Title: Gazing
Author: pikagyu
Rating: G
Pairing: 2woo (Dongwoo/Woohyun)
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: The clouds are nice that time of year.
AN;; Shortest thing I've written in a while. I know I've been sort of dead, but I've been busy with other things, and I'll be back soon, I promise, lol.
Dongwoo thinks that he might just fall in love. )
Comments 23
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I can see Woohyun like this too. It's his image I think, I dunno how to explain it. Thanks for reading!
All my creys ;__;
It was so short, but so bittersweet. Agh. Why. Agh. I can't. Agh. What is coherency.
Wonderful oneshot is wonderful.
asdfghjkl; ♥
the whole looking at the sky together and such ... soo cuteee
a bit sad but cuteee and i loved it ^^
sigh, i was like :| WHY IS WOOHYUN BEING A DICK AND DOESN'T COMMIT OMFG. lulz now i feel like a huge meanie when its this scenario ;-; sigh. this was really sweet. and hell you say its short but it works just fine because it got a plot across and it itself felt completed. overall lovely :3
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