3 Drabbles

Jul 05, 2010 01:33

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p: ryopi, p: shigepi, p:tegopi

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Comments 8

yamap_oukoku July 6 2010, 14:50:24 UTC
very sweet ~ i like it.
please more tegopi!? ;)
thanks for sharing


pikira July 6 2010, 15:32:43 UTC
;_; Thank you :3~

It's been so long since any Tegopi at all!! :(


yamap_oukoku July 6 2010, 15:38:45 UTC
been long since u wrote tegopi?
ah tegopi....
we cant have enough *sigh*
i just like how you can write a really short drabble and still make it be cute!
i try that too, i start with two sentence, which become four, seven and eventually i have a whole page -_-" i just CANT keep it short..and if i wouldnt run out of inspiration i would write every day again..-_-"


pikira July 6 2010, 15:55:22 UTC
Haha, I don't suffer from that cuz I'm terribly lazy ^^;;;

It's been so long since I've seen any tegopi on the comms as well ^^;; Though it's been longer since I wrote something -looks at posts-

Omg one year ._____________.;

Thanks for a complement dear ;____;


*Give U a big crushing hug* plumeria_alba July 14 2010, 10:50:07 UTC
I've been busy since forever~~
How are you, Yu-chan??
Miss you and your fic ne :D

PS. I don't know that it's my brain running messily or you changed your writing style a bit?


Re: *Give U a big crushing hug* pikira July 14 2010, 13:01:00 UTC
you!! I missed you!! -glomps-
I'm fine, I hope you are too? :) I'm starting uni next month tho >_<; -nervous-

Eh, I'm not sure, I guess I did change my style abit? Is it better or worse? ^^;;


Congratulation! :D plumeria_alba July 15 2010, 05:36:31 UTC
Really, next month? very exciting ne? Is it law?
adjustment's something everyone has to do ..so it'll be fine sooner or later, fighting V:)

Hearing good news really made my day~~
I've lived under mountains of books ever since, tired ..but it's OK *hug*

About your writing style ..I'm not that sure it's changed 'coz they're short-length (when you write very long~~fic, maybe we will find something *0*)

I went back, read some previous fics and found out that I love your BaruJin fic more than my OTP Pin fic XD (that fic's written differently from the rest ..in a good way or it's just my pervert-thought..IDK but it runs very smoothly and give some SM vibe too! ;D)

Don't worry about my ranting just keep writing ne ..you and your fic always brighten up my day (even angst will be loved~) ♥


Re: Congratulation! :D pikira July 21 2010, 14:04:30 UTC
HON! Sorry for the late reply, I had no internet for a few days ^^;

I wanted to apply for Law and I did qualify for it, but after much consideration, I decided I didn't have the personality for it ^^; My teachers agreed too :(( So I'll be starting Economics this year. It's a subject I love as well!

I knew law was tough! Hang in there!! You are awesome enough to get it :) Do well <3

XD I have a weak spot for short one shots since I'm a terribly terribly LAZY person hehe :3

Bwahahahahaha -sniggers- I liked that style too :3 I didn't really like my Pin fic too much because I felt so confused when I read it XDD I guess I was forcing myself. The Barujin fic was a dare from my friends so I felt like I NEEDED to write it well >333~ Glad you liked it SM QUEEN HEHE

Aw darling, your comments brighten up my day too ;___; Even though I've died from LJ for so long, you still remember me !! -touched-



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