3 Drabbles

Jul 05, 2010 01:33


Ryopi- Rain

On the days when the sun shone brightly enough to rouse him instantly from bed, Nishikido Ryo liked to drag a small table out onto his balcony, microwave his breakfast and sip tea leisurely as he stared at the sky. Didn’t matter who was waiting for him or whether he had urgent work that day, he would sit there, think about nothing and write verse after verse after verse of rhyme and song.

And on those days when the sun did not shine, he would sit on his bed feeling forlorn, infected by the monochrome sky. Then he would run to the place he knew warmth and sunshine never left. To Yamashita Tomohisa.

And everything would be alright.

Tegopi- Home

They lazed around on the marble floor, rolling aimlessly from one end of the room to another, occasionally rolling playfully over each other before settling side by side in the center of the empty apartment.

“I think I like it.”

“Oh?” Yamapi smirked as he tilted his head slightly to meet the younger man’s.

“I definitely like it.” Tegoshi grinned as he shifted to use the older man’s arm as a convenient makeshift pillow.

“Me too.” Yamapi sighed, enjoying the slight pressure upon his arm before plopping his other arm over his partner, bringing the younger idol into his arms.

The next day, the deposit was paid. The apartment was theirs.

They were home.

Shigepi- Importance

Safely nestled into his dressing room, Shige sighed and thought.

He thought endlessly and needlessly over things to think about at his age. Impossible things, related and unrelated things; Thoughts that revolved around a single young man.

A quick rap rap rap on the door roused him from his thoughts.


“Pi, what are you doing here?”

“I was just thinking about you.”

Shige started slightly and smiled.

“What were you thinking about?”

“Dinner, about what you would want to eat, where you’d like to go.” Yamapi grinned. “What were you doing?”

“Thinking about you too.”

“What were you thinking about?”

Marriage, children, how such a future wasn’t possible.

“Nothing important.”

Really, there were more important things.

p: ryopi, p: shigepi, p:tegopi

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