Story For Glam_Bingo: It Gets Better

Dec 10, 2010 19:18

Title:  It Gets Better

Prompt:  TV/Movie:  Glee

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy and a little Kurt/Blaine

Rating:  G

Warnings:  none

Disclaimer:  I do not own any of the characters in this story.  It is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  Adam and Kurt talk about life.

Word Count:  932

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

“Are you alright?”  Adam asked the young man sitting on the steps outside the school.

“I’m fine.”  The young man replied.

“You’re the new kid…Kurt Hummel, right?”  Adam inquired as he sat down next to him.

“Yeah…I’m sorry I don’t know who you are.”  Kurt responded.

“I’m Mr. Lambert, the drama teacher.”  Adam replied as he reached out his hand to Kurt.

“Nice to meet you.”  Kurt spoke shaking his hand.

“Are you sure that you’re alright?  You look upset about something.”  Adam stated.

“I thought that transferring here would make me happier.  I was getting bullied at my old school and I didn’t feel safe there.”  Kurt told him.

“I’m sorry to hear that.  We have a strict no tolerance policy here about bullying.  Why aren’t you happier here?  Do you miss your old friends?”  Adam quizzed.

“I do miss them.  At my old school, I was different.  I didn’t fit in, but my friends didn’t either.  Here I’m just like everyone else…Well, maybe not just like everyone else, but…”  Kurt explained.

“But you liked standing out.”  Adam finished for him.  He could definitely identify with this young man.

“I did…I just didn’t like being afraid.”  Kurt replied sadly.

“I know that adults say this all the time, but I really do know how you feel and it does get better.”  Adam declared.

Kurt looked at him skeptically.  He had tears forming in his eyes.

“When I was in high school, I was red headed and chubby.  I got made fun of all the time.  When I realized that I was gay and people found out, I got picked on even more.  There were some pretty bad times.  I got beat up a few times.  I was afraid too.  Luckily, I had a group of pretty awesome friends.  They stood up for me…helped me stand up for myself.”  Adam told him.

“My friends stood up for me too.  They got into a fight with the guy that was harassing me, but I just ran away.  Even after they promised to have my back.”  Kurt responded as a few tears fell.  He felt like he had let his friends down.

“Kurt, I can’t tell you what to do and every situation is different, but I will say that I felt better after I confronted the kids that were bullying me.  I took the power back.  I wasn’t afraid anymore.”  Adam explained as he reached over and squeezed Kurt’s shoulder.

“I did confront him once.  He kissed me.”  Kurt admitted.  “And then the bullying got worse.  He threatened to kill me.”

“Unfortunately, I’ve seen that happen before.  Obviously, this boy is having a hard time accepting some facts about himself, so he’s taking it out on you.  Until he does accept who he is, he will probably continue to lash out.”  Adam told him.

“Adam, there you are…Sorry, I’m late.”  A blonde man called as he approached them.

Adam turned and looked at the man.  He smiled brightly and stood up.

“It’s okay.  Kurt and I were just having a little talk.”  Adam spoke as he hugged the man and kissed him quickly.

Kurt watched them and felt a little hope that things could get better.  He also felt a little sad that he didn’t have anyone.

“Kurt, this is my partner Tommy.  Tommy, this is Kurt.  He’s a new student.”  Adam introduced them as he kept his arm around Tommy.

“Nice to meet you.”  Tommy spoke as he reached out to shake Kurt’s hand.

“You too.”  Kurt responded as he stood up and shook his hand.

“We have to get going, but if you ever need to talk, my office door is open…And Tommy runs a support group for gay teens at the community center.”  Adam told him.

“We meet on Saturdays at one.  Join us anytime.”  Tommy told him.  “Here’s my card.  It has my cell phone.  You can call any time you need to talk about anything.”

“Thanks.”  Kurt replied with a smile as he took the card.

“Kurt!”  Blaine called as he exited the building.

All three men turned and looked at him.  Blaine hurried down the steps.  Kurt smiled a little more as he approached.  Adam and Tommy both saw a look pass between Blaine and Kurt.  They smiled at the young men.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.  Are you okay?”  Blaine inquired as he joined their group.

“I’m okay.  Mr. Lambert and I had a nice talk.”  Kurt replied with a smile at Adam.

“I was telling Kurt that he should come to the meeting sometime…Maybe you could bring him, Blaine.”  Tommy suggested.

“Of course…If he wants to go.”  Blaine replied.

“I think that I would.”  Kurt stated.

“Well, we’ll leave you two to talk.  Remember if you ever need anything, Kurt, my door is open.”  Adam told him.

Kurt thanked him again.  Adam and Tommy walked away with their arms around one another.

“Is he going to be okay?”  Tommy asked when they were out of ear shot.

Adam looked over his shoulder.  Kurt and Blaine were laughing.  Adam smiled.

“I think he’s going to be just fine.”  Adam replied before kissing Tommy’s temple.

The two men got into Tommy’s car.  He drove home.  As he drove, Adam thought about Kurt.  He really did remind him of himself at that age.  He hoped that Kurt would find his place…find someone to love like he had with Tommy.

“I love you.”  Tommy declared reaching over to take Adam’s hand.

Adam was pulled from his thoughts.  He smiled at Tommy.

“I love you too.”  Adam responded sweetly.

adam/tommy, glee, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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