour later, she was shocked to discover that Allison was completely dilated.  The baby was ready to come.

Up to this point, Adam and Kris had barely left Allison’s side.  They both planned on being with her when the baby was delivered.  However, at the news that Allison was ready to start pushing, Kris had turned white as a sheet.

“I don’t think I can do this.  I…I can’t be here.”  Kris muttered as he headed for the door.

Allison and Adam exchanged worried looks.  “You should go check on him.”  Allison spoke as the contraction subsided.

“I’ll be right back.”  Adam replied as he rushed from the room.

Kris was out in the hallway pacing.

“What’s wrong, baby?”  Adam inquired placing his hands on Kris’ shoulders.

“I thought that I could be in there when our baby is born, but I just can’t.  It’s too much.  All I can think about is when Karis was born and what happened with Katy.  I felt like I couldn’t breathe in there.”  Kris explained laying his head against his husband’s chest.

“ It’s okay.”  Adam whispered hugging him tight.

“Is everything alright?”  Tommy questioned as he walked up the hall.

“It’s fine.  Allison’s ready to push.  Kris is having a hard time dealing with everything though.  Could you take him back to the waiting room with everyone and let them know that the baby should be here very soon?”  Adam asked his friend.

“Of course.”  Tommy responded as wrapped one arm around Kris and started leading him down the hallway.

Adam watched them walk away for a moment.  Suddenly, he heard Allison scream and he headed back into the room.  He took his place by her side and held her hand.  She squeezed and he thought that she might break his hand, but he really didn’t care.  She was about to have his baby and was going through more pain than he could ever imagine, so he figured that he could handle a broken hand.

“Is he okay?”  Allison panted when the contraction let up again.

“He’ll be fine.  I sent him with Tommy to the waiting room.  He was remembering what happened when Karis was born.  He couldn’t deal like he thought he’d be able to.”  Adam explained smoothing her hair.

“We’re all ready.  With the next contraction, I want you to push.”  The doctor told Allison.

Twenty minutes and several good pushes later, Adison was taking her first breathe and screaming.  Adam had tears running down his face as they placed the baby in Allison’s arms.  She was also crying.

“She’s gorgeous…Looks just like her daddy.”  Allison declared.

Adam was speechless.  He watched the nurse take Adison to clean her off.  The doctors checked her over and determined that even though she was early, she was perfectly healthy.

Once she was all cleaned up and had been given a good bill of health, Adam was told that he could take her out to the waiting room to meet her family.  He held her close and gently kissed her forehead as he carried her down the hall.  As soon as he walked into the waiting room, everyone turned to look at him.

“I’d like to introduce you all to Adison Kim Allen-Lambert.”  Adam announced as he walked into the room and headed toward Kris.

Adam knelt down in front of Kris and handed him the baby.  Kris took her and smiled through the tears that were streaming down his face.

“She’s perfect, Kris.  She’s healthy.  She has ten fingers and ten toes.  She weighs eight pounds even.  Allison’s good too.  She’s tired, but she’s fine.”  Adam assured his husband.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”  Kris whispered.

“It’s okay.  I love you.”  Adam declared looking Kris right in the eye.

“I love you too.”  Kris replied before leaning in and sharing a chaste kiss with Adam.

Once Kris had his turn with Adison, she was passed around to just about everyone else.  They were all instantly in love with the little girl.  Adam and Kris knew that she was going to be spoiled.

Adam sat with his arm around Kris and looked around the room.  Allison’s sister was holding the baby now.  Adam smiled brightly as he saw all the faces.  Kris’ family, his family, Allison’s family, and all their friends, who were really extended family, were there.  It might be an unconventional family, but somehow they were all making it work.  Because after all, love is what makes a family and not just blood.

kris allen, family, fanfic, adam/kris, adam lambert, allison iraheta

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