Story for glam_Bingo: Thankful for You

Nov 28, 2010 13:43

Title:  Thankful for You
Prompt:  Holiday:  Thanksgiving
Pairing:  Adam/Tommy
Rating:  NC 17
Warnings:  language and m/m sex
Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
Summary:  Tommy is a little depressed.  Adam wants to make him feel better.
Word Count:  2381
Author's Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.  I just wrote it in about 2 hours.  My original intention was to write a sweet little Thanksgiving story to fill up my prompt for glam_bingo.  However, this story turned into something completely different...smut.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

“What’s wrong, Tommy?”  Adam inquired as he sat down beside him.  They were in Zurich.

“Nothing really.  It’s just that Thursday is Thanksgiving back home, but we aren’t going to be there.”  Tommy explained.

“Oh…Um…If you want to go home for Thanksgiving, you can.  I mean we’ll miss you, but family’s more important.  We can figure out a show or two without you.”  Adam told him.

“Thanks.  That’s so nice of you to offer, but I don’t want to go home.  It wouldn’t be the same without my father anyway.  I guess I’m just a little depressed.  Thanksgiving is like my third favorite holiday.”  Tommy stated with a weak smile.

“Your third favorite holiday?  What are your first two?”  Adam quizzed as he pulled his friend into a hug.

“Well, my first is Halloween obviously and my second is Christmas…”  Tommy replied.

“Because you like to get presents.”  Adam finished with a laugh.

“Yeah, well, that’s part of it.  Who doesn’t like to get presents?  But it’s also because I like to give people presents.”  Tommy enlightened with a chuckle of his own.

“So Thanksgiving is your third favorite because of all the food?”  Adam inquired.

“Of course…You know how I love my food.”  Tommy declared with a smile.

“I don’t know how you can eat so much and stay so thin.”  Adam responded before leaning over and kissing Tommy’s forehead.

As they performed that night, Adam began to formulate a plan in his head.  He wanted to do something nice for Tommy.  It had been a tough year for him.  He deserved some happiness.

On Thanksgiving, the glamily had the day off.  There was no show or interviews or anything.  They were in England.  Adam had talked to everyone and made arrangements for them to have a huge traditional Thanksgiving dinner at their hotel.  Tommy had no idea what was going on.

“Where are we going?”  Tommy asked as Adam dragged him from his room.

Tommy had been planning on sleeping.  He loved to use days off to catch up on his sleep.

“It’s a surprise.”  Adam told him as they continued along.

Everyone was in the Banquet room when Adam led Tommy through the door.  They all looked at Tommy.  He looked at them and then turned to Adam.

“What is all this, Adam?”  Tommy asked in shock.

“This is Thanksgiving, glitterbaby.  I know that you were upset that we were missing it back home and I know that it’s been a rough year for you, so I wanted to do something nice.”  Adam explained with a bright smile.

“Babyboy, this is beyond nice.  You are really amazing.”  Tommy declared before kissing Adam’s cheek.  “Thank you.”

Tommy walked over to the table and took an empty seat next to Monte.  Adam followed him and sat beside Taylor.  Once everyone was settled in, the food was quickly passed around.  Even though it was for Tommy, everyone was glad that Adam had put this together.  They weren’t with their families back home, but they were still with family.

They ate and drank until they were stuffed.  They talked and laughed.  Tommy felt better than he had in months.

“Did you like our Thanksgiving?  I know it’s not the same as being home with family.”  Adam questioned as they walked back to their rooms.

“I loved it and I was with family.  You all are my family just as much as my actual family is.”  Tommy told him as he reached for his hand.

Adam smiled at him and laced their fingers together.  They stopped when they reached Adam’s room.

“Do you want to come in for a drink?”  Adam inquired as he took the key out of his pocket.  They were still holding hands.

“Okay.”  Tommy agreed with a smile.

Adam unlocked his door and led the way inside.  Tommy followed him and shut the door behind him.  Adam walked over to the mini-bar.  He took out two mini-bottles of vodka and cranberry juice.  He mixed them drinks.  He handed Tommy his.  They both took a sip and looked at each other.

“What?”  Adam inquired after a moment.  Tommy was looking at him differently.

“I was just thinking that you’re the best friend that I’ve ever had.  I’ve never known someone like you.  You don’t even realize how amazing you truly are.  I mean, how many people would arrange a huge Thanksgiving dinner like that for someone that works for them.”  Tommy answered as they sat down on the couch.

“You know I don’t think of our relationship as employer/employee.  We’re friends…Best friends and I would do anything in my power for any of my friends.  Besides, the dinner was great and I think that everyone really liked it.”  Adam told him.

“Well, however you want to look at it…I’m thankful to have you in my life.”  Tommy stated as he sat his drink down.

“I’m thankful for you too, Tommy.”  Adam returned with a smile.

Tommy smiled back and leaned in.  In the next instant, their lips were touching.  They’d kissed probably a hundred times on stage, but they’d never kissed off stage…not like this anyway.  Tommy ran his tongue along Adam’s lips.  Adam sighed and opened his mouth.  Their tongues slid together as they moved closer to one another.  They tangled their fingers in each other’s hair.

“Tommy, what are we doing?”  Adam asked breathlessly when they broke the kiss.

“Something that we’ve both wanted for a long time.”  Tommy answered quietly before pressing his lips to Adam’s again.

Tommy kissed Adam deeply and pushed him into the corner of the couch.  He crawled into his lap as the kiss intensified.  His hands were pawing at Adam’s clothes.  He wanted them gone.

“God, Adam, I want you so much.”  Tommy panted breaking the kiss again.

“I want you too, Tommy…Want you so bad.”  Adam mumbled before attacking Tommy’s neck.

“Fuck!  We need to be naked right now!”  Tommy declared as he jumped from Adam’s lap and started taking his clothes off.

Adam grinned and stood up.  Tommy was fumbling with his jeans.

“Let me.”  Adam commanded softly as he placed his hands over Tommy’s shaking ones.

Tommy dropped his hands to his side and moaned as Adam undid his pants.  He slid them down and Tommy stepped out of them.  Adam was still fully clothed and he seemed to be taking over.  Tommy was more than okay with that.  Adam ran his hands all over Tommy’s body.  He shuddered at the feather light touches.  The singer’s hand stopped on his stomach and he looked the bassist in the eyes.

“Are you sure you want this, glitterbaby?”  Adam asked quietly.

“I’m sure.”  Tommy whispered as his voice cracked.

“Are you nervous?”  Adam inquired as he stepped closer and placed light kisses on Tommy’s shoulder.

“I probably should be.  I’ve never been with a man before, but it’s you.  I trust you.”  Tommy responded as Adam finally took him in his hand.

“I’ll go slowly.  I’ll make you feel so good…so loved…And we can stop anytime you want to…Okay?” Adam breathed into Tommy’s ear.

“O…O...Kay…”  Tommy stuttered as Adam slowly stroked him and kissed his neck.

Tommy wrapped his arms around Adam and pulled him closer.  He needed to feel them pressed together.  He wished that Adam was naked.

“Babyboy, take your clothes off, please.”  Tommy begged.

He felt the singer smile against his neck.  Adam released Tommy and stepped away from him.  Tommy groaned at the loss of contact.

“Go lie down on the bed, baby.”  Adam commanded as he pointed the blonde in the direction of the bed.

Tommy walked toward the bed.  Adam swatted him on the butt playfully as he walked away.  The bassist turned around and smiled at the singer.

Tommy crawled on the bed.  He propped himself up with some pillows.  Adam waited until he was comfortable before he started removing his clothes.  He gave Tommy a little show.  The bassist had a smile on his face the whole time.  He couldn’t count the number of times that he had imagined Adam doing this when he’d watched him dance around the stage.

When Adam was naked, he climbed on the bed with Tommy.  They kissed passionately and allowed their hands to wander each other’s sweaty bodies.  After several minutes of intense making out, Adam moved away from Tommy slightly.  He started to get up from the bed.  Tommy tried to hold him closer.

“I’ll be right back, baby.  I have to get some things from my bag in the bathroom.”  Adam told him before dropping a kiss on his forehead.

“Hurry up.”  Tommy demanded as Adam scurried to the bathroom.

While Adam was in the bathroom, Tommy took matters into his own hand.  He wrapped his hand around his aching cock and stroked slowly.  As Adam came back into the bedroom, he saw Tommy and stopped.  He let out a moan.

“We have a slight complication.”  Adam stated as he walked back toward the bed.  Tommy stopped what he was doing and looked at Adam with confusion.

“What?”  Tommy asked.  He was sure that Adam was going to tell him that he couldn’t go through with it.

“I don’t have any condoms.  I have lube, but absolutely no condoms.  I have no idea how that happened.  I had a box.  I must have lost them somewhere.”  Adam explained as he lay back down with Tommy.

“Is that all?”  Tommy asked in relief.  “We don’t really need any condoms.”

“No…We can just touch each other to get…”  Adam started to say as he ran his hand along Tommy’s chest.

“We could, but I meant that we don’t need condoms at all…like ever.  I’m clean and I’m pretty sure that you are too.”  Tommy interrupted.

“I’m clean…But are you sure?”  Adam asked softly.

“I’m sure.”  Tommy answered as he pulled Adam closer to him.

They kissed fiercely for several minutes and ran their hands along one another’s bodies.

“How do you want to do this?”  Adam questioned after a few minutes.

“Jesus, Adam, you ask too many damn questions!”  Tommy declared in frustration.

“I know, baby, but being as this is your first time with a man I wasn’t sure if you would want to be the top or the bottom.  I’m fine with either.”  Adam explained.

“I want you…I want this…”  Tommy grabbed Adam’s erection in his hand.  “Inside me.”

“Fuck…Okay.”  Adam breathed as Tommy stroked him.

After a few moments, he swatted Tommy’s hand away.  He’d never last if he kept that up.  The singer rolled the bassist onto his back and started kissing all over his body.  He licked, nipped, and sucked everywhere, but where Tommy really wanted him to.  Finally, he took Tommy into his mouth and slipped the tip of his finger into the blonde.  Tommy hadn’t even realized that Adam had lubed his fingers up.

“Fuck…Adam…Baby.”  Tommy drawled as he gripped Adam’s hair.

Adam smiled and continued what he was doing.  Tommy writhed and moaned underneath him.  In no time at all, Adam had three fingers inside Tommy.  The blonde was very responsive.  With one final thrust of his fingers, the singer hit Tommy’s sweet spot.  The bassist screamed Adam’s name and came in his mouth without any warning.  Adam didn’t mind though.  He swallowed everything and then kissed his way back up Tommy’s body.

“Fuck, Adam, I can’t believe that I’ve been missing out on that all my life.  That was the most fucking unbelievable experience I’ve ever had.”  Tommy panted as he tried to breathe normally again.

“Oh, baby, it’s about to get even better…Trust me.”  Adam whispered in his ear.

Tommy moaned at the thought.

“Do you want to be on your back or on all fours?”  Adam inquired as he lubed himself up.

Another fucking question, Tommy thought.

“I don’t care…whatever you want…I just need you inside me.”  Tommy stated after a moment.

Adam smiled and leaned down to kiss Tommy’s lips.  As they were kissing, Adam lined himself up and slipped into Tommy.  They both moaned and the bassist squeezed his eyes shut.  It had been uncomfortable when Adam had used his fingers.  Adam’s cock was a lot bigger than his fingers and it hurt like hell.  The singer stayed perfectly still.  He lightly kissed Tommy’s face and whispered soothingly.

“Just fucking move, Adam…And kiss me.”  Tommy demanded through gritted teeth.

Adam followed Tommy’s orders.  He slowly moved in and out of the bassist.  He pressed their lips together in a sloppy kiss.  After a few moments, Tommy got used to the feeling and it started to feel good.  He moaned in pleasure between Adam’s kisses.

His moans sent Adam over the edge.  He moved faster and harder.  He broke the kiss and concentrated on his thrusts.  Tommy dug his fingernails into Adam’s lower back as he pounded into him.  In moments, Adam was yelling Tommy’s name as he came.

Adam collapsed on top of his new lover.  They were both panting for breathe.  After several long minutes, Adam regained enough composure to pull out of Tommy and roll off of him.  Tommy sighed and rolled onto his side.  They lay face to face still trying to catch their breath.

“Are you okay, Tommy?”  Adam asked when his breathing had almost normalized.

“I’m fucking fantastic.  The fans are right.  You are definitely some type of sex God.”  Tommy replied with a smirk.

“I don’t know about being a sex God, but I definitely know how to make my man feel good.”  Adam responded with a giggle as he leaned in to kiss Tommy again.

“Yeah, you do, baby.”  Tommy stated when they broke the kiss.  “And I don’t just mean the sex.  It was amazing, but you make me feel good all the time…No matter what we are doing.  I’m really thankful for you.”

“I’m thankful for you too.”

Adam leaned in and kissed Tommy yet again.

“Does this mean that you’re my man?”  Adam asked with a grin.

“Fuck yeah.”  Tommy answered as he pressed his body into Adam’s larger one.

The new couple kissed for a long time.  They eventually made love again before drifting off to sleep together.  Tommy’s last thought before succumbing to sleep was that Thanksgiving was now his favorite holiday.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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