Story for Glam_Bingo: I Think I Wanna Marry You

Dec 16, 2010 10:07

Title:  I Think I Wanna Marry You

Prompt:  Future:  Marriage

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  R

Warnings:  language

Summary:  The glamily is in Las Vegas and something a little crazy happens.

Word Count:  2192

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.  It was inspired by the Bruno Mars’ song “Marry You.”  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

The glamily was in Las Vegas…a stop on their second tour.  They actually had a few days in the city being as they were playing two shows there.

The day started out normally enough.  They all met for breakfast.  They had the whole day off, so they were going to decide what to do.   Unfortunately, they couldn’t reach a consensus.  They broke into groups to do their own things.  Monte, Isaac, and Cam went to gamble.  Sasha, Brooke, Taylor, and Terrence went to meet up with a dancer friend.  They had already volunteered their time off to teach a dance class to local students.  That left Tommy and Adam.  Tommy didn’t care what they did and Adam wanted to go shopping, so they went shopping.

Adam and Tommy were glad to spend the day together.  It had been awhile since just the two of them had hung out.  They spent the morning going from shop to shop.  Adam spent a lot of money.  Tommy didn’t buy anything, but he had fun helping Adam pick things out.

At lunch time, they stopped to eat.  Adam decided that he had enough shopping.  They decided to spend the afternoon by the pool at the hotel.

Adam and Tommy spent the afternoon lounging by the pool.  Tommy drank beer.  Adam drank margaritas.  They were left blissfully alone.

Everyone met up again for dinner.  They decided to go out to a club after their meal.  When they were done eating, they all returned to their rooms to get ready.

When they got to the club, Adam ordered them a round of Petron shots.  After they downed the shots, Adam forced Tommy out onto the dance floor.  He knew that Tommy hated to dance, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer.  Tommy was feeling the effects of the alcohol he’d been consuming, so he didn’t put up too much of a fight.

As they were dancing, something changed.  They were looking into each other’s eyes and it felt like time was slowing down.  It felt like they were the only two people in the room.

Adam smiled and leaned in to press his lips to Tommy’s lips.  He expected a little resistance, but found none.  Eagerly, Tommy returned the kiss.

“Let’s go get some air.”  Tommy spoke when they broke the kiss.

He didn’t wait for Adam to respond.  He took his hand and led him to the exit.

When they were outside, Tommy leaned against the building and took a deep breath.  Adam leaned against the wall beside him.

“It’s a beautiful night.”  Adam stated as he looked up at the sky.  The stars were bright and the moon was full.

“Hey, baby, I think I wanna marry you.”  Tommy replied suddenly as he followed Adam’s gaze to the sky.

“What?”  Adam asked in confusion as he looked back toward Tommy.

“Let’s get married.”  Tommy declared as he reached over and grabbed Adam’s hand.

Adam laced their fingers together.  He looked into Tommy’s eyes.  He thought he must be joking, but he looked dead serious.  Adam thought about it for a moment.  There was nothing stopping them.  Gay marriage had been legalized in all fifty states over six months ago.  He loved Tommy.  He had for a long time.  He knew that Tommy cared about him.  Did it really matter that they weren’t together or that they’d never been together?

“Okay.”  Adam whispered with a smile.

Tommy smiled back and leaned in to kiss Adam.  Once they ended the kiss, they walked hand in hand to find a chapel.

It took them a few tries to find a place that was open and married gay couples.  Some of the chapels still didn’t, even though it was legal.

Adam and Tommy got married by an Elvis impersonator with two strangers as their witnesses.  An hour later, they stumbled into Adam’s hotel suite with cheap rings on their fingers and a marriage certificate.  They were all over each other and quickly tumbled into bed.

Adam woke up in the morning with a headache.  It wasn’t a full blown hang over, but it was pretty close.  He blinked his eyes a few times and tried to adjust to the light from the open curtains.

After his mind cleared a little, Adam realized that he was naked and in bed with someone.  He wasn’t sure if he’d actually had sex, but he felt sticky on his stomach.  He moved to sit up, but didn’t turn to look at who was occupying the other half of the bed.  He wiped his hands over his face and felt a ring scratch him.  He never wore jewelry to bed.  He looked at it and discovered that it was a wedding band.

“Shit!”  Adam cursed.

Slowly, he turned and looked at his bed partner.

“Fuck!”  Adam shouted as he jumped out of bed.

His shout disturbed Tommy, who moaned and slowly opened his eyes.  Adam stared at him in shock.  Tommy met his eyes and slowly everything came flooding back to both of them.  They remembered the club, the dancing, the kissing, a marriage proposal, and an Elvis impersonator.  Quickly, Tommy sat up.  The room spun a little.  He looked at his left hand and gasped.

“Did we…Are we…Did we get married last night?”  Tommy stammered as he looked from his hand to Adam.

“Yeah, we did.”  Adam replied quickly as he picked up the marriage certificate.

Tommy moved to the end of the bed and placed his feet on the floor.  He hung his head and rubbed his temples.  Adam sat down beside him still clutching the piece of paper.  He was in shock.  They sat in silence for awhile.  They were both processing this new development.

“What are we going to do, Tommy?”  Adam asked when he couldn’t take the silence anymore.  “It’s probably all over the internet by now.  Lane and my Mom are gonna kill me.”  Adam was getting upset.

“Calm down, Adam.”  Tommy spoke as he moved closer and put his arm around him.

Adam sighed and relaxed into Tommy’s embrace.  It was always so easy and comfortable with them.  Tommy laced their fingers together and squeezed Adam’s hand.  Gently, he rubbed Adam’s back.

“I don’t regret it.”  Tommy stated after a few moments.

“You don’t?”  Adam inquired snapping his head up to look at him.

“No.  I asked you to marry me if you remember correctly.”  Tommy told him.

“But you were drunk.  We both were.”  Adam added.

“I wasn’t that drunk.  I knew what I was doing.  There’s been something between us since we met.”  Tommy explained.

“Something to build a marriage on?”  Adam asked hopefully.

“I think so.  Do you?”  Tommy asked as he gripped Adam’s chin and forced him to look him in the eyes.

Adam took a moment to really look at Tommy.  He saw absolute truth and love in his eyes.

“Yeah.”  Adam breathed.

Tommy smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

“So what now?”  Adam questioned when they broke the kiss.

“It’s still early.  We have time before we have to be anywhere.  Let’s get back in bed.  I want to make love to my husband.”  Tommy responded as he nuzzled Adam’s neck.

“Husband.”  Adam whispered trying out the word.  He never really thought that he’d have one or be one.  “I like the sound of that.”

“Me too.”  Tommy stated before kissing Adam’s neck.

The newlyweds climbed back into bed.  They kissed and touched one another.  Eventually, they made lover.  Adam couldn’t remember ever being happier.

A few hours later, they decided that it was time to face reality.  They were pleasantly surprised when they turned on their phones and the television.  The news of their nuptials hadn’t broken yet.  They had no idea how they had managed to get married without anyone finding out.

Even though, the story hadn’t broken yet, they knew that it was only a matter of time.  They decided that they had some phone calls to make.  They called the rest of the glamily to arrange to meet for a late breakfast.  They didn’t tell them what was going on yet.  Adam and Tommy called their Moms next.  Both Moms were a little upset and shocked that their sons had just run off and gotten married.  After the initial shock wore off, they were both happy to know that their kids were happy.  After their mothers, they called a few other family members and friends who they wanted to let know personally.  They made everyone promise to keep their mouths shut until the official statement was released.  They saved the call to Lane for last.  They knew that she was going to be the most difficult to tell.

“You and Tommy got married last night?  Are you fucking kidding me?”  Lane quizzed shrilly after Adam broke the news.

“I’m serious.”  Adam stated calmly.

“I knew booking you for two shows in Las Vegas was a mistake.  I knew giving you down time in Las Vegas was an even bigger mistake.  I knew you were going to do this, Adam.  I just didn’t know that it would be with your supposedly straight bassist slash best friend.  What were you thinking?  The media is going to have a field day with this.  I can’t believe that they haven’t already picked the story up.  We have to figure out how to handle this.  We have to…”  Lane rambled.

“Lane, just breathe.  It’s gonna be fine.  We’ve already told some people like our moms and some family and friends.  We’re meeting with the rest of the band and dancers in a little bit to tell them.  We asked everyone to keep it quiet until the official announcement is made.”  Adam explained.

“We thought that we’d announce it publicly at the show tonight.  People are gonna be shocked or upset or happy or sad or whatever.  We’ll deal with that as it comes.”  Tommy added as he squeezed Adam’s hand and smiled at him.

“Yeah…Okay, I’ll prepare a press release to send out after the show and I’ll talk to the label.”  Lane told them as he finally calmed down.

Adam and Tommy talked to Lane fore a few more minutes.  They discussed what to include in the press release.

After they got off the phone with her, they quickly got ready to meet their friends for breakfast.  They walked into the restaurant that was empty as nonchalantly as possible.

“Holy shit!  You two got married!”  Sasha exclaimed loudly as they neared the table.

Quickly, she clapped her hand over her mouth and looked around.  She hadn’t meant to be so loud.  The waitress had looked over, but she didn’t seem too interested in them.

“How did you know?”  Adam asked as they sat down.

“I saw the rings.”  Sasha replied.

“So you two got married…like to each other?”  Taylor inquired in confusion.

“Yes.”  Tommy answered as he held Adam’s hand.

“But you weren’t…I mean, we didn’t even know you were together.”  Isaac added.

“We weren’t together.”  Adam told them.  Everyone looked at them in confusion.

“It just kinda happened, but neither of us regrets it and we’re going to stay together and make it work.”  Tommy explained.

“Well, I for one, think that it’s about time the two of you got your heads out of your asses and stopped pretending that you were only friends and did something about it.  Congrats!”  Monte declared as he raised his glass to them.

Monte’s support made all the different.  The rest of the glamily got on board with the new development and offered their own congratulations.

Adam and Tommy were pretty busy for the rest of the day getting ready for the show.  However, they started to hear rumblings of their supposed nuptials.  Apparently, no one had been able to confirm it yet.  Adam was glad that he didn’t have any interviews scheduled.  He wasn’t ready to be bombarded with questions.

After the first song of the night, Adam always took a break to welcome the audience to the show.  Tonight, he had more important things to tell them.

“So welcome to the show.  By now, I’m sure that some of you have heard some of the rumors that are going around.  Last night, I did something a little crazy.  I got married.”  Adam declared as he held up his left hand to show off his ring.  The crowd cheered.

“It was crazy, but the best thing I’ve ever done.  So do you all want to meet my husband?”  Adam asked with a giggle.  The crowd cheered louder.

Adam smiled and walked over to Tommy.  He was smiling too.  The crowd went wild.  Adam leaned in and kissed Tommy passionately.  The crowd went crazy as the two men kissed.  Tommy placed his left hand on Adam’s cheek.  He wanted everyone to see that he was wearing a ring as well.

They had no idea what was going to happen next, but they really didn’t care.  They would face it together.  Even though it had been an impulse, they both believed that the marriage was going to be the best thing they ever did.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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