Egypt = Amazing

Sep 17, 2010 23:43

I still miss it! Although I am happy to be able to drink tap water, and not to have to smother on facter 50 every time I go outside, how can you come home to rainy cold September England and not miss the warmth* and the sun and the wide blue skies ( Read more... )

trips, meme, photos

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Comments 8

arkeiryn September 18 2010, 11:10:46 UTC
how can you come home to rainy cold September England and not miss the warmth* and the sun and the wide blue skies!

I know! I'm sitting here in my thickest fleece shivering, and I only went to Greece! Not looking forward to Durham next week...

Also the one of the rose with the spider is actually really good... you'd think the spider would freak me out, but it didn't...


hanelissar September 18 2010, 16:21:16 UTC
Also, snap. We are just a bunch of freezing cold fish shivering in England wanting to go back to our tropical climes! *sigh*


pigrescuer September 18 2010, 18:19:01 UTC
it is funny that we've all been away to somewhere hot in the last week!


hanelissar September 18 2010, 16:20:40 UTC
I still cannot believe you voluntarily went somewhere that was 45C in the shade! But I am so glad you had such a lovely time!

And those are some lovely lovely red photos. :) Red velvet, woo! Though obviously brown velvet is the superior colour by far. (By the way, I have just packed all your books and your box ready to take back to Bristol, so they will be ready for you when we meet up.)

I think you should for October. Actually no, do orange. Which is close to red I know, but it's such a nice colour! Though if someone suggests a better colour then do that instead. :)



pigrescuer September 18 2010, 18:21:42 UTC
I didn't expect it to be! It said highs of 42 for September.

Lol, one day I will make red velvets! Or green. Or something. Did you see SRB's made red velvets?

Why do I have a box? Did I give you a box? Surely it was just lots of books in your backpack?

I think I will leave green until the winter. It's too easy to do until the leaves drop!


hanelissar September 18 2010, 18:26:46 UTC
Yes I did! And I thought how much better ours probably were, because they had chocolate inside! :D And the box is the box you let me borrow to take my cakes home in! Lunchbox sort of thing, green lid. It went in the plastic bag with my TDL poster as there was no space in the backpack what with all the books!

Yes, I was thinking that. And I guess orange is a bit easy too as Autumn is coming so there will be lots of orange-y leaves. *sigh* Trees conspiring against me! How about white then?



branquignole September 18 2010, 20:01:33 UTC
I love this meme! And I love all the pretty photos. My favourites are actually the Red Velvet Muffin, the white spider in the rose and the Red Square in Moscow. So many places in Russia seem to be so pretty. I have to go there one day. :)

I'd have suggested green for October, but "green" sounds so non-descript. But I think what Han's suggesting would be really interesting - white, I mean. Or turquoise. Or rose!

BTW, chose the reddest icon I have for this comment. Yay, Christmas! Only three months to go. :D


philia_fan September 20 2010, 16:36:13 UTC
Beautiful pix, can't wait to see Egypt!!!! I'm so glad you had fun.


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