I still miss it! Although I am happy to be able to drink tap water, and not to have to smother on facter 50 every time I go outside, how can you come home to rainy cold September England and not miss the warmth* and the sun and the wide blue skies!
Also. The Pyramids are big. Like, really big.
I'm going to do a proper post on Egypt as soon as I get my photos from Tim (he has a new camera, and I hi-jacked it a lot, so he has most of the photos). First I want to do the photo meme I was supposed to do before I went away ^_^
*45C in the shade. At 4pm.
1. Choose three five red pictures from August:
A Red Velvet Muffin, bought from the Angel Food bakery in Brighton. It's red inside! It tasted goooood. :D
My Red Blood Cell - a giant microbe!
Some of my favourite books.
Red London vPost-box
Red Flowers in a park in Brighton
2. Find three red photos from the past:
The first red rose in my garden the summer before last - I didn't notice the spider till I took the picture!
Red fireworks from last bonfire night
The trunk of a tree on Southbank (along the Thames) that was wrapped in red and white polkadot fabric for the whole of last summer
A shot of the club we were in all week of my Freshers' Week last September... the lights are red.
3. The first picture that comes up when you google 'red':
Red algae - these are actually pretty cool because they can photosynthesise in deeper water than most plants as blue light can go further into water
4. Finally, a red picture that isn't red (yours or the internet's):
The Red Square, Moscow. Taken last summer when I was in Russia. Very glad I wasn't there this year at the same time!
If anybody wants to give me a colour for October, go ahead. :)